79 Tasting Notes

drank Pom Tango by DAVIDsTEA
79 tasting notes

Bought 100g of this immediately after a in store sample, but reading the ingredients I knew I was going to get it before I even walked into the store. Gotta say the first thing I noticed about this blend, nothing seems to float up in my infuser?!

I really do enjoy fruity teas, this one is a home run for me, it really reminds me of Paradise Found; however with improvements. Paradise Found is great and I have it in my stash, but I find it is a bit heavy on the hibiscus making it slightly tart, Pom Tango corrects that and replaces the tart with sweet.

Dry this blend has a nice aroma of Mango and Pomegranate and even the aroma smells sweet. There isn’t a whole bunch of color to make this an interesting tea to look at in the tin; however it does have big chunks of mango that let you know this tea means business. I should mention that with tea’s like this with big chunks of fruits and stuff I try to measure out a nice scoop of tea with out big pieces simply so I know I am getting a good helping of tea leaves in the mix.

Steeped this blend has a mango heavy aroma with a pomegranate undertone that is subtle yet present. The taste is a soft mango and pomegranate taste and is really packed full of flavor, this is actually one of the few teas I do not put any sugar in, simply because it is sweet enough and I think sugar would push it over the edge too much. Certainly one that has to be tried iced as well, something tells me it will be better iced.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Fjellrev 12 years ago

I have this one cold brewing right now! Can’t wait to try it tomorrow. Glad to hear it’s full of flavour.

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drank Copabanana by DAVIDsTEA
79 tasting notes

So all morning I have had Bobby Bloom’s Montego Bay stuck in my head, not really sure why seeing as that is a 70s song and just a bit before my time, but hey I guess it could be worse like a jimmy buffet song or something.

Again I purchased this herbal solely based on the dry smell, it seemed like it would brew a tasty cup; however after reading a few of the reviews on here I was scared I might be left with a slightly banana flavored cup of warm water. Thankfully though this was not the case.

Dry this blend has a powerful fruit smell that is heavily encompassed with Banana, there are big chunks of everything, its bright and colorful and there is huge banana chips in it…wait a minute are you sure this is tea and not something you mix with yogurt?

The brewed beverage has a nice banana taste to it, with just a touch of sugar added (less than 1tsp) it gave this blend the perfect little sweet kick that it needed, otherwise I could see where people are getting the watered down banana flavor from. Overall it isn’t a terrible blend, it does lack a bit in the flavor department for all the stuff in the blend but otherwise it is pretty tasty. Not sure if I would rush out to get more of this blend though, need to have a couple more cups before I can decide.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Honeydew Mate by DAVIDsTEA
79 tasting notes

Smells like a nice dew filled sunny spring morning…in a cup!

The aroma of this tea was enough to sell me on it, I am a huge melon fan, ha some innuendo there! But seriously cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon, I freaking love them all so immediately after smelling this one I had to try it, now I am just upset I didn’t buy more.

Dry this tea has an amazing Honeydew smell, not only does it have the natural flavoring but it has actual melon pieces in it. There is a slight earthy smell from the rooibos and mate, but it is easily overpowered by the honeydew, which is fine by me.

I have been doing this one at a 5 minute steep time, it seems to be a happy medium for a great cup of tea, plus that gives it ample time to infuse the air in the room with a nice honeydew aroma. Being a mate and rooibos base it doesn’t have the full energy kick as a cup of a straight mate based tea would, I was drinking this last night at 11pm and I had no issues sleeping. From what I can tell this tea would be utterly amazing iced.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Alphakitty 12 years ago

I am dying to try this one! I love melon teas, you make it sound so good.

ne14t 12 years ago

This one is certainly worth trying, it has such a nice melon flavor to it I can drink it without sugar, haven’t even tried it with sugar but that could be a sensory overload for me.

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This was the second new tea that I received yesterday, the others were just refills for tea’s that I already have, including some more mom’s apple pie before I can’t get it again!

Dry this tea has a chocolatey cinnamon aroma to it, I really like the dry smell as the chocolate aroma is that of a dark healthy chocolate not that enticing but horrible for you milk chocolate! Steeping the tea brought out more of the cinnamon aroma for me, then again cinnamon is powerful. The chocolate aroma was also very present but a bit softer.

Now we do a complete flip flop! Drinking the tea there is a very chocolatey taste to it, but that cinnamon is still there and reminds your tastebuds they are still alive. I figured for how much of a dry smell the cinnamon had it might have been a little overpowering but this wasn’t true. This one actually reminds me of chocolate chili chai in terms of flavor now that I think about it, minus the slight heat from the chili’s.

I had been really wanting to try this blend forever, but it isn’t one they keep in any of the local stores, and as far as I know it isn’t restricted to online only; however that was the only option for me to purchase it. Now that I have a 100g I am certainly going to spend some time enjoying this tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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So is it just me or do other people feel like its Christmas when they get a bunch of new teas? Every time I get a few different tea’s I haven’t had the privileged to try yet it makes my day much better. I had been eying up Toasted Marshmallow for quite some time now and I finally bit the bullet and got it.

Dry the leaves have a pleasant allspice aroma, yes those are allspice pieces not chocolate chips, there is no chocolate in this tea! There is also that classic freeze dried mini marshmallow smell. If it had a bit of a Graham cracker aroma I could almost believe it was a s’more. Steeped it has a cinnamon smell to it, the brew is slightly cloudy from the mini marshmallows.

The taste is very sweet, you could compare it roughly with a marshmallow, I have absolutely no toasted flavor. I mean I would spend weeks in the summer camping going through countless bags of marshmallows so I could easily call myself a master of the toasted marshmallow, and while I think this is a delicious tea it is not driving home the toasted marshmallow feel.

This one would certainly make a very delicious latte, I added my normal amount of sugar and to be honest I think it would have been fine without any sugar which is not normal for me! I think I may try and add a pinch of Lapsang Souchong next time I brew a cup, it might give it that smokey flavor to add a bit more to the toasted feel.

Funny enough that even though the flavor wasn’t quite what I was expecting I did gulp down this cup of tea faster then normal, I don’t know if it is a common side effect, but drinking this tea did make me want a s’more…you have been warned!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Cola Matcha by Matcha Outlet
79 tasting notes

This was another sample from Chuckie that I tried last night, but didn’t write a review on. I made the mistake of trying this one as a latte and while it tasted good the milk did not mix to well with the Cola flavoring. I am going to try this one again as a straight brew to really do it some justice. But I can certainly say that I have been enjoying trying out Red Leaf’s matcha, the flavors are unique and pretty bang on. Really looking forward to the Watermelon matcha, heck it might be a matcha night with dinner today!

Check back later today or tomorrow for an update on this review!

170 °F / 76 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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So this is Sample #3 from Chuckie, as you can see I am having an uneventful day of work that has been pretty much compromised of doing some paperwork and drinking lots of tea, relaxing but slightly boring, so why not spice things up by trying a bunch of new teas.

This is the first tea I have had from Butiki and I must say wow, I could tell from the dry aroma that this was going to be a flavorful tea, and it certainly is. Dry it has an amazingly creamy cantaloupe smell very pronounced by not artificial or overpowering.

Steeped the aroma of the tea is cut back slightly, but in all honesty it is a very slight amount. It is an extremely clear brew with a slight golden color to it. It has an amazing cantaloupe smell to it that reminds me of a brunch buffet or something with a huge platter of fruits.

I certainly approve of this tea, I look forward to trying some of their other blends. For me this would be a great tea to have with breakfast, and as with the previous Teavana tea I reviewed it would probably be pretty good iced.

Edit: Had to increase my rating on this, tasted great warm. Got caught up doing some work and it cooled off and I think it tastes even better! scored 85, totally raising it to 100. Probably be one of the first I order from Butiki.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Caribbean Calypso Mate by Teavana
79 tasting notes

Sample #2 from Chuckie, I really enjoy fruity teas, and I certainly enjoy mates. By all logic I should absolutely enjoy this tea…right?

This tea has an overwhelming fruit smell, but lucky it is not powerful or annoying it is a pleasant aroma. Steeping the tea fills the room with the aroma, make it a nice calming tea. Plus I can confirm there is enough mate in a 12oz mug to give you a nice little pick me up. I drank a couple of this first thing this morning cause I was so tired I felt like a zombie.

The final brew is fairly clear with a very light coloring to it, I can easily see to the bottom of my mug that has a crazy orange inside! This is the third Teavana tea I have had and the first to actually have a very present flavor to it when brewed to their directions.

It has a very present lemon flavor, most likely due to the amount of lemongrass in it which is ok, I like lemon. I brewed this as a hot cup of tea and it was really delicious; however I have a feeling this tea would be utterly amazing iced, it has a very juice like taste to it, for me the mate was not present at all.

Certainly a nice tea, definitely one I would actually purchase from Teavana. My biggest downside with them is I haven’t found any of their teas that just scream out at me.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Prosperous Peach Oolong by Teavana
79 tasting notes

This is the first sample I will be trying courtesy of Chuckieroy, it is a very peachy smelling tea, which my nose approves of hopefully my taste buds share the same sentiment after it has steeped.

Steeped it takes on more of an Oolong aroma, can definitely smell the tea base in this one. On a side note Iron Goddess of Mercy Oolong is a way better name for Tie Guan Yin tea, I mean that is what it translates to and it would help companies from using different spelling!

Initial taste is a very soft peach flavor followed by a fairly noticeable Oolong aftertaste. The peach flavor as other people have mentioned is pretty light, I do taste it but its not overly powerful, it could use a little more peach in my opinion.

This is the second tea I have had from Teavana, the other one I found to be very light flavor wise as well, but not being a big Teavana guru it could just be that the focus more on the tea base than the flavor.

Overall its certainly not a bad cup of tea, but leaves me craving a nice peachy cup of Davids Long Life Oolong, for peach Oolongs it is pretty much my benchmark tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Creme Caramel Rooibos by DAVIDsTEA
79 tasting notes

So personally I am not super huge on Rooibos or Herbal blends, I will admit I have a problem…I am addicted to trace amounts of caffeine! So it is really hard for me to brew up a cup of decaffeinated anything, unless of course it is Mint Chocolate Rooibos! But I felt a need to get more decaf tea’s as I think late night tea drinking may be contributing to my recent poor sleeping. Enter the Rooibos!

My collection of Rooibos is as follows Oh Canada!, Creme Brulee, Mint Chocolate and now Creme Caramel. I haven’t even tried Creme Brulee yet and I have had it for almost two months now I think! Goes to show you my Rooibos consumption is low, my tin of Oh Canada is 6 months old and almost still full! So as an impulse buy I added Creme Caramel to the collection, albeit for now only a small 26g ‘sampler’ bag as I call them

Dry it has an amazingly sweet caramel smell, there is little bits of caramel amongst the red rooibos pieces. I don’t get that cheap candy caramel smell from it either this smells like creamy smooth velvety caramel. Once steeped it takes on a nice dark redish rooibos color and it still has that exact same caramel aroma, smell like it should be a calorie laden dessert!

It has that velvety smooth caramel taste that I was smelling, and is quite sweet. The flavor lingers around for a while, which is nice seeing it is such a sweet and pleasing taste I don’t think anyone can complain. Might even go good with a splash of milk, oh better yet it would probably make an extremely delicious latte. Certainly one I will probably grab a larger supply of for the practically non existent decaf collection of mine.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Alphakitty 12 years ago

This one reminds me of a fancy caramel coffee drink, so tasty!

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Tea, Earl Grey, Hot!

I will attempt to taste and comment on each and every blend offered from DAVIDsTEA and of course anything else that comes across my path.

I only drink tea brewed from loose leaf tea, and tend to sweeten my teas with a teaspoon of raw cane sugar per 8oz of tea and consider a cup either 12oz or 16oz depending on what mug I want to use.

I generally do not put milk in my tea’s; however sometimes I may make a ‘London Fog’ style drink or add milk to herbal infusions to add a bit more creaminess to it.

And I generally enjoy drink a nice hot tea while relaxing listening to some Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd.

I am quite liberal with my Tea ratings, I take the smiley face to heart for judging. If I really like it then it will score a high grade regardless of the brand or if I can keep it in my cupboard or not. But to break it down further a bit more check this out:

0-10 – Wouldn’t drink it if I was dying.
10-20 – Are you sure this didn’t come out of a bag?
20-50 – There is hope for this tea…somewhere but not here
50-60 – Drinkable, but not stockable
60-70 – Ok, were onto something here!
70-80 – Wow you gotta try this
80+ I freaking love it, where can I buy it?


Vancouver, B.C.

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