Through the Grapevine

Tea type
White Tea
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Grapes, Raisins, Sweet
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190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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People can’t stop talking about this sensational white-grape tea. Like real grapes, it’s naturally sweet with a touch of tartness. It mingles scandalously decadent white Bai Mu Dan and Cui Min teas with a rich bouquet of mallow blossoms, cornflowers and rose petals. And it’s bursting with juicy tidbits of rosehip and black currant. So salaciously grapey, you’ll just about lose your mind for it.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

34 Tasting Notes

709 tasting notes

You know what Steepster? This tea is going on four years old and I still have 50 grams left. You know what else? It’s still really good. I get grapes, I get raisin, I get a bit of natural sweetness and a hint of white tea. I don’t get bitterness or astringency. I don’t get bubblegum. I don’t get anything overly artificial. This was a really well balanced white tea blend that Davids put out for Christmas nearly four years ago and I really liked it. I still like it. I wish they would return to these less flavoured blends that hold up to a bit of abuse. I am so happy with this right now. Trying out whites and green oolongs lately has inspired me to broaden my tea horizons, on occasion at least. Usually the beau takes care of everything that isn’t a black tea in our house but I’ve been on a sampling role lately and I will be keeping this one at work with me for the times I want a flavoured or light tea.

By the way, the grapiness of this is like purple grapes I find. No tart, not aggressive, not fake or candy-like. Really nice. A white base was the way to go. Way better than the newer grape tea they did a while ago.

Flavors: Grapes, Raisins, Sweet


a tea never really dies…

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440 tasting notes

Okay, so this week has absolutely sucked for me. As a bit of a soul soothing consolation prize I made this one cold steeped when I got out-patiented from emerg on Friday, and have been nursing the pitcher ever since. This is definitely one of my all time favourite teas from David’s and was exactly the tea I needed to get even a small smile on my face.


Sorry to hear your life has been sucking. :( I hope you get better soon!

Tina S.

hugs Thank you! Good luck on finals!

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170 tasting notes

I’m so glad I bought tons of this one last winter! Every time, before I brew it, I think it probably won’t be as good as in my memory, and expect to be slightly disappointed. Especially since the dry smell screams GRAPE! and nothing else, almost to the point where it’s too much. But once again, it failed to disappoint! I brought some in class in a thermos, and when I opened it, everyone’s head instantly turned in my direction from the smell, and I definitely could see some envy! (of course, I did share some with my neighbours!).

Anyways, the best thing about that tea is its taste. If you brew it right, you will taste the grape, but it won’t overpower the white tea at all. Since I’m a big white tea fan, to me, that part is the best. The delicious, flavourful taste of white tea, paired with a delicate yet authentic taste of grapes in the background. How can this not be permanent? I think none of DT’s recent white tea blends have hit the note as well as this one (though I did love some of them – hello Cherry Potion!).

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 30 sec

Agreed! This tea is amazing, I’m so glad I have some left. So much grapey goodness. I’ve not been a big fan of DT’s latest white tea blends.

Daisy Chubb

Wow this does sound amazing. Ditto with you aisling about the recent white tea blends, although I have a little soft spot for Buttercream, it’s still not amazing.


I agree about Buttercream! Nice and comforting!


Through the Grapevine was my absolute favourite tea! I was so disappointed when I went back to refill and they said that they only stocked it seasonally. I just found out that you can vote online to bring a seasonal tea back! It’ll get a permanent spot on the shelf! Vote away!

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1404 tasting notes

This tastes exactly like white grape juice. Freakishly so. It’s delicious!

Thanks Sarai!

Aimee Popovacki

lol i miss the old teas that david’s used to have…. a lot of these new ones arent cutting it for me… especially because of all the mango they seem to be using!

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902 tasting notes

I wish there was a way to tag/flag teas that have more than one entry. This one has 3 different entries!! I’ve noticed that it’s very common for the teas I’ve had from David’s. (I’ve chosen to log under this one, since it’s the only entry that has another note).

Anyway, the dry leaf smells like grape sweet-tart candies, or really concentrated grape juice. Very, very strong on the grape flavoring. I’ve brewed it to almost-recommended instructions (I did 2 tsp instead of 3 tsp for 16 oz).

As I sip, I can detect the grape flavoring…it’s semi-strong, but I’m also tasting something that’s rather grape-leaf flavored. This blend is very grassy/leafy/vegetal tasting to me. There’s just a hint of flowers at the end of the sip and in the aftertaste.

I think I’ll hold off on rating this until I’ve had it at a lower temp/steep time.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Drop Jason a note about it – he can merge them – either PM him or email him with the links if you can at – hope that helps!


Thanks, I think he’s aware of the issue with the company as a whole…there was a thread in the discussions that mentioned David’s Tea as having two company entries. I really don’t want to bog Jason down with repetitive emails…I’m sure he gets enough of them as it is!

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618 tasting notes

I’m really loving the smell of this tea. It definitely has that white grape juice scent! The taste of this tea, however, is much lighter than expected! The smell has me craving a blast of juicy, sweet and tart grape. This is a really light and gorgeous cup of tea, I only want more GRAPE flavor. Thank you ladykittykat for this tea!

Paul M Tracy

This seems to be my experience with DAVIDsTEAs in general. They all have incredible fragrance but steep relatively mild. The only exception I’ve found is their coffee pu-erh which I really like.


DavidsTea definitely has beautiful smelling teas. I have tried Buttered Rum, too, and found that it was really very strong — almost as strong as its scent!

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142 tasting notes

I love grape juice, or actually grape drink, reminds me of being a kid and my dad would take me to harvey’s and get that grape “juice” they used to have. that and the onion rings were the only reason i would go there…ok getting off topic lol.

The dry leaves smell kind of like that grape juice tasted.

When steeping you really smell the grape but you also get a distinct floral smell too.

The taste is not what i expected, not as grapey as i thought it would be but still very nice, i would definitely do this tea again when i’m in the mood for something sweet.

Note: when spooning this out make sure to try and get a little from each componant, I’ve noticed that the tea tastes a little different each time depending on how much of each ingredient ends up in your cup.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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25 tasting notes

/sniffs tea/
Welch’s grape juice?! WHERE?!

So I figured after taking a wiff of this it would be overpowering with grape. However, perhaps I used a smidge less leaves than suggested, but I found this white tea light and refreshing. This tea’s natural sweetness with the white grape flavor and the flowery tart after-taste is really beginning to grow on me. I’m going to miss this tea once I’ve drank through the 25g sample I bought.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

This smells like grape bubblegum to me.


mmm that too (now that brings back childhood memories)! :) Whatever it is, it’s grapey deliciousness all round. haha

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76 tasting notes

Hey look! I found some more of this! I thought i ran out long ago..

This was one of my first Davidsteas, I remember being sold on the smell of it (which is I guess, how they make most of their business). I’m actually pretty happy about this one; it smells wonderful, looks and tastes almost like white wine. It’s also on the expensive side, which i really wonder how i coughed up $20 for a 100g bag/tin.. Kinda sucks that they don’t make this one anymore, I would say that this was one of the better ones I’ve tried.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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96 tasting notes

This tea smells like Welch’s grape jelly!

This tea promises delicious grapey-ness, and I can definitely taste it. It has a nice grape aftertaste too it as well. The white tea’s flavours are so light that, of course, they’re a bit overpowered by the grapes and other ingredients, but not so much that you loose the tea taste entirely.

I love looking at white teas in the tin. I don’t know why, but something about the texture of the leaves is something that makes me happy.

(Random fact: While writing this, a Welch’s juice commercial came on A&E! I think it’s a sign?)

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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