drank Cranberry Autumn by Harney & Sons
260 tasting notes

I am interrupting what is shaping up to be today’s all out attack on your update feed for reasons that I was going to list, but really are too boring to list, so I’m not going to list them and here we are.

Apparently, the things that can keep me away from the internets are to include midterms, head colds, and crazy weekends. What I think started out as seasonal allergies have segued into a full blown virus. And while you may very well be thinking that this is going to turn into an entire post about me whining, there is a point.

The point is that I got this tea in…yesterday? No. Yesterday was Sunday. […Right? Right. I had to check the computer. This is how off my sense of time is.] I got this tea in Saturday, along with some others from, when my ability to smell things had already pretty much abandoned me and I was wallowing in a pool of my misery. The tea helped perk me up a bit, but I was tired and cranky and sick and I didn’t want to try it because I figured I wouldn’t really be able to enjoy it – what with the cold and all.

But I couldn’t resist cracking open the tin and oh, but with what wondrous scents were my nostrils graced. If I, whose m’s are melting into b’s and n’s are gradually hardening into d’s, can still smell this you know it’s strong.

It’s also, joyously, delicious.

So naturally, I brewed a cup.

I have experimented with a few other teas, but I simply can’t enjoy them when I’m in this state. I also suspect that this tea is also not going to taste the same once I am again able to be going to the movies, instead of go-eeg to the boo-vies. Since this is one of the few relaxing things that I can turn to at the moment, though, I am clinging to it like Golem.

The main flavor that I get from it is cranberries. And if I’m being honest, that’s really all I can get from it at the moment. It’s tart, and reminds me of hibiscus. Which I guess it could be flavored with, but whether it is or not it works in this situation. There’s also a nice sweetness to the aftertaste that I find refreshing.

And the tin is pretty.

So yay, Cranberry Autumn, for being my sick buddy. Hopefully I’ll get well soon and then I can try you again. You know, for realz. Yes, with a z.

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Jason 15 years ago

My update feed is throughly abused…congrats!

Angrboda 15 years ago

I was eyeing this one the other day when it was featured on the sidebar and really wanted some.

Although… if there’s hibiscus in it… My interest suddenly vanished.

I’m glad you’ve found a drinkable tea while sick though. I can’t really get proper tea down in that state, it tastes bad to me. Get better soon.

Cynthia Carter 15 years ago

Sounds like it would have some vitamin C in it as well – good for what ails you!

Feel better soon!

jennlea 15 years ago

Feel better soon!

takgoti 15 years ago

@Jason I’m gonna count that as a win.

@Angrboda There is no way that my sense of taste or smell is in any way shape or form fit to pass actual judgment on whether there’s hibiscus in it or not. It does have a tartness to it, and given the penchant for hibiscus in fruit tea on the market, my mind automatically goes there now. However, for what it’s worth, there are actual dried cranberries in the mix.

@Angrboda, @Cynthia Carter, @jennlea Thank you! Here’s hoping!

Jason 15 years ago

@takgoti count that as a double win. Not only did you leave my update feed shriveling in the corner begging for death, you somehow managed to pass along your cold/flu bug through the interwebs. damn you and your likable but (apparently) viral content… :)

takgoti 15 years ago

Excellent…most excellent.

I’m totally adding viral to my resume.

Jason 15 years ago

Excellent?!?! All you’re doing by giving me your viruses is delaying my testing of the cool new features/designs we’re pushing out soon!

takgoti 15 years ago

I TAKE IT BACK! RECIND! RECIND! GET BETTER! Alohomora! Expelliarmus! Annnd…jazz hands!

Did it work?

Jason 15 years ago

Nope, but I’m still working. I guess you’re just lucky.

takgoti 15 years ago

Hee, I win again. I like this game.

Excited to see what you guys are going to unleash on us!

LENA 15 years ago

Dude, “Alohomora! Expelliarmus! Annnd…jazz hands!” cracked me the eff up. I think I’ve found my tea soul mate.

takgoti 15 years ago

Yay! Tea buddies! We need a secret handshake or something…

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Jason 15 years ago

My update feed is throughly abused…congrats!

Angrboda 15 years ago

I was eyeing this one the other day when it was featured on the sidebar and really wanted some.

Although… if there’s hibiscus in it… My interest suddenly vanished.

I’m glad you’ve found a drinkable tea while sick though. I can’t really get proper tea down in that state, it tastes bad to me. Get better soon.

Cynthia Carter 15 years ago

Sounds like it would have some vitamin C in it as well – good for what ails you!

Feel better soon!

jennlea 15 years ago

Feel better soon!

takgoti 15 years ago

@Jason I’m gonna count that as a win.

@Angrboda There is no way that my sense of taste or smell is in any way shape or form fit to pass actual judgment on whether there’s hibiscus in it or not. It does have a tartness to it, and given the penchant for hibiscus in fruit tea on the market, my mind automatically goes there now. However, for what it’s worth, there are actual dried cranberries in the mix.

@Angrboda, @Cynthia Carter, @jennlea Thank you! Here’s hoping!

Jason 15 years ago

@takgoti count that as a double win. Not only did you leave my update feed shriveling in the corner begging for death, you somehow managed to pass along your cold/flu bug through the interwebs. damn you and your likable but (apparently) viral content… :)

takgoti 15 years ago

Excellent…most excellent.

I’m totally adding viral to my resume.

Jason 15 years ago

Excellent?!?! All you’re doing by giving me your viruses is delaying my testing of the cool new features/designs we’re pushing out soon!

takgoti 15 years ago

I TAKE IT BACK! RECIND! RECIND! GET BETTER! Alohomora! Expelliarmus! Annnd…jazz hands!

Did it work?

Jason 15 years ago

Nope, but I’m still working. I guess you’re just lucky.

takgoti 15 years ago

Hee, I win again. I like this game.

Excited to see what you guys are going to unleash on us!

LENA 15 years ago

Dude, “Alohomora! Expelliarmus! Annnd…jazz hands!” cracked me the eff up. I think I’ve found my tea soul mate.

takgoti 15 years ago

Yay! Tea buddies! We need a secret handshake or something…

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Former coffeeist, turned teaite. Lover of writing, reading, photography, and music. Traveler of life. Known to be ridiculous on occasion.


Virginia, USA



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