Jolly Jellybean

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Blue Cornflowers, Calendula Petals, Coconut, Green Rooibos, Pineapple, Red Rooibos, Strawberry
Fruity, Strawberry, Coconut, Pineapple, Rooibos, Sweet, Sugarcane, Tropical, Creamy, Dust, Mineral, Musty, Pear, Candy, Cherry, Medicinal, Mint, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec 4 g 15 oz / 429 ml

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88 Tasting Notes View all


A smile a sip.
One sip of this sweet, rich rooibos blend and you’ll know spring is right around the corner. It could be the sunny taste of pineapple, or the exotic creaminess of coconut. It could be the pretty calendula and cornflower petals. Then again, it might just be the jellybeans. You heard us right, jellybeans – that’s what gives this tea its irresistibly sweet and fruity kick. So why do jellybeans remind us of spring? Because they make us happy. Why else?

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

88 Tasting Notes

1764 tasting notes

Well, no jellybeans for me! in the bag I bought anyhow.
Oh well. I dunno if it’d have made the tea any better. It was so generic. You’re basic fruity rooibos. I liked it, but I did not love it.
How sad is it that the above statement is the most complimentary thing I can say about anything in the spring collection? :(
Oh and there were little bits of rooibos floating around in the mug. I used my tea egg and that usually doesn’t happen with my rooibos’. In fact, tea bits is the reason why I use it with that type! (


I maintain that there’s no point in me getting a tea like this as I’d just pick out and eat all the jelly bellies. XD

Daniel Scott

Yeah, the spring collection is kinda pbbbttthh. At least that saves me money this semester…here’s hoping for some good ones in the summer!

Daniel Scott

Oh, but I hope that Earl of Lemon one gets released after all. It sounded like it had potential.


Rip off! Wah! Not what you expected! Hope the chocolate cake thing they have coming out is better!


The spring collection really was kind of a bust, wasn’t it. This one is so much like Swampwater, and not really anything special, Paradise Found is a hibiscus nightmare, and Strawberry Ginger tastes really odd. I thought Daydreamer was ok, but nothing grabbing, and everyone seems to like Pink Flamingo, but it’s just a re-release.

And Daniel, of course, the tea I was most looking forward to was the Earl of Lemon, so I’m hoping that one ends up being a winner!


Ahhh considering I really can’t do earls… I’m kinda more sad now haha :(
I so agree, between boring and odd teas, and the super expensive mulberry Gold Rush tea from March, I am disappointed with Davids!! I do hope they kick up their game in the summer.
Bonnie, I am dreaming of chocolate cake now…. mmmmm


I have high hopes for that chocolate cake one!

Daniel Scott

“Hibiscus nightmare” – RIGHT?! I can’t get over how many people seem to really like that one, at least on Facebook. I tried the sample in the store, and wanted to spit it on the floor. SO sour.


The worst part is that I think it would be fantastic if there was less/no hibiscus. There were some wonderful flavours going on in the cup I had, but they were so overwhelmed by hibiscus that I actually didn’t end up finishing the cup. And I am not typically a hibiscus-hater.

Daniel Scott

Yeah, me neither. I can handle some hibiscus if it sits in the background. (Which, while I think the Blood Orange was lacking a bit, I do have to say is something in its favour, it’s NOT overwhelmed by hibiscus. I was worried about that.)

But Paradise Found is like, well, they found it soaked in steeped hibiscus, so they probably should have left it where they found it.


Hahaha, I like your last comment!

With the blood orange pu’erh, I was more concerned about the licorice, which also appeared to be an unfounded worry. Wasn’t a big fan though (but perhaps I should have steeped it longer).


I think a company can lose track of what they grew their reputation and following on. Good quality and flavor, good service and consistancy. For Davids I’d say also a sense of fun too. Maybe trying to follow the seasons and changing so many tea’s all at once is not really what the customers are looking for. I for one don’t want 15 new Spring tea’s that all are pretty much in the same theme of citrus or fruity flavors. A few are ok but it’s almost overkill. An the Pu’erh? Why orange when you already have Chocolate Orange? Why not strawberry chocolate or a toffee pu’erh or some new type? Same with other catagories. Just an opinion. Like the idea of chocolate cake, Jelly beans ok…but drop some of the ones that are so close to each other.


Totally agree with you as to the pu’erh, Bonnie – would have loved to have seen a different flavour with it! I think some of the new teas they came out with were good ideas, but not executed as well as they could have been.


I gotta say, I’ve turned into a serious hibby doubter lately. There are teas where I don’t mind it… but for the most part, I could really do without!
and Bonnie, thank goodness someone finally said it… I have been thinking that for so long now. This same old same old business is so old. Like their Jolly Jellybean? it’s a gimmicky version of their green and fruity!
And the dual citrus pu’erhs? ugh, you are so right…
I’d really love to see a kahlua black one day. mmmmm.
Oh and I saw the ingredients list for the Chocolate cake tea today. It too has “artificial flavouring” :(


@Indigobloom: They all seem to have artificial flavouring :( It does make me a bit sad, and then I switch to straight teas which have wonderful, natural flavours and wonder why companies can’t just make all-natural, flavouringless blends! I think Verdant might me doing that, although on a limited scale, but I wish the major companies did it more often.

That said… it’s not going to stop me drinking them! (Which is probably where the problem lies, right?)


I took a tour of a very large tea company once which was an eye opener. When a company is really big they sometimes have to spray on flavorings and tea is stacked in barrels. I saw one gigantic room just for MINT tea. Quality is a goal that is harder to attain when you’re that big. Then the other day I was in another well known chain and was told that they blended oolongs from many sources because they needed to buy in such big quantities that single sourceing wasn’t an option. So, when a company such as Verdant runs out of tea on it’s website… it’s because they don’t bend on quality and they buy from specific farmers. We have to wait for more to be produced or another quality resource to be aquired. There is a relationship with the tea from farm to consumer. I buy both kinds of tea but prefer the quality ones. My 2 cents worth. (I chose Verdant as an example because they are in North America and not Asia which makes their task harder…yet they are attempting a noble standard)


Kristaleyn: I know right?! if straight teas can be so fragrant and yummy, why mess with it? that said I have found flavoured teas that I love- Just not so much lately for some reason.
Bonnie: I’ve heard the same… about sprays and such. What a shame…
Personally, I’d rather wait for the good stuff than settle for less :)
One day I’ll order from Verdant!

Daniel Scott

I’ve ordered from Verdant recently! Very excited, because I’ve heard so much about them. I just hope our postal service doesn’t lose the dang package.


Oh nice, I can’t wait to read those reviews!! My fingers are crossed for your package, Canada Post is not the most reliable!


Their new website overhaul is awesome! I have 3 more of their teas to review.


ahhhh if only I didn’t have what feels like a million samples in my cupboard as it is. If I could justify another purchase… you can bet this is where I’d go :)

Daniel Scott

Canada Post is not the most reliable!

I know. :( My 52teas package that I ordered a month ago arrived something like a week late and looking like it had been kicked across a parking lot! I don’t blame Frank at all for that, I KNOW it was CP! And according to what I’ve read, our area is the absolute worst for mail carriers “losing” packages.


What I am impressed with at Verdant is that I had trouble when they were changing the website and the payment screen wasn’t working…they kept in touch with me by email (the Big Guy did!) and when the website issue was resolved made sure that I had extra’s in my order. That was over and beyond. I now feel that if I had any problems this company cares and would address them!


I’ve heard that about 52Teas before though. I wonder if there is a story behind that… like maybe 52 somehow pushed the wrong CP buttons? Or maybe there is a tea-aholic at the sorting bay haha
Your poor tea, was it in okay condition inside the package??

Bonnie: that is excellent customer service indeed!
I’m awaiting a replacement package from Tealish, to be shipped out tomorrow. Their packaging spoiled my tea, it went rancid on me :/
We’ll see how that goes…


Oooo ick erg rats!


LOL indeed!!

Daniel Scott

Yes, it was fine, actually. His little bags are packed so tight, it’s like they didn’t have room to get crushed, lol. Although maybe he should invest in some rolls of bubble-wrap if CP hates him so much!

My sister was PISSED when she saw the bag it arrived in. I mean, despite the fact that she’s deeply disdainful of my “tea boner” (DEFINITELY not my words!), she was angry on my behalf. The carrier jammed the bag in the mailbox too, and she shouted, “THAT’S NOT HOW YOU TREAT A PACKAGE!” (Good thing the carrier was long gone by then, or I’m sure no tea would ever be delivered to me again!) I assured her that even if some leaves had gotten broken, I do enough dumb things to break the leaves myself. I’m just grateful they got here at all! Ha.


How on earth is mail delivered? I have either a box option but if an item is too big they put it in a large locked mailbox and put the key to it in my mailbox. For other carriers they hand deliver or put it on my covered patio and leave a note on my door. Works this way almost everywhere except at my daughter’s ranch…it’s inside the garage by the kitchen door for deliveries. I don’t get why you’re having so many issues?


Heh, Frank… are you listening?? lol
I like your sister!! I love her ‘tude! Mmmm I’m dreaming of 52teas Pancake Breakfast now.


Not that I am defending CP here at all but please remember that teas coming to Canada have to go through customs also. That is a different group of people and when I worked at a small postal outlet you would not believe the condition that some packages made it to us in. And then to get s### on by the customers because of the condition of the package and the customs charges does not feel great. I am not saying it isn’t CP but the USPS has to handle the package and Customs so maybe it isn’t your carrier’s fault.


On the reverse…what I get from Canada has been fine!


Cattibrie: oh I so agree with you there! they even have the power to open up packages just to see… I can’t imagine the chaos they stir up in the tea world!


Bonnie: really?? so unfair lol

Daniel Scott

True, it could be on the US side, or Customs…but the postal service local to my city is truly shit, and we’ve had lots of trouble with our carrier before, so it’s not unlikely that he didn’t treat the package well. Obviously, it wasn’t Customs or the USPS that rammed a package into the mailbox to make it fit! LOL. I’d be inclined to blame our carrier first simply because he’s earned that suspicion, if you see what I mean.


@Indigobloom: More than once I’ve received packages that had clearly been opened and taped back up with “Homeland Security” stamped on them. I’m probably on some FBI watch list now. ;D


Wow you have my kind of luck! In September I drove across the border into Canada from Washington State and there were no other cars but only me and what do they do? I had to go into the big whatever it’s called border control building and show all my papers and answer a bunch of questions about why I was going to Vancouver to the Mall! Uh…I’m 63 with a Passport and just finished a cruise that had been to Canada so what’s the problem A? No one but me in the building…so maybe they were bored? Homeland Security is spending money on old ladies and tea! We should be afraid!


Daniel, I just made a Verdant order and received it successfully, undamaged (and I’m in Canada)! Hoping the 52teas order I plan to make before the end of the week makes it here successfully, as do the other 3 packages currently en route to me. The only beef I have with the postal service around here is that numerous times, they have left packages on my front step – and I live on the corner of a busy, student-ridden intersection! The least they could do would be to leave it on the back step.

Jillian: I’d be scared to receive packages stamped with ‘Homeland Security’! Yikes!


I see what you mean. Well either way… you have the tea :)


Kristaleyn: lucky girl!! I so badly want to order from there lives vicariously through others


Jillian: I agree, that is FREAKY!!! yikes!


Hi My tea was also jellybeanless lol i contacted customer service and they sent me 50g free plus 3 free samples! send them an e-mail, they will make it right!


tempting! but I wouldn’t feel right about that… since I only had a 12g sample. Still, I thought there would atleast be little jelly bits. Oh well :)


I think 52 tea’s should use that as their next tea name Little Jelly Bits or maybe the Homeland Security for the Man Tea’s!


ahhhh Bonnie you cracka me uppa! :P
homeland security.. oh I love it! you should pitch it to Frank

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1220 tasting notes

Well things took a turn for the excellent. This tea was delivered (read: thrown at my door) and my mailbox had a $110 check from AT&T sitting in it since they made me pay my final bill at my old apartment twice. Glad they could sit on that money for months.

But now I have $110 back so I can feel less guilty about buying 100g of this tea, hooray! As soon as I saw it posted I knew it would be mine. I love gimmicky teas. I don’t even like jellybeans that much but this was too awesome to pass up.

As soon as I opened the bag it smelled so good. Pineapple, strawberry, coconut. It’s kind of lacking in the jellybean department but I guess it’d be hard to try to have enough tea if the weight was all jellybeans.

I went with “steep until the jellybean melts” while timing it. But after 9 minutes I couldn’t take it anymore.

Brewed, it smells kind of weird. But it tastes good. It’s very fruity, I get more strawberry than pina colada, and the vanilla makes it taste creamy…and it does have a jellybean aftertaste.

This is silly and awesome.


It’s good to know I’m not the only one who gets worked up about their tea being delivered… hee hee :)


every time it’s a package I REALLY want, it comes on a day UPS comes late so I spend all day thinking about it and subsequently get very worked up hahaha


LOL every time I see a UPS truck or mailman ANYWHERE I think its for me!


I love the idea of this one to!! and I keep meaning to buy a cuppa but always forget…


What’s up tonight..UPS and other stuff…I’m on vicodin or whatever it’s called so I have an excuse but have you looked at the reviews…I mean wierd like a full moon or something. Like drunk tea people. Or is it me. Indigobloom HelP!


Hi My Name Is Bonnie And I’m A TeaAholic…

Tommy Toadman

Hi Bonnie!!

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1184 tasting notes

This was enjoyable tonight with a bit of vanilla creamer. Mostly strawberry and coconut tonight, no pineapple or jellybean

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516 tasting notes

Maybe I did something wrong, but this really didn’t taste like anything to me.
I steeped for about 10 minutes, had close to 2 tsp of tea, and even had a jelly bean in there.

Well, I can taste a little bit of swamp water-ish taste, and I like that! But as the tea cools down, it tastes more and more like water. hum. Well, I got it just to get something, I didn’t really have anything in mind, so it’s not too much of a loss!

I might use up the rest or save some for a swap, we’ll see!


Ooh! Free portrait?! :D (I’ve always wanted a portrait done, haha.)

Also, I’m wondering if something went wrong with your cup of Jolly Jellybean. Mine tasted like fruitier swampwater, and wasn’t particularly weak. I wasn’t super thrilled with it, but it wasn’t bad! And the sample I had in-store was even good, with some lovely pineapple flavours. I’d give it another shot if I were you :)

Daisy Chubb

I’ll try it again then! I was just so confused because it was boiling water and almost 2 tsp! But I will try again and maybe my rating is a little harsh lol! And you’re on the portrait list yay!


Yeah, it didn’t sound like you did anything wrong with it. Perhaps it’s just not for you!

And yay!


I’m up for a free portrait. :)

Kay Kanada

ooooh portrait, fun!

Daisy Chubb

Awesome, thanks for commenting gals! Tomorrow I will randomly pick a winner! And if I have time, I’ll try to do everyone. Who knows!


Whee! Do everyone!


me to me to!! and I hope your second cup of JJ is better :)


I really enjoyed Jolly Jellybean when I first tried it. Sweet and swampwatery. I think I steeped it longer than recommended though.
Would love a portrait. Would you need to meet in person?


okay I’m in for a portrait if you can work from just a photo. :)

Daisy Chubb

I’ll just use photos I think! If whoever wins is comfortable sending me a few photos or added me to facebook or whatever you’re comfortable with! I’ll pick a winner (or just winner #1 of many) later today :)


I was definitely assuming she was going to use photos :D As much as I’d love to travel to the east coast, I’m pretty sure my budget and schoolwork won’t allow it!

Kay Kanada

Well hey, if she was up for paying for that trip out east, who are we to say no? :p

Daisy Chubb

haha, they do say you should suffer for your art!

Okay Random Number Generator time:

1. Krystaleyn
2. Heather Martin
3. Kay Kanada
4. Indigobloom
5. Cattibrie
6. Angrboda

The winner is Cattibrie!

I’ll come back and draw more numbers if I have time to do more art :D
I’ll PM you if you win so you don’t have to keep an eye on this review haha!


Awwwwww I saw myself as number one and got so excited! :P

Daisy Chubb

Aw I’m sorry – don’t worry I’ll try to work fast and pull a few more numbers n_-


Do we get to see it when it’s finished?

Daisy Chubb

For sures!


Yay. I never win anything.


aww shucks. Next time, I hope! :)


I hope you do more!

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4843 tasting notes

I’m finally getting around to trying this sampling sent to me by DaisyChubb (thanks … and sorry it took me so long!) I figured I had better get to trying it because the three jelly bellys that were in this sampling represented the last of the jelly bellys in the house (the large jar somehow disappeared) and I feared for these jelly bellys safety.

Oh… YUM! I like this. It is remarkably sweet, which should come as no surprise. It’s a bit like a handful of jelly beans that have been liquified and served warm. Sweet and tasting very much like jelly bellys.

I like that I don’t taste a lot of rooibos flavor here, just a slight woody/nutty note from it, mostly I taste coconut, pineapple and strawberry … in that order. Sweet and candy-like. If you don’t have a sweet tooth, this isn’t the right tisane for you.

Daisy Chubb

Yay I’m glad you liked it! No worries, I still have some teas from you waiting for a special day for me to try them! Mostly A&D teas :3

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1473 tasting notes

Another one bites the dust. Dang. I was excited for this one. Unfortunately the 10g we bought had absolutely no jellybeans in it. I think the jellybeans are going the way of the watermelon bits in Luscious Watermelon, aka being eaten by the staff. There weren’t very many jellybeans in the wall tin either.

Anyway, without jellybeans, this tastes like your typical bourbon vanilla rooibos with just a hint of fruit. I am disappointed. This is another one I will not be adding to my collection. I will rate if I ever get some with jellybeans in it.

Lenny Wu

I went for 100g and there were Jelly Bellys that I got. :)


No jellybeans in my 26 grams either…


Hello Hello! I’m a David’s tea staff, and I don’t eat them! (cuz I don’t like jellybean) but f the staff seems nice where you buy it, you can maybe ask for a jelly bean? or just be nice and say ’’I’ll hope I’ll have some jellybeans in it’’! But with 10g, you would only have had a jellybean!!! And I find it doesn’t really make it better!


Meh. The staff at my DT is great, but I’m not really interested enough in this tea to buy another 10 g. :) But, I mean, the whole point of the tea is the jellybeans, and so it just kinda sucks when you spend your money to try a tea and don’t get any of the “main” ingredient, 10g or 100g, it shouldn’t really matter. shrugs Just my 2 cents. And staff at other stores have admitted to eating the jellybeans out of the mix


So… they admitted to standing there and putting there hands in what they were then going to sell as a consumable? Are they really seriously allowed to do that, really? Because… isn’t that tampering with the goods? If something like that had been admitted to me, I think I would find a different place to shop, to be honest. I wouldn’t shop at a baker’s where the staff picked the raisins out of the raisin buns either.


Because I have great faith and love for DT, I’m going to assume (hope) that scoops were used to get the jellybeans out, because I really can’t see them reaching into the tin and picking them out.


lol @angrboda. It would be really sad to not get jelly beans in there especially since it is advertised. but davids tea staff has been wonderful everytime I had a problem. I order On line to the states but they took care of everything right from the phone so maybe call and tell them the situation?


lol crazy, this review is 9 months old, I’m not going to email them about this now. Besides I love my local Davids staff and this was an isolated incident, I’m not going to blow the whistle on them on something that happened ages ago. I’m on good terms with the DavidsTea customer service department, this isn’t worth bothering them about. shrugs


i know this is old… i can’t see eating bits of the tea straight out of the tin, but steeping a cup then eating the jelly bean? sure.

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107 tasting notes

Trying to drink up as many teas in my cupboard as possible before my next Verdant order arrives and my family loses their shit…

This one is astonishingly good with milk. I mean, it’s not the best tea in the world, but I’m astonished at the fact that it’s good with milk. I like it so much better than I did with only sugar. Who knew? I’ve been slipping back into drinking tea with milk, which I feel like I shouldn’t do (considering how much tea I drink, I should really drink it in as healthy a way as possible), so I’ve been drinking more greens and fruity blacks. But this strategy almost backfires, because now I’m adding milk to tea I wouldn’t have before, just to see what happens.

Anyway. I can recall before this that this tasted like a sweet rooibos, but nothing special. Somehow, with the milk, the pineapples and strawberries are both distinguishable but don’t clash while the coconut takes a nice backseat and just adds this note of creaminess. Lovely. I almost want to buy more now. Almost.

(Also, I applied at Teavana, and the manager literally almost jumped up and down with excitement. So we’ll see how that goes. I don’t like the company, but I don’t like the company I currently work for either, and I like tea better than the stuff I’m selling now. Although I talked to one of my friends who works there, and he tipped me off that THEY DON’T HAVE A BATHROOM IN THE BACK. How the holy hell do you have a tea store with no bathroom? I almost regret applying now, I go like every 1.5-2 hours…where the hell is the closest bathroom? I must find out.)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

No bathroom!?! I just could not deal with that! Especially around tea my bladder would hate me! Hope there is a near bathroom!

Daniel Scott

It is a problem. Even when I drink practically nothing, I still have to go. My bladder creates urine from air and stardust, I swear.

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6119 tasting notes

I opted to eat the two jellybeans in my infuser prior to steeping this tea… figured they’d be better off in my mouth… haha. Anyhow, this tea still reminds me a lot of Swampwater, but without the icky, scummy floaty stuff. And I did actually like the flavour of Swampwater ok, just kind of tropical fruit-y, which is what this one is as well. I suppose I can perhaps taste some coconut in here as well as a bit of creaminess, but that’s it. A decent blend for the evening, but there are far better options that I’d rather drink.

Boiling 8 min or more

try it iced, I looooove it that way. craving some now! :P


?I’ll try to remember that. Cold-brewed? Or just chilled?

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17027 tasting notes

Sipdown (204)!

Got a sample of this from Janelle awhile back and have been waiting to drink it up. Mostly my dilemma was that there was just one jellybean in the same but enough rooibos/other stuff there for two or maybe even three cups. The solution, of course, was the beautiful Mason Jar mug from Keychange which was large enough to let me steep up the whole sample and make sure that the jellybean was included in everything.

That said, while the mason jar is amazing and has practically not left my hands since getting it, the tea fell flat. Really flat.

The taste I got was this super artificial and soapy muddled orange/strawberry flavour with wood chippy and borderline medicinal rooibos. I really don’t often get that medicinal quality from rooibos – but when I do it’s quite unpleasant and very unwelcome. I did finish the full mug in the hopes that the flavour would shift for the better as the temperature changed, but no such luck.


Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

You and keychange are slowly breaking down my resistance to the mason jar. I almost got one the other day but then decided I would rather use my mugs and spend the money on more tea. Perhaps that was dumb though because the mason jar would help me get through my excess of tea faster as opposed to more tea which exploded my cupboard.

Roswell Strange

I’m drinking something in it right now – but then I’m gonna clean it out and try cold steeping in it. Just trying to decide what to cold steep…


Lemon Chiffon was really good cold steeped if you haven’t tried it yet.


You really should just break down and get it, VariaTea! I’m about to lose my mason jar virginity very soon, myself. Because this baby needs to be used!


Soon. It will happen soon I am sure.

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Rich rooibos with scents of pineapple and coconut – sweet with a touch of vanilla.

Liquor: Golden brown and clear. Sweet rooibos aroma with vanilla, coconut and pineapple notes.

Flavour: The cup is full, sweet, and thicker than expected. Coconut and pineapple notes mingle with creamy vanilla.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Such an interesting idea for a tea, can’t wait to taste it!


Dear David, when will this tea be available? I did not find it online, sad as I am far from one of your store…

Tina S.

@TheTeaFairy — The spring collection hits stores and online Tuesday.


happy, happy : o) Thanks Tina, I’m holding my order till Tuesday then!


Oh no, not another coconut crazy collection!


Me too…Me too…needing jelly beans in the Rockies! Keeps going 60 degrees and snow 1 inch then 62 degrees then 1/2 inch snow…so Spring is on the way!


Tried it this morning! Naturally sweet, you can really taste the pineapple. Actually does taste like jellybeans. A really nice ‘sweet craving’ roobios.

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