Citron Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Jasmine, Lemon Myrtle, Natural Flavours, Oolong Tea Leaves
Acidic, Flowers, Grapefruit, Hibiscus, Lemon, Jasmine, Lemon Zest, Sweet, Candy, Lemongrass, Medicinal, Menthol, Thick, Artificial, Citrus, Floral, Orange, Perfume, Fruity, Smooth, Biting, Citrus Fruits, Citrus Zest, Citrusy, Mineral, Plants, Hay, Green, Vegetal
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 30 sec 5 g 32 oz / 945 ml

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  • “I’m drinking all my David’s Tea oolongs at work now since they seem to give my mom a migraine. Even the smell seems to set one off. (sighs) oh well Butiki Teas seem to be fine with her and the...” Read full tasting note
  • “(DavidsTea already recorded) Probably shouldn’t have bought the 50g of this that I did, as I’m fairly ambivalent about this tea. Oh well, perhaps it will make a nice iced tea? It’s fine, just not...” Read full tasting note
  • “One would think that 10g would go a long way… Nope! I already know that I will have to get more of this tea and FAST, despite all these little samples I have that should be getting tasted and...” Read full tasting note
  • “I thought I already tried this one but when I tore open the bag, the strong lemon/orange aroma convinced me otherwise. I must have had this confused with one of their other oolongs. Anyways. I was...” Read full tasting note


A citrus burst

This blend of high-grown oolong is truly rejuvenating. It’s scented with lemon myrtle, jasmine and natural citrus essences, and the result is light, fresh and uplifting. Hot, it’s soothing and citrusy. Iced, it’s an unbelievable thirst quencher. And infused into vodka, it makes the world’s best martinis. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Oolong tea, jasmine flowers, lemon myrtle, natural orange flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

153 Tasting Notes

806 tasting notes

I’m drinking all my David’s Tea oolongs at work now since they seem to give my mom a migraine. Even the smell seems to set one off. (sighs) oh well Butiki Teas seem to be fine with her and the pumpkin chai so I don’t have to hide all my stash :D

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6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea already recorded)

Probably shouldn’t have bought the 50g of this that I did, as I’m fairly ambivalent about this tea. Oh well, perhaps it will make a nice iced tea? It’s fine, just not enough oolong, and maybe a bit heavy on the herby-lemon flavours.

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Evol Ving Ness 3 years ago

I didn’t really think much of it initially. I put it away, read it got swallowed up by my stash, and by the time it re-emerged, I found it to be quite delightful. Ymmv, of course.

Kittenna 3 years ago

Interesting. Maybe it needs just a bit more time to… mellow?

Evol Ving Ness 3 years ago

Maybe, or maybe we do :)

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230 tasting notes

One would think that 10g would go a long way…

Nope! I already know that I will have to get more of this tea and FAST, despite all these little samples I have that should be getting tasted and drunk and enjoyed, I am stuck like glue to this one! I carted my little basket of leaves around all day and steeped, steeped, steeped, when possible.

I love the lemon scent, followed by a mellow taste of oolong tea. I can’t describe the flavour past “mellow”, so-SO good though!

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Indigobloom 14 years ago

agreed! I just put up with the Jasmine in this, cuz I love it! the only tea I know that can get past my allergy <:o

MaddHatter 14 years ago

I don’t notice the jasmine, it must be really subtle or I am not aware of what it is like, both in scent and taste. But the Lemon Myrtle flowers! oh God! I hope they make more teas with this!

Indigobloom 14 years ago

I think you’re right about that, I can’t find the jasmine either but it’s in the ingredients list!
Lemon myrtle makes me happy :)

Cattibrie 14 years ago

The girl at the store suggested that this one shouldn’t be resteeped. Is that right or do you find it is possible to resteep it?

MaddHatter 14 years ago

If it shouldn’t be re-steeped I would not call it an oolong. I’ve re-steeped one serving 3 or more times…

MaddHatter 14 years ago

I wonder if maybe she steeped the leaves too long for the first steep and therefore was not able to steep it again?

Cattibrie 14 years ago

Not sure but she was explaining how oolongs are different to the friend I brought in with me and said Oolong’s can be steeped up to 5 times but just not this one. Maybe she isn’t a fan of this one.

Indigobloom 14 years ago

I’ve resteeped this one, and it was great! Not sure why she would say that… maybe it’s got something to do with the myrtle?

MaddHatter 13 years ago

I desperetly wanted this last night, I guess I’m picking some up this weekend…

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525 tasting notes

I thought I already tried this one but when I tore open the bag, the strong lemon/orange aroma convinced me otherwise. I must have had this confused with one of their other oolongs. Anyways. I was expecting a subtle citrus with a creamy green oolong and slightly floral jasmine. Instead I got more jasmine flowers than tea and more lemon flavor than a lemon. I was not really a fan of this hot. It had a strong herbal flavor. So I chilled it with added water. Much better. Then I managed to get two cold brews with the same leaves. I’m going for one more overnight.

So this isn’t really the best lemon tea. I wanted to taste the oolong. But it’s alright hot but good cold. and its good for many infusions. So pros and cons. It is a very refreshing cold drink.

Edit: I just re-read this. I make no sense. But I’m tired so I’ll leave it. :P

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Azzrian 13 years ago

I often make no sense – your post however makes sense to me.

Batrachoid 13 years ago

So long as it’s not plans for a rocket, don’t worry how you babble. =)But if it is, congrats! You can work on the space station!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Haha. I wish. I think physics was the one subject I simply could not do well in in high school.

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6768 tasting notes

softrevolution sent me a nice baggie of this! Thanks a bunch!

I remember LOVING Rishi’s Citron Oolong but haven’t tried DavidsTea’s Version until now. It’s pretty good. I don’t know if it’s as Citrony as the Rishi or if it was just my error in steeping times…this was a more muted or mellow Citron and maybe a tad more floral flavor. Regardless it was still tasty.

When I can’t find Rishi’s this right up there to have on hand!

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709 tasting notes

Well, I haven’t had this in years and I expected my opinion to be different as my tastes have changed so much, but I actually still like it. My youngest brother got it for my while in Toronto, – he got me a couple teas he wanted to try. Smart cookie. I forgot I had had this one and my initial impression was favourable. I love jasmine, the lemon scent was strong and the oolong seemed subtle. All good for me.

Steeped, those impressions held true. I didn’t notice the oolong underneath the lemon, but it was definitely there since it tasted a bit creamier and smoother than lemon myrtle on its own. The jasmine was present underneath the lemon, but very pleasant. Youngest brother tried it hot and said it just tasted like water. At this point, he decided he wanted it cold and stronger. I put the tea in a travel mug and told him to refrigerate overnight and try today. I don’t know if that helped him out but I do remember that people new to tea tend to like it much stronger than I do. I thought this was a great balance, where he found it plain. Just goes to show how subjective tastes are!

Flavors: Jasmine, Lemon

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Anlina 11 years ago

Ah this is one of my all time favourites. I find everything about it pretty much perfectly balanced. It’s so interesting to me, when people love something I find really mediocre, or dislike something I really love, not just because we like different things, but because the experience of that tea is so different that if you didn’t know better you’d never think we were drinking the same thing.

Uniquity 11 years ago

My husband also drinks tea and I enjoy comparing notes with him because we rarely have the same impressions even when sharing a pot – or a cup. It’s really interesting and has me questioning how unique our sense experiences are. I often wondered if everyone else saw colours the same as I do, this is just an extension of that, I guess!

Anlina 11 years ago

I used to kind of just assume that people experienced sensory stuff in the same way I do. I never really thought about it, but figured it was all pretty similar.

Which is particularly funny, because I experience synsthesia, so there’s some sensory stuff that I experience in a way that doesn’t even have shared context with other people – but I kind of obliviously didn’t realize this for years, until I clued into the fact that people looked at me weird when I described tasting colours.

Uniquity 11 years ago

As a child, my eyes went poorly very quickly. It never occurred to me that I couldn’t see, I just assumed that it was like that for everyone and was copying school notes off friends rather than the board, etc. After nearly a year of this, someone caught on and I was sent for an eye test. The results were so bad that I was sent for another one because the adults didn’t believe me. Luckily it didn’t end in anything more than a strong prescription for glasses and eyes that continually (but now gradually) deteriorate BUT I think it set me further on the path of realizing how unique our experiences are and how difficult it is to ever know that people see/hear/feel/smell/experience things the same way. It led to me especially wondering about sight but I eventually started questioning everything. I was also a huge reader and quite imaginative, but I think the dramatic sight change had an impact.

Synesthesia has long fascinated me and I am sometimes disappointed that I don’t have any synesthetic associations, that I know of. I used to associate colours with numbers but I am fairly convinced that was a result of paint-by-numbers always using the same code! After reading more about it, I am a little relieved that my brain isn’t firing that much that often, but it’s still fascinating.

mj 11 years ago

Synesthesia is completely fascinating! It’d be so cool to know what that’s like.

Anlina 11 years ago

It’s really different for every person who experiences it.

Mine is pretty random and I don’t experience it all the time or with all things. There are certain things that taste like colours (colours don’t have a taste, colours are a flavour), certain sounds or music produce colours, flashes of light or patterns, and certain smells have a temperature separate from their usual association. I also have other crossed wires which I tend to forget about till I’m experiencing them.

So some examples, parsnips and lime jello taste green, but spinach or green tea doesn’t. Dutch licorice rooibos tastes a very specific shade of grey-blue, kind of cornflowerish, but other licorice or blueberries don’t.

Part of ATB’s 9pm is a glowing deep blue. ATB’s Don’t Stop is a bright, sunny yellow. Foster the People’s Pumped up Kicks is pale blue on top and brown on the bottom with a kind of wavy dividing line, like an abstract landscape. Some of the Swans’ music is a pretty wild experience with a lot of visuals going on. Most music is just music.

Cucumbers smell cool, but some artificial cucumber fragrances that are otherwise dead on smell hot. Cinnamon, mint, pepper etc have no temperature.

It’s all pretty innocuous and generally pretty neat. I like experiencing it.

Some of my friends have a totally different synesthetic experience. One of them experiences colours as tastes in her mouth, which can be great or disgusting.

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1764 tasting notes

Ok, now that I know what to expect from this tea, it really is quite lovely! It’s one of the few flower teas that don’t put me off so I find myself craving it often.
Wow, I really am in love. Funny, for someone who doesn’t really like lemon in food, I have quite a few lemon tea faves!
The second steep is a bit mellower, I wish I could go for a third but I need to hydrate for the bbq I’m attending later. Can’t let that beer get me down! ;P

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Daddyselephant 14 years ago

If you’re attending the Sanremo Bakery BBQ at the end of my street, I will die laughing. Just saying. ;)

Indigobloom 14 years ago

lol no this one is in Oakville. But I’m going to Buddies afterwards, maybe. You should come! :)
(a club in TO)

Daddyselephant 14 years ago

Ah, if only that darn money tree we planted in the backyard would bloom! XD

MaddHatter 14 years ago

Mmmm, I cannot wait to try this one!

Indigobloom 14 years ago

I recommend it, highly! just dont oversteep, it can get quite thick

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86 tasting notes

After the Beauty Renewal tea disaster, I pulled this out of my cupboard. Of course, forgetting that I much prefer this iced than hot. Sigh. I just can’t win tonight.

I love the lemony scent with light whiffs of jasmine. I bought some organic honey from the Farmer’s Market a couple of weeks ago so added that (but a little too much unfortunately). It’s more tea flavoured honey at this point than lemony, jasmine-y or oolong-y. Can’t I just have a decent cup of tea tonight?

Not changing the rating because I still love this as my go-to iced tea. But no more tea experiments tonight.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Insence&Tea 13 years ago

Sorry about your mishaps :( Despite those this sounds like a wonderful tea, considering I love citrus and oolong, so I’ll have to look into getting some

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2201 tasting notes

I decided to try this tea this afternoon, which I got in a swap with brandy3392. Thanks! I do love lemony oolongs, and this one seems like it will be lemony beyond lemony! When I opened the package the powerful scent of lemon immediately rushed out. As I was portioning it out I noticed that the tea seemed to be made up of more jasmine blossoms than actual tea! So I hope I put enough of the blend in my steeping basket.

I don’t usually steep my oolongs for 4 minutes, but this one called for between 4 and 7 minutes so I went with the low end. I honestly can’t imagine steeping any tea for 7 minutes. Steeped, the tea smells lemony and herby with a bit of oolong peeking through. This is a really lemony tea, in both a citrusy way and a lemon herb (must be the verbena) way. Something like this could easily seem tart or bitter or pithy, but it’s got a round, sweetish flavor instead. I think that must be the influence of the oolong, which is otherwise a bit difficult to detect. Occasionally I get a faint, elusive note of florals or the buttery base, and those notes come out more as it cools. The oolong that’s there is really tasty. I like this blend but I would like it better with more oolong in it, I think. It is not for the lemony faint of heart, for sure.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Spoonvonstup 13 years ago

Have you ever had the Citron Oolong from Rishi? I’m wondering how these two compare. I used to get it at my local teahouse before it (boohoo!) went under.

Dinosara 13 years ago

I haven’t actually! I will keep my eye out for it though.

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4843 tasting notes


A really nice medley of flavors: Soft citrus-y notes, exotic jasmine, and a vegetative taste from the greener Oolong used as a base for this tea. The Oolong has a buttery taste, a slightly creamy texture and this goes very nicely with the lemony citrus, giving it an almost “lemon-curd” like taste. And the jasmine comes in and offers an alluring floral note.

Nice. Even my daughter enjoyed this one.

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