One step forward, six steps back…
By which I mean I’m drinking up the last of this, but just added 6 more to my cupboard. So much for “down to 100 or less by the 7th.” Oh well. At least I’ve learned my lesson by now about buying more than sample sizes of anything first-try. (With the exception of Teaopia’s Love Spell, since I’ve never had it before, and it won’t be available soon – may as well just go for the 50g, I know it’s good.) So most of those additions to my cupboard won’t be around for long.
[ Edit: Just discovered that Love Spell is apparently one of Teaopia’s “top 20,” so they are keeping it after all.]
This one is SO good, and a definite re-purchase at some point, even though it is stupidly expensive despite having barely any tea in it. (It is pretty hard to dent my high opinion of DAVIDsTEA, but these days even I have to wince when I open my bag or tin at home and discover, say, the half a slice of dried orange I found in my tin of Mango Madness. Seriously, I paid for the weight of that? What the hell am I even going to DO with that, use it as a cocktail garnish?!)
This is so creamy – especially sweetened with honey, which always adds to or brings out creaminess in teas – and like I said, I love creaminess! Creamy coconut is really the strongest impression I get from this one. Other people have said “caramel” and I get where that’s coming from, but I don’t know if it’s the first description I would have used if I hadn’t seen other people describe this tea that way. Perhaps if you could imagine a fruity version of caramel; that’s what this tastes like. There’s a sweet fruitiness to it under the cream and coconut.
So I guess that’s the mulberries. Although, to be honest, I’ve never had a mulberry. So I’m not sure exactly what they are adding to this tea other than that fruity note.
I decided to try for two steeps of my last leaf of this, so I steeped the first cup for 5 minutes and the second cup for 9, both around 90 degrees. I honestly expected the first cup to be weak, but it really wasn’t…and in the second, if I concentrate, I actually faintly taste the Bai Mu Dan-which-barely-was.
In other news, Tea Annoyances, it really sucks when “your” bathroom in the house is also the main bathroom because you drew the short straw for bedrooms and are the only member of the household without your own bathroom…so everyone uses your bathroom to shower, have baths, shave their legs for two hours, etc. AND YOU DRINK A LOT OF TEA.
Try a 10 minute steep. Thats usually what I let it go for and it really lets the creamy deliciousness come out =)
Oooh thanks, I’ll try that. What water temperature do you like to use?
No problemo! I like to use ~93 and prefer making a bigger pot vs just a single cup for myself. For some reason this tea (to me) tastes better when brewed in a pot. I dont know why… it just does =S
I tried this your way, Lynne-tea, and it was made of win – it gave it a really nice creaminess :) Thanks!