Hot Lips (Organic)

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Cinnamon, Peppercorn, Sweet, Pepper, Candy, Grass
Sold in
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Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 21 oz / 631 ml

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Feel the heat

Some like it hot….and some like it REALLY hot. If you’re the kind of person who keeps a bottle of hot sauce on them at all times, this little number will be right up your alley. It’s a fiery green tea blend with a big hit of cinnamon, spiked with hot chilli peppers and pink peppercorns. Think of your favourite cinnamon candy, only all grown up. Mama mia – that’s-a spicy tea ball!

Ingredients: Organic: green tea, cinnamon, safflower,Read more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

103 Tasting Notes

17027 tasting notes

Cinnamon Hearts!

Yet another green tea that I pulled for today; I have a lot of it to get through, and this is an older tea of mine, so it’s important that I pull it out every now and then and then so I can slowly finish it off.

Slowly is the key word… I’m working on it, though!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

I just got a sample of this to try today. I caved after your positive reviews :)

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1473 tasting notes

Oh man. Oh maaaaan.

So my wonderful wife was running by the mall yesterday and offered to snag some of this for me since I barely had a chance to fart at work the previous day, much less take a break and run out to get tea.

I brewed it up as soon as I could and oh man, I was not disappointed. I love all things cinnamon. DT’s Cinnamon Chai is my go-to when I’m not feeling well, and their Cinnamon Heart, well, it was okay, but it didn’t have the cinnamon kick I crave. As much as I hate it, Harney & Son’s Hot Cinnamon Spice has been my ultimate cinnamon lover for the last little while.

Until now. Buh-bye Harney, I’m so glad I won’t have to try and replace you!

This tea is wonderful. And it’s a green! I don’t even like greens, but this one is amazing. The cinnamon sweetness pairs amazingly well with the kick of heat and in this “winter” season, that kick really helps soothe a sore throat. (When I’ve got sinus/throat issues, my number one remedy is Hot and Sour soup. Dad made me try it once and it works like a charm!) I love this tea so much that last night I dreamt about going to various DavidsTeas to try and get a tin of it. Definitely buying a tin (or two) as soon as possible. I really hope this one makes it into the permanent collection!

I tried another steep last night and it was smoother, the flavors subdued a bit, but not much. I passed out before I could finish the cup and I’m drinking it cold this morning and it is just as lovely cold as it is hot! Just beautiful.

180 °F / 82 °C
Kittenna 13 years ago

Obviously I am doing something wrong – I seem to be just about the only person who doesn’t care for this tea! Maybe I’ll give it another chance tonight. How long did you steep it for??

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

Just about two minutes the first time. Make sure your water isn’t too hot! That’s my biggest problem with greens. Good luck!

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292 tasting notes

Oh, Hot Lips. You are delicious and I love you.

3 min, 0 sec
Kittenna 12 years ago

Ugh, I think I still have some of this one left. I hated it D:

jessiwrites 12 years ago

That’s just crazy talk! Hahaha!

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107 tasting notes

I used to love this tea! LOVE. It tasted like cinnamon hearts and was my go-to “school tea” because it had a strong enough flavour that I could steep it in one of those nasty paper cups from Starbucks and it wouldn’t taste like cardboard cup.

But something has gone terribly wrong since then. Quite possibly it is just too old, but the last five or so cups I’ve had of this made me feel more than a little ill…so it’s not just “wasn’t what I was in the mood for after all,” it’s really not good to me anymore. Could it really be the age? I swear that I have teas from DT that are even older and still taste delicious, but this…no. The tea that I can taste in it tastes terrible and cheap. The cinnamon is sharp and unpleasant. I wouldn’t even give this away.

So although I’ve yet to have thrown out more than the last few broken leaves of a tea, I think it is the right decision this time to chuck the last of what I have of this one.


I can’t start reviewing the new Teavana teas as planned, because last I checked (when I stopped in this morning to pick up my poor iPod that I left behind at the re-merching last night) they STILL had not arrived. Apparently this is the case across Canada; I don’t know if it’s every Canadian location, or just some of them, but SUCK.

Our regional manager is currently in Atlanta, apparently to let H/O know that Canadians are not second-class citizens, thank you very much and we. Are not. Impressed.

Hope they smarten up!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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momo 13 years ago

But they love you guys down here, or at least the hiring manager who hired me did/does.

Daniel Scott 13 years ago

Wait, do you/did you work for Teavana? LOL, how do they love us?

‘Cuz it sure feels like we’re an afterthought up here! It’s like, our stuff keeps getting delivered late, or not at all, and we keep getting told things like, “Yixing is now discontinued in Canada.” (WHY?! I mean, I personally think our yixing is ugly as hell, but other people clearly disagree because we couldn’t keep that stuff on the shelf.) We bitch about this in the back, like…people from Canadian stores are on the Top 40 every week, we’re making money for this company, where’s the respect? (In the form of a variety of merch and tea that arrives on time!)

momo 13 years ago

I start tomorrow lol. She said the Canadians they brought in for training outsold any group of American trainees she had ever just by being far more enthusiastic. Sounds like apparently it is not the entire company though. That’s so weird that they almost forget they’re up there, that’s more money for them and isn’t that the point of acquiring another company?

Daniel Scott 13 years ago

Oh, cool! Have you gotten your training textbook manual yet? LOL, keep me posted.

I hope you got it at a place with high foot traffic and a good manager! I think those two things make Teavana way easier to work for. Most of the terrible stories I’ve heard seem to be associated with nasty managers who push employees too hard, and dead locations with sales goals too high for their traffic.

momo 13 years ago

I’ll get it tomorrow. This mall is constantly busy (when I went in to fill out forms it was like 2pm on Thursday and PACKED) but I feel like the Teavana’s in a little nook. But I just realized the other day looking at a map that apparently this little nook is a main entrance LOL. I always just go in through Macy’s so now beforehand tomorrow I have to find out how to avoid that. I’ve shopped there plenty of times and it’s probably my favorite store around here besides the original, but I feel like a peasant in that mall.

Daniel Scott 13 years ago

You feel like a peasant? So it’s a higher-end mall? That will be very good for your sales if so. You’d be amazed at what people of some means will casually drop on tea even when they’ve barely drank it before…hundreds of dollars.

momo 13 years ago

Well, the other mall is worse but this one makes me feel like a peasant too, just less so (other mall has Maseratis and Bentleys on display inside, it’s kind of ridiculous). It’s also easily accessible for people who come in to Atlanta just to come shopping so I think that’ll help too. Plus Christmas.

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525 tasting notes

Surprisingly, I don’t really like this. I love cinnamon and I love spicy so I have no idea what went wrong here. I brewed up a cup this morning and loved the bright yellow liquor that resulted. I enjoyed my first few sips from my giant mug. Tasted like Big Red gum, only sweeter and with a peppery kick. It wasn’t my fave, but it was okay.

Then I poured the rest into a plastic travel mug to take to work. This is where it goes wrong. In the mug, it became cloying and artificial. I had to chug the last bit just to get rid of it so that I could move on to something else. What happened? :( I love cinnamon! This was supposed to be awesome! Sad. Maybe it’s the travel mug. I’ll try it once more when I get home in a ceramic mug. If I still don’t like it, someone can look forward to it in a future swap. Lots of other people seem to enjoy this. There’s a lot of natural sweetness in this tea.

Holding off on the rating till I try this again.

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Mena g 13 years ago

This happens to me too whenever I use a plastic travel mug with any of my teas! I always use a ceramic mug now. I got one from Starbucks and use it for DT teas (helps me get hot water on campus!). I tossed the plastic mug. I can’t drink from plastic mugs!!!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

A ceramic travel mug sounds like exactly what I need! I have a stainless steel thermos that tastes like every tea I’ve ever put in it so I was considering getting glass, but Cedric sounds good too.

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

mm, yes I’m a big fan of glass for that reason as well. I also love how glass doesn’t retain any of the smell of the previous tea, no matter how potent! (ei: cold 911 x_x)

CHAroma 13 years ago

I’ve also noticed that my tea doesn’t taste as good when I pour it from a glass cup into a plastic travel mug. Thanks for the tip on Starbucks’ ceramic mugs! I’m going to check that out!

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185 tasting notes

Now this one I know is from Krystaleyn! For sure this time!

Mmm… cinnamon. This is a nice cinnamon tea. It tastes just like little red hots. There’s probably green tea under there… somewhere… but I’m not sure. I’m not really convinced, you know?

But there’s tasty candied cinnamon flavor. Having a deep love of all things cinnamon, this makes me very happy. I could keep this one around… if nothing else, just for it’s delicious cinnamonosity… maybe. It’s a little tamer than the cinnamon in say, MarketSpice. So I think I’d actually go for that if I had an overwhelming cinnamon jones. A Cinnamonstrosity. That should totally be the name of a tea. Like a roasted mate base, with cinnamon chips, cinnamon flavoring… and… uh… I don’t know. I’m probably good there. Cinnamonstrosity.

I’ll go now.

165 °F / 73 °C 1 min, 0 sec
Kittenna 13 years ago

:D I seem to have sent you guys a bunch of teas containing cinnamon! Not intentional :P

Dylan Oxford 13 years ago

Totally welcome though!

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357 tasting notes

The cinnamon and pepper have a nice warming effect over the green tea base, those same ingredients also provide a nice aftertaste. It’s an alright tea, I’m glad I tried it, but I’m not in love with it. If I saw it on sale I might pick up a pouch, otherwise I wouldn’t go out of my way to get this one again. meh

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Strong cinnamon aroma.

Liquor: Bright and golden clear, with a strong cinnamon aroma.

Flavour: Sweet cinnamon flavour with a very hot, spicy note.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec
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AliPants 13 years ago

Is there any way to petition to make this tea part of the permanent collection? I think it’s exactly what’s been missing from DT’s green tea lineup.

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103 tasting notes

Are you kidding me with this? Hot Lips? I got this in a swap from Awkward Soul (thank you!) and I waited until I was in just the right mood to try it because I was expecting it to blow my socks off.

I’m one of those people who orders everything “mild” from the Chinese and Thai menus. I’m a WUSS. And the only thing I could think of when I drank this tea was that old garbage bag commercial, “Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy!” I barely even got any cinnamon flavor at all! Here I was nervous about those chilis or whatever, and I couldn’t even taste the cinnamon. Huh. Maybe all that Hot Cinnamon Sunset that I used to drink from Harney & Sons really toughened me up.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1783 tasting notes

I don’t have a bottle of hot sauce on me at ALL times, but I have gone through almost half a bottle of Yellow Bird habanero sauce in a little over a week, so challenge accepted. Alright “Hot Lips”, lets see what ya got! First few sips had nothing. No cinnamon, no spice, no kick. It smells like a red hot candy. A little further into the cup and I can feel some heat. As it cools I can pick out a little of the green tea base and get a little more cinnamon, but for something that promises a big hit of cinnamon for those who love hot sauce, it really fails to deliver. At the very last part of my cup there was a little more spice on the back of my tongue. The tea tastes nice, don’t get me wrong, I just didn’t get the tea in the description.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec
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__Morgana__ 11 years ago

My BF has a thing going with a friend of his where he sends his friend a hot sauce with an outrageous name and his friend tries to outdo him. It’s hilarious! Sorry there wasn’t enough spice in Hot Lips. LOL.

Dustin 11 years ago

Now you have me curious! What were some of the hot sauce names?

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Well, probably my favorite is “Slap My A** and Call Me Sally” which came in both red and green sauces.

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Oooh, I must make a correction. It’s actually “Smack My A** and Call me Sally.” These find distinctions are important, you know. ;-)

Dustin 11 years ago

Call Me Sally?! What a strange name for a hot sauce! I think the two names together would make for an amusing name for a single sauce.

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

It is a single name (both phrases together). I guess it looked like two different ones because of the asterisks. That’s what I get for trying to keep things clean. Communication suffers. ;-)

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