Fantasy Island

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Black Tea, Coconut, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Raspberry
Coconut, Cream, Creamy, Fruity, Malt, Smooth, Tannin, Toasty, Vanilla, Nutty, Raspberry, Sweet, Thick, Toasted, Artificial, Cake, Cherry, Tropical, Bitter, Burnt, Perfume, Butter, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Soap, Berries
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Kosher, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 3 g 11 oz / 327 ml

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243 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Alright, tasting note 300! This was a wonderful tea to come home to. It won’t knock your socks off; instead, it’ll kneel at your feet, remove your socks kindly, and then give you a hug. And it’ll...” Read full tasting note
  • “I don’t know if anyone has ever tried any of Walden Farms calorie free sauces/dips but I found them in the store today and stocked up. I was so excited to find 0 calorie marshmallow dip and peanut...” Read full tasting note
  • “Feels so good to not return an empty bag into my cabinet! I used up the remainder of the bag to make iced tea. I’m finding it really doesn’t take that much overnight to get a good flavor for some...” Read full tasting note
  • “And so concludes yesterday’s backlog! And consequently Tre just got home, so I don’t get to log any of today’s tea… So, tomorrow there’ll be backlog all over again. What an unpleasant...” Read full tasting note


Rich, dark, sensual

It’s spring again, time to fall in love. So start steeping this tea. Let the black leaves unfurl, the coconut swirl and the heady scent of raspberry sweep you away. You’ll find yourself on a magical island where the sun always shines except, of course, when the moonlight is reflected on the soft waves and some fabulous admirer is whispering in your ear. Then try it iced. It’s even better.

Ingredients: Black tea, Coconut, Raspberries, Natural raspberry flavouring, Artificial coconut flavouring.

1-2 Perfect Spoonfuls of tea
475 ml (16 oz) of 95℃/200℉ water for hot tea or 295 ml (10 oz) for iced
Steep for 3-5 minutes
Sip hot or top with ice for iced tea

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

243 Tasting Notes

513 tasting notes

Alright, tasting note 300!

This was a wonderful tea to come home to. It won’t knock your socks off; instead, it’ll kneel at your feet, remove your socks kindly, and then give you a hug. And it’ll smell of good things: home, innocence, laundry (laundry? shut up, keychange!). Ok ok, so it doesn’t smell like laundry. But how can a creamy cup of coconut tinged with raspberry not be comforting on a day that makes you feel as though winter has taken up residence in your very soul and will be there forever and ever? I hate all these layers of clothes; I hate feeling like a graceless sausage as I try to cram legs into leggings and then dress pants just so I can freeze at the office anyway. I hate having to walk so gingerly so as to not slip and fall, which given that I seem to have terrible balance at the best of times, is bound to happen nonetheless. And I hate the fact that I get cold so quickly—like I’ll be standing outside for ten seconds and then start shaking violently as if I’m having a seizure, and like, no thanks. How needlessly dramatic. But this tea really does make me feel as though a coconut and sun-screen laden summer isn’t terribly far away.

And those are my deep thoughts for the evening. Back to bitching about the cold and being annoyed at having to wake up early tomorrow morning.

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

300 woot!


I also despise winter. We can survive it though. Summer is getting closer every day!


300! Yay!


Congrats on 300!!


Woot! Go 300 go!


Fireworks for 300!!!!


Yay! 300! Congrats!


Happy 300! I’ve starting burning summery candles to help push those winter blues aside!


Thanks guys! We can beat this winter! one tasting note at a time!


Let me just say that I love reading your tealog notes—your comments on tea are great, but I also love your amusing anecdotes and descriptions (“I hate feeling like a graceless sausage as I try to cram my legs into leggings…” HAHA! I can totally relate!) Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts! :-D


Oh, thank you! Reading that comment just made my day!!

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6444 tasting notes

I don’t know if anyone has ever tried any of Walden Farms calorie free sauces/dips but I found them in the store today and stocked up. I was so excited to find 0 calorie marshmallow dip and peanut butter and chocolate sauce and creamy dressing, that I convinced myself it would magically taste like the real thing. I was so excited in fact that I couldn’t even wait to get home to sample my new things. They were DISGUSTING!! OMG, they were so bad I think I will have nightmares for the rest of my life.

Anyways, in hopes of restoring my faith in the possibility of tasty 0 calorie treats, I turned to tea. Also, I turned to a tea I love. Hence I am having a cup of Fantasy Island. Raspberry deliciousness combined with coconutty sweetness. This hits the spot every time. Yum!!! Faith restored :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Oh, I’m so sorry I am laughing so hard! I know that feeling, when you build the anticipation and end up spitting whatever it is out and tossing the rest in the trash. Tea is way better. :)


Don’t worry about the laughing. My mom was sitting next to me and I think she almost peed herself when she saw my reaction. It just did not go over well.


oh no! lol…. i prefer outright justifications: carrot cake is good for me because it has carrots in it which cancel out the oil and the sugar. so is the cream cheese icing because it has dairy…. calcium is damn important!

while i experience more delusions this way, i also experience fewer let downs =0P

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1220 tasting notes

Feels so good to not return an empty bag into my cabinet! I used up the remainder of the bag to make iced tea. I’m finding it really doesn’t take that much overnight to get a good flavor for some things…I definitely only had enough for 5 cups but I filled my pitcher for 8. Flavor is as good as always.

It really does taste like a cold coconut macaroon. This time around I taste more of the raspberry and I’m not really liking how it combines with the coconut, oddly. I guess because you don’t really see coconut raspberry macaroons.

But, glad to have room now for some of those new summer teas from Davids…it’s driving me crazy I can’t order them for at least another week!

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17008 tasting notes

And so concludes yesterday’s backlog! And consequently Tre just got home, so I don’t get to log any of today’s tea… So, tomorrow there’ll be backlog all over again. What an unpleasant cycle.

Teabags from Kat_Maria showed up a few minutes ago, so over 200 teas… Again. At least several are just one bag amounts, so easy sipdowns. I’m going to try to finish them all today, and maybe sipdown a few other things?

This cup was nice, though! I steeped the leaves for a shorter amount of time than usual, and consequently the raspberry and coconut were more prominent. Sadly, this cup was also fairly oily? Not just visually, but kind of it mouthfeel too, but that was maybe a fair trade off?

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658 tasting notes

I am further into this tin than I would like to acknowledge. But today I was running late for class for no particular reason. When I stepped outside, it was raining. In March. Yet again. On the still freshly-dyed red hair I’m trying desperately to protect. Well, it was just a light drizzle I thought, and no time to go back upstairs for an umbrella.

I did make it in time to get a seat but I also learned that “just a light drizzle” really accumulates during a twenty-minute walk. And that sitting through two hours of lecture is unpleasant when you’re soaked through and have to repeat the drizzly walk to get home.

So, when I returned this tea helped me avoid looking out the window for the rest of the day and pretend that the weather was just dandy. It’s well-named, as Fantasy Island really helps with escapism. I love how rich this one is; each time I drink it I decide that it tastes like a different delicious baked good. Today it was macaroons. The coconut is definitely the star here, but the raspberry really adds so much. It gives this tea a wonderful little tang that I think is what sets it apart so much from all the (many) other coconut teas I’ve tried.

I’ve read that a rinse of black tea or rooibos is good for red hair. I’ll try it with some cheap tea, but if I used this I would be so tempted to leave it on my head and smell incredible all day.

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6119 tasting notes


So it figures, the last cup of this tea from my sample bag, and it’s pretty delicious. I’m drinking it cold, but I’m getting wonderful creamy coconut, chocolate, and a bit of fruitiness. There’s still astringency, but I’m willing to bet that it’s a consequence of the very broken leaf, which is more than likely my fault due to carelessness/carting this tea to/from school a couple times. I think this cup is better because I used a very fine Finum brew basket, which kept stray particles from getting into the cup and sitting for say, an hour before drinking it.

Anyways, big ratings bump here, as this is really fairly tasty. It would definitely go on the short list to pick up for a nice flavourful morning black tea that tastes great without additions!

Also, now I know that next time I have dusty black, if I use a Finum basket and a conservative infusion time, it might turn out ok! :D

ETA: Second infusion, 3 min at boiling, is coconutty and good. And thus this tea is now gone forever.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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358 tasting notes

Back in April, my mom gave me money to buy a Timolino as part of my birthday gift. Last fall I was on campus for 12 hours straight every day and I seriously would’ve committed a crime to have a hot cup of tea by the time my last class started. So when I heard all sorts of good things about Timolinos I did a ton of research and then decided to buy one so that I could enjoy hot tea this fall, when I will be practically living like a hobo on campus 24/7 until they make me leave at night (or so I’ve be warned by other nursing students). I ordered my Timolino last Saturday and it arrived today (super fast shipping!) I kept waiting from April until now to see if they would have any cute colors come out (pink please!) but finally decided to go with the pretty white one. Well, lo and behold what do I see on Facebook right after I admire my Timolino and loving wash it out and dry it, that Davids is now offering 16 oz Timolinos!! That was my only hesitation in being completely sold on the Timolino – that it may be too small at just 12 ounces! I considered sending the white one back and exchanging for a larger size, but I figure I may as well try this 12 oz one out and then if I like it I will invest in a larger one in the future. I could use 2 sizes, anyways, since sometimes if I’m just running errands or going to church 16 ounces is almost too much.

Anyways, this is the one tea that I allowed myself to purchase from Davids along with my Timolino. I’ve been curious about this one for awhile, and coconut and raspberry are some of my favorite flavors. Overall, I like this tea! It’s very strongly coconutty, but in a sweet kind of way. It tastes similar to a coconut macaroon, but with a little fruitiness to it. I’m almost curious as to what a little chocolate thrown into this one would taste like. I’m not absolutely in love with this one, but I think it will end up in my Timolino many times in the near future!

-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves and twigs with slivers of coconut and dried raspberries.
-Dry leaves smell strongly of nutty coconut with malty and sweet notes. Tea liquor aroma is of malty black tea and buttery coconut.
-Tea liquor is a clear dark reddish brown color with an oily sheen on top.
-Malty and almost tart raspberry flavor and finish. Light rich coconut aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Reminiscent of a coconut macaroon with a hint of sweet fruitiness.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Maybe they’ll make the 16 oz timolino in pink!

Josie Jade

I hope so, Caile! That’s what I’m going to wait and hope for! :)

Bear With Me

Nursing student, eh? You’re going to want one in each size! ;)

Josie Jade

That’s what I keep hearing, ShayneBear!

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1186 tasting notes

My one cup of black tea for the day – I really should start having this earlier. But I’m so sleepy tonight I doubt it will do much. I’ve been reading *keychange*’s notes on this tea this week and last, and have been craving it now haha. Creamy and sweet, a bit of raspberry, a bit strong tonight but still delicious. Next time I will add some milk. Nice cozy flavor that reminds me of summer. :) see previous notes!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I’m so intrigued by Fantasy Island as so many people are drinking and liking it. It’s going on the want list.


@Morgana – you really should try it. I find most people overlook it when they are at Davids but those who try it typically really enjoy it. I know I did!


Thanks for the confirmation, VT!


Love this tea, and I’m glad my tasting notes made you crave it! I think you’ll be blown out of this world (in a good way) when you add in some milk! mmm


Haha yess I think I added some milk in the past and it was just soo creamy and good..I don’t too often because I’m bad with milk, but I might have to this weekend!

@Morgana – yes it seems to be a blend that is not as well known, but it is one of their tastier creamy black teas!

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576 tasting notes

Thanks to Wifey_Woman for sending my way… This is the first David’s Tea product I’ve tried and I’m very impressed! Tastes as tropical as it smells when brewing. The coconut is a nice touch, making it sweet without needing to add more sweetener. I gulped this right down (once it cooled, so I didn’t choke on burning water!). I’d love to try this iced… guess I’ll have to try more teas from David’s Tea!


Glad you liked it!


To order online from DT, you have to order in multiples of 50g. I live close to a DT and can get you smaller samples if you like, I’m always willing to work out a swap and share the DT love! But if you want to order more of this one, I’d act fast, as it’s a spring tea and was discontinued on May 3rd :(. It’s one of my favorites, though!


Yikes! Thanks for the tips! I saw the summer collection online – I think I will have to acquire it asap. :)


Maybe I should grab some more Goji Pop…I never know things are discontinued until it’s too late.


I have a sample of Goji Pop guess I should try it to see if I like it so I can order it!


As I understand it, the seasonal teas are discontinued as soon as the next season’s teas are released. Normally, you’d still have a few months of being able to find them online, but goji pop they can barely keep in the stores…it might be worth making an order for.


Thanks for the heads up!

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516 tasting notes

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting much.

Coconut, raspberry black. Meh. I can imagine.

But wow. The dry smell is POW, a punch, right in the kisser! The tea itself smells just as strong, like this awesome raspberry coconut confection… decadent and .. wow. Took my breath away haha.

Love! Can’t wait to try it iced!


Maybe I’ll have to try it again, the first time I had it brewed in store… atrocious!

Daisy Chubb

Ah fair enough! I have a feeling this black can be oversteeped VERY easily, even in my 3 minute, less than boiling steep it was a bit bitter – I have enough for one more cup (I’ll try 2 mins) and a cold steep, so I’ll let you know if the tea redeems itself enough!

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