No one’s reviewed this yet? Strange.
Before I give my review, I’d like to admit I do not drink matcha and I hardly ever drink my tea sweetened. So I am a bit biased against this tea to start with. I actually bought this tea so I can throw a small spoonful in my morning smoothie on days where I need a bit of a caffeine kick and don’t have enough time for my breakfast AND a cup of tea. This is one of the cheaper options from DAVIDs (largely because cane sugar is the main ingredient!), but either way, it will work for my purposes.
I decided to try it out as an actual drink before using it in my smoothies. I followed the instructions and mixed 1.5 tsp in 8oz of water. I don’t have a matcha whisk so I stirred it with a fork, lol. The resulting taste is upfrontly sugary with a mix of blueberry flavouring and slightly bitter, grassy green tea. All together I must say I’m not loving this blend. Much too sweet, I don’t like fruit flavouring in my green tea, and the bitterness of the matcha is off-putting as well. Maybe I overleafed it? I didn’t even finish my cup- I dumped it down the drain. Either way I will use this up in my smoothies no problem (since I won’t be tasting it), but I would never buy it to drink as an actual drink. If I wanna try matcha again I will by plain matcha. This blend doesn’t work for me on any level.
Flavors: Bitter, Blueberry, Grass, Sugar, Sweet