Cranberry Autumn

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Not available
Cranberry, Dried Fruit, Earth, Smooth, Tart, Wood, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Orange Zest, Spices, Hibiscus, Orange, Honey, Tea
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by laurenpressley
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 3 g 10 oz / 303 ml

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119 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Had a big pot of this last night while watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We’re trying to watch all of the previous Harry Potter’s before the new one comes out. It’s so fun to see...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yesterday, I received a lovely gift package as part of a swap and a tin of this was part of the gift. I was very happy to receive it, it is one that I haven’t yet tried but have wanted to. The...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was the final tea of tea party today! It is the last day of October, we are now officially hurled into the holiday season full force, and I want to celebrate! A long time ago I felt that...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am really enjoying this tea. It’s bold without being bitter, and the hit of cranberry and orange is just right. It’s just what I needed to wake up this morning. I would definitely recommend it to...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Ideally sweet and tart, our Cranberry Autumn is a black tea artfully blended with cranberry and orange flavors. You’ll find it a full bodied brew that is exceptionally smooth and delicious in fall, or anytime if you’re a cranberry fan.

Black tea, hibiscus, cranberry, orange pieces, cranberry flavor, orange flavor. Contains natural flavors.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

119 Tasting Notes

558 tasting notes

Had a big pot of this last night while watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We’re trying to watch all of the previous Harry Potter’s before the new one comes out. It’s so fun to see them so young again. I haven’t seen these beginning years since they first came out!

This tea kept me awake through the film, my hubby still fell asleep. I enjoy the tart cranberries in this tea so much!


Eeeee that is such a good idea. I tend to re-read the books before each film comes out – I’m such a nerd! (I also rewatch all of the Lord of the Rings films every winter holiday – supernerd!).

Next semester my class is the Literature of Childhood, and one of the books we are reading is the Prisoner of Azkaban – can you imagine how excited I am!?!?!


I rewatch the Lord of the Rings about once a month! Can’t wait to see the Deathly Hallows!


I LOVE Harry Potter. I’ve read all the books at least 3 times, and now am re-reading them with my 9-year-old. I am so anxiously awaiting the release of these last 2 movies.


Love the seasonal movie nerdiness…I’m pleased; the temperature is finally going to be right this weekend for the Annual Viewing of Dead Poets’ Society. (Must NOT be watched until the daily high does not exceed 55 degrees. Carpe diem!)


gmathis – I shall take up your tradition :) I think it’s 56 today! Maybe a week or two away for me :)

Meghann M

I wish the books were available for the kindle. I suppose I could always get then from the library to re-read them. I just prefer reading on the kindle now that I have one. I’ll be sad when the last two movies are through:(


I just ordered 4oz of this, coming in tomorrow :D


I recently got a Sony Reader so I totally understand the digital book love! I’m reading David Copperfield on it now – I am loving all the free olde books because most of my copies of the classics are worn paperbacks and unpleasant and hard to read.

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4843 tasting notes

Yesterday, I received a lovely gift package as part of a swap and a tin of this was part of the gift. I was very happy to receive it, it is one that I haven’t yet tried but have wanted to.

The black tea base is pleasant – robust and solid. Strong enough to serve as the first cup of the day – which this happens to be for me. I love the cranberry and orange pairing. It gives it a sweet yet tart/tangy kind of taste that is very appealing, and yet the flavor does not overwhelm the black tea. A nice balance.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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3513 tasting notes

This was the final tea of tea party today! It is the last day of October, we are now officially hurled into the holiday season full force, and I want to celebrate!

A long time ago I felt that Thanksgiving had become just the warm up, inaugural dinner of Christmas and had lost it own meaning, so I made the Thankful Box. There are slips of paper and a pen beside it and anyone can put in a note. We set it out on the first of November, and we take turns pulling out a slip and reading it aloud on Thanksgiving night. So when I say Holiday Season, I really mean two separate holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we draw them out and get all the family time and tradition into them we can, and drag along as many friends as possible!

By the end of our time together on tea party day, we have snacked and talked and laughed, and the final tea is pretty much sipped all by itself. I don’t have to worry about pairings and balances so much because the tea is standing alone. I chose this flavored tea as the final tea for today because it feels like an inaugural tea for the Thanksgiving season! Cranberry and turkey! It was really good. I reserve it for this time of year most of the time. Next week, I think we will have its cranberry companion, Boston, which is nothing at all like it! Both have a place reserved on my tea shelf. I can’t imagine not having them, especially this time of year.


Thank you for keeping Thanksgiving separate and special. I’ve had a turkey on my front door since mid-October!


the us just needs to get with the program and move thanksgiving to october where it should be :) Then its much easier to keep the two separate!

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1473 tasting notes

I am really enjoying this tea. It’s bold without being bitter, and the hit of cranberry and orange is just right. It’s just what I needed to wake up this morning. I would definitely recommend it to any and all of my friends in the US.

Too bad I won’t be getting any more in.

We placed an order with Harney on 4/8/2011. Today is 4/25/2011. Our order still has not shipped, and all e-mails are either left unanswered or forwarded to another department who takes a turn not answering any of them. The only semblance of a response I’ve gotten from anyone is simply “International orders take longer to process than domestic”, which simply isn’t good enough. Other companies seem to be able to handle the processing times just fine without letting them take this long. We’ve canceled our order and won’t bother trying them again. There’s nothing they make that we can’t find here, in the last few weeks we’ve discovered tons of little tea shops in Toronto.

So for my friends in the US, I highly recommend this tea. For my Canadian friends, it’s good, but very much not worth the hassle. Thanks for letting me try this, QueenofTarts, I might have to see if I can find it locally.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

oooh, new tea shops! There aren’t nearly enough of them in the core downtown area where I usually am.


Kensington Market is turning out to be a surprisingly good place to go for teas! And there are tons along Queen Street, we’re going to check out Pippins soon on *Uniquity*’s recommendation.


Aww. Sad.


I’m sad to hear your experience went worse than my own…But on the plus side, your Alice teapot is (hopefully) available at Pippins! Hopefully you can find some more excellent indie stores and make me jealous once again. : )


Uniquity, we tried to spot by Pippins yesterday, actually, I thought of you! We’d never been to that part of Toronto before, it was gorgeous! The teapot there is out of our price range, but we found it elsewhere online. I was just utterly disgusted by the complete lack of customer service. But we look forward to exploring a few more tea shops we’ve found in the area!


I wouldn’t be afraid to let Harney know of their abysmal performance on this front, if I were you. I know you’ve sent e-mails already to them, but to lose not one but many customers (as this is, for the tea community, a pretty “public” gaffe) is something that should be of major concern to them.


I’ve sent many emails, and contacted whoever runs their twitter (I actually got a response there) The twitter convo is as follows:

Me: Utterly disgusted with @HarneyTea. We placed an order on 4/8, still not shipped. Customer Service less than helpful. Canceling our order.

Harney: I apologize for the problems, and our failure to respond to you quickly. Pls. let me know how I can help to make this right.

Me: Improve your international customer service and respond to emails. It shouldn’t take 2 weeks to process an order.

I don’t think anything will actually come of it, but this is just ridiculous. I’m thinking of one last email to customer service, but I’m not sure it’s worth the effort. I do plan to continue to warn my Canadian friends away from them. The tea is good…but not good enough to make up for this junk.

In other news, had a very nice conversation with the people at Pippins today, I might be getting my teapot there after all!


I’ve gotta say, any US based company (tea related or not) that treats Canadian orders as if they’re going to the moon automatically turns me off. I expect lengthy shipping times and potential customs problems, butas you’ve rightly said before, in some cases we are closer than outlying states. I can imagine how the poor Alaskans and Hawaiians must feel (You know how you always see “Free Shipping! Except to Alaska and Hawaii”…)


Yeah, I put the effort into a long, long e-mail to customer service laying out everything that happened that led me to cancel my order and sent it just now. I hope it’s actually read and I hope they actually do something because this is ridiculous and unneeded. We ordered a box of card games from Steve Jackson Games and it managed to be here in a little over a week, processing and shipping times. There’s no excuse for Canadian orders to be treated as “international” orders. In fact, on their website, International is defined as “outside the US or Canada”.

Blegh. I am so completely turned off by this company that I’m not sure I’d ever order from them again, even if they did clean up their act.

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260 tasting notes

I am interrupting what is shaping up to be today’s all out attack on your update feed for reasons that I was going to list, but really are too boring to list, so I’m not going to list them and here we are.

Apparently, the things that can keep me away from the internets are to include midterms, head colds, and crazy weekends. What I think started out as seasonal allergies have segued into a full blown virus. And while you may very well be thinking that this is going to turn into an entire post about me whining, there is a point.

The point is that I got this tea in…yesterday? No. Yesterday was Sunday. […Right? Right. I had to check the computer. This is how off my sense of time is.] I got this tea in Saturday, along with some others from, when my ability to smell things had already pretty much abandoned me and I was wallowing in a pool of my misery. The tea helped perk me up a bit, but I was tired and cranky and sick and I didn’t want to try it because I figured I wouldn’t really be able to enjoy it – what with the cold and all.

But I couldn’t resist cracking open the tin and oh, but with what wondrous scents were my nostrils graced. If I, whose m’s are melting into b’s and n’s are gradually hardening into d’s, can still smell this you know it’s strong.

It’s also, joyously, delicious.

So naturally, I brewed a cup.

I have experimented with a few other teas, but I simply can’t enjoy them when I’m in this state. I also suspect that this tea is also not going to taste the same once I am again able to be going to the movies, instead of go-eeg to the boo-vies. Since this is one of the few relaxing things that I can turn to at the moment, though, I am clinging to it like Golem.

The main flavor that I get from it is cranberries. And if I’m being honest, that’s really all I can get from it at the moment. It’s tart, and reminds me of hibiscus. Which I guess it could be flavored with, but whether it is or not it works in this situation. There’s also a nice sweetness to the aftertaste that I find refreshing.

And the tin is pretty.

So yay, Cranberry Autumn, for being my sick buddy. Hopefully I’ll get well soon and then I can try you again. You know, for realz. Yes, with a z.


My update feed is throughly abused…congrats!


I was eyeing this one the other day when it was featured on the sidebar and really wanted some.

Although… if there’s hibiscus in it… My interest suddenly vanished.

I’m glad you’ve found a drinkable tea while sick though. I can’t really get proper tea down in that state, it tastes bad to me. Get better soon.

Cynthia Carter

Sounds like it would have some vitamin C in it as well – good for what ails you!

Feel better soon!


Feel better soon!


@Jason I’m gonna count that as a win.

@Angrboda There is no way that my sense of taste or smell is in any way shape or form fit to pass actual judgment on whether there’s hibiscus in it or not. It does have a tartness to it, and given the penchant for hibiscus in fruit tea on the market, my mind automatically goes there now. However, for what it’s worth, there are actual dried cranberries in the mix.

@Angrboda, @Cynthia Carter, @jennlea Thank you! Here’s hoping!


@takgoti count that as a double win. Not only did you leave my update feed shriveling in the corner begging for death, you somehow managed to pass along your cold/flu bug through the interwebs. damn you and your likable but (apparently) viral content… :)


Excellent…most excellent.

I’m totally adding viral to my resume.


Excellent?!?! All you’re doing by giving me your viruses is delaying my testing of the cool new features/designs we’re pushing out soon!


I TAKE IT BACK! RECIND! RECIND! GET BETTER! Alohomora! Expelliarmus! Annnd…jazz hands!

Did it work?


Nope, but I’m still working. I guess you’re just lucky.


Hee, I win again. I like this game.

Excited to see what you guys are going to unleash on us!


Dude, “Alohomora! Expelliarmus! Annnd…jazz hands!” cracked me the eff up. I think I’ve found my tea soul mate.


Yay! Tea buddies! We need a secret handshake or something…

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6119 tasting notes

This one was also generously sent to me by JoonSusanna!

When I opened the bag, I was greeted with a delicious cranberry aroma! Cranberry and citrus; reminds me of the cranberry sauce my mom makes for Christmas. The brewed tea smells much the same (which is promising), and…. oh man, the tea tastes pretty fabulous as well! A great fruity black, with cranberry dominating and citrus adding an additional dimension of flavour. I’m tasting a bit of spice as well, which is really quite tasty.

Not a tea I’d purchase, but only due to having too much other tea on hand; I would certainly not refuse a cup of this! Thanks so much JoonSusanna – this tea is going to be perfect to add to my morning lineup of thermos-tolerant teas!

ETA: Interesting! Second infusion (in half the water) has a distinctly smoky flavour mixed with fruity cranberry. I was not expecting this! Quite tasty.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Yay! Glad you liked it!


Yes – I am super excited for a fruity black in the mornings! I am realizing that to get the best flavour in a travel mug, black tea is the way to go, and I don’t have too much that isn’t astringent/doesn’t get astringent after sitting, but I’m pretty sure this one is perfect :D

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863 tasting notes

So today was Thanksgiving, and my boyfriend and I handled the logistics of the meal for my mom’s family, which is like 20+ people. No small feat, and it was exhausting.

I had been planning to serve this iced for the meal, and in my perfect world everyone would have been clamoring for some and exclaiming over the nuances of cranberry and how well they complimented all the flavors of the dinner….

But I am a realist, and I know most of my family likes soda or beer or wine and so planned just to make enough for me, and my boyfriend, and my mom. It ended up being about a half gallon and we went through it all during dinner, which was perfect. The flavors worked GREAT – so much so that both my mom and boyfriend commented on it.

So, to summarize…this was a Thanksgiving WIN! I suppose I’ll have to make some more to enjoy with all the leftovers…which is fine by me!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Yay! Congrats on pulling off a 20+ dinner and garnishing it with tea! : )


Thank you! It was all kinds of crazy but everything came together in the end and it was totally worth it! Do you have any huge feast holidays in Ecuador?


Hmm… Not quite feast holidays, more like holidays that have a particular food related to it. We celebrate “Day of the Dead” early November with doll shaped breads (usually filled with jelly or dulce de leche) and Colada Morada (a sweet stew made out of berries and spices). We also celebrate Easter with a rich soup that is made out all sorts of grains and cream (which is tasty, but incredibly filling).

But, Thanksgiving is very different. My mom was born in the US so we celebrate it every year, since there isn’t vacation we do it Saturday! : ) Can’t wait!


This tea is one of my favorites. So tasty. :)

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545 tasting notes

A bit back, my mom and I placed a Harney order to keep at her place and we got a tagalong tin of this tea in sachets because they were out of normal-size tins of it in sachets and she had wanted to try it and we were trying to meet the amount needed for free shipping. She tried it yesterday and said the flavors were very light and so was the tea base but she could taste both the cranberry and orange.

When I steeped mine this morning, I noticed that the tin said it was a ceylon base tea so I am thinking that’s why she thought so. I found it an enjoyable cup, similar to Harney’s Boston Blend but different. I could taste the cranberry more but also the orange, which was like a tart orange rind effect rather than orange juice or orange candy.

2 steeps

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

Did you just change your name? ;-) I got all confused…

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

LOL I just did it today when I updated my profile. Figured I’d jump on the name change bandwagon. ;) I’m not 100% sure I’m keeping this one but I think I am. But I’m waiting to post until I’m sure (IE tomorrow) b/c I don’t wanna change than change again. #indecisivemuch But I’m back posting I think now, instead of just loitering and reading. Sharp eye for catching it so quickly !


I saw the avatar and went-whoa, who is using Chrine’s teacup? And then I went to your log and realized it was you. I vote for keeping the name. I love NYC also-lived there for a lot of years and miss it terribly.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Ty. =) My mom is from there. And I thought the name was super cute spelled like that !

Suraj Leo

Vikram Kavachi Immunity Booster Tea is a powerful herbal blend designed to strengthen your immune system while offering a refreshing and soothing tea experience. Infused with a rich combination of Ayurvedic ingredients and premium tea leaves, this tea is packed with antioxidants and natural immunity-boosting properties. Each sip provides warmth and wellness, helping to detoxify the body, reduce stress, and promote overall health. Perfect for daily consumption, Vikram Kavachi Immunity Booster Tea is your go-to beverage for a healthier and more energized lifestyle.

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15618 tasting notes


This isn’t a bad tea from Harney, especially after the not so cranberry oolong that i had earlier. It’s not my favourite for sure, but it’s a good black, fruity sort of tea that does in fact remind me of autumn flavours. The hibiscus isn’t too strong for me so that’s nice.


I just saw Harney and Sons tins at the Starbucks in the Barnes and Noble bookstore! What the heck?


It’s on the Chapters website as well.


Really? I’ll keep my eyes open!


Yeah…still think I’d order through hArney though, selection will be better and for some reason in my head its fresher whether that’s true or not lol

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1112 tasting notes

A sunny, autumn day in a cup! I love the cranberry and the “warmth” (is it spice or nut or both?) but what makes it stand out to me is the orange. That’s the sunshine. Thank you ashmanra for a wonderful cuppa Fall!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Agreed…H&S has figured out how to package the season!

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