Glitter & Gold

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Black Tea, Cloves, Lemon Peel, Sugar, Sugar Sprinkles
Cinnamon, Lemon, Caramel, Cream, Spices, Vanilla, Sweet, Artificial, Cloves, Creamy, Bitter, Clove, Butter, Brown Sugar, Cardamom, Malt, Spicy, Sugarcane, Tannin, Citrus, Dark Wood, Marshmallow, Molasses, Orange Zest, Earth, Sugar, Lemon Zest, Citrusy, Oats, Pastries, Nutty, Tea, Milk, Smooth, Orange, Smoke, Astringent, Floral, Chocolate
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 21 oz / 635 ml

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444 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’ve definitely changed my opinion a bit that this tea and Pumpkin Chai are super similar, but they are still closely related, IMO. Love the sparkles in this one, even though I don’t much get to...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m going to allow myself a break in the midst of an otherwise fairly chaotic week. This has been an incredibly stressful week, and I feel very close to being at the end of my tether. The exam is...” Read full tasting note
  • “This an exciting one because it’s my 5000th tasting note! When I realized last night I was at 4999, I reached out to my tea twin Roswell Strange to ask what tea she thought I should have for this...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! had this tasty little treat to finish off with dinner. Still not a fan of david’s tea but this one is alright by me. Nice to finally get through my 12 days of christmas teas…well except...” Read full tasting note


Twinkle, twinkle

This deep dark Chinese tea is like a gorgeous starry night, glimmering with gold and silver sugar crystals that shimmer as they steep. Take a sip and the slow suggestion of cinnamon will warm your body. Your toes will tingle and your mind will turn to fireworks, falling stars, late-night seduction. It’s basically magic. (Is it getting hot in here, or is it just the tea?)

Ingredients: Black tea, lemon peel, sugar sprinkles (sugar, rice flour, partly hydrogenated canola oil, shellac, titanium oxide, iron oxide, potato starch), sugar, cloves, natural and artificial flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

444 Tasting Notes

871 tasting notes

So my sister is planning a wedding shower for a friend. The theme is “A Cup of Tea for the Bride to Be”. For party favours, my sister wants to put a few tsp of tea into a decorative box. She needs to make about 80 of them.

So here is a transcript of our conversation last night:
Her: “I don’t know what kind of tea to get”
Me: “Get Glitter and Gold, that’s her favorite”
Her: “How do you know that?”
Me: “You told me that before”
Her: “That was a million years ago. You are so weird you remembered that. You’re obsessed. How much tea do I buy?”
Me: “Well I usually assume 50g is about 20 tsp of tea, give or take”
Her: “I can’t believe you know how much tea 50g makes. You’re obsessed”
Me: shrugs in agreement.

Haha. So when we got home my sis opened the package of tea and smelled it and says it smelled weird. So I smelled it and said it smells normal. It smells like sugar and vanilla. My sis says no it smells like caramel. And I respond with, and you think that is weird. She had no response.

So I made a few cups. It was good. My sis thought it was just OK. It was sweet and vanilla-y and creamy to me. I made it a bit weak because it was at night. Still one of my favs!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

That’s awesome. :) The whole wedding theme and favours etc.
So, 50g = 20 cups of tea? Roughly? I should make note of that in my spreadsheet. I have a rough idea of how many oz I have and am trying to estimate how many DAYS it would take me to drink it all.

Y’know… just to slow me down on buying more.


Those are the general guidelines I go buy, 50 g = 20 cups. Obviously the bigger/heavier/fluffier the tea will change that. I just parcelled out a loose black tea with almond slivers in it (so a bit bulky), 50g gave me 21.5 tsp.

Ha ha I know what you mean. Doesn’t seem like 20 cups of tea when it is in that little brown bag/foil packet.

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525 tasting notes

I was mostly interested in this tea because people have been saying that the tea shimmers. whaaa? That’s crazy awesome! So I picked up half an ounce to try. I brewed it up at a oolongish temp for 4 minutes. I looked for the shimmer, but it was very subtle if there at all. But then again, I only had one or two gold balls in my tea. Not too many of them in my pouch overall. :( But that taste was quite nice. I found the flavoring to be a bit heavy handed on the vanilla. It was sort of like a vanilla spice cookie. I would have preferred for the tea to shine a bit more, but from what I could taste, it was a very nice toasty malty black. Perfectly balanced between refreshing and dark. I enjoyed two infusions. The second one was less flavor and more tea. To be honest, I think the level of flavoring in the second steep is definitely better.

I enjoyed it!


That’s too bad you don’t have many glitter balls. :( I love to sit and watch this tea. It’s a good tasting tea, but truthfully, if it didn’t glitter, I’m not sure I’d keep it on hand.


I have to try it again with more glitter next time. :)

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212 tasting notes

This was another generous sample from Krystaleyn. Thanks a bunch! I was so excited to try this tea. I should add she is a good swap buddy. She even put up with my swap noobness, which amounted to a bazillion questions.

OH EM GEE! I love this glitter stuff in my cup! This a one beautiful cup of vanilla, cinnamon and clove goodness. It’s also the only tea I’ve had so far to give me sticky lips. I’m not sure what that is about but its pleasant. Ohh maybe if I drink it during the day and stand out side my lips will glitter… Amusing thought there. I may just have to try it. I’m totally missing the orange here. I see the huge orange peel in the infuser so I know I should have tasted it. I’m totally okay with missing the orange, since every thing else is so awesome.

Thanks again Kyrstaleyn! I love this one. I’m gonna try talking Dylan into a pound of it. ;)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

Glad you enjoyed it :) The sticky lips are probably because the glittery balls are sugar??


I think you are right. It almost feels like lipgloss.


You just know that somebody is going to turn this into some kind of massage tea! And speaking of …why DO you need a pound of the stuff miss sticky lips? Lipgloss tea? Carl Sagan galaxy swirls (read Dylans) Watcha smokin?


Well if I get a pound of it I can try that sparkley lip thing. If it works I can spark my whole body and tease my daughter that I’m Edward’s new sister. ;)

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541 tasting notes

thanks Marcel for this one! I have only had a few of David’s Teas blends and I’ve been a bit half and half. This one smells really wonderful and the idea seemed pretty fun. I can’t quite put my finger on what the smell reminds me of though. Maybe vanilla cupcakes? There are some deep chocolate/citrus notes that are reminding me of that orange blossom oolong I had once. The shimmer in this is quite fun!
I think that my water may have been just a bit cooler than 195F, but the resulting tea was still very flavorful and I really enjoyed it! I was surprised that the black tea was not bitter at all after such a long steep. The main flavors that I am getting are a bit like that vanilla and slight citrus cupcake. I even get small hints of chocolate, but that may be the base. I think that to really be good it needed a thicker mouth feel that I seem to be missing here. Overall, I do like it, but I don’t think I’d order it for myself.

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec
Rob Rauschenberg

Did the tea get glittery? haha. It’s supposed to… which is part of the magic of this little tea. I thought it tasted of cinnamon and vanilla the last time I had it. Glad you got to try it and thanks for the swap :-)


It was glittery! That part was really fun. I noticed it kind of coalesced in the bottom of the cup. They were really thinking out of the box imo when they made that one! I think I may be getting a bit stuffed up, so I didn’t get any cinnamon. I’m going to brew up the rest later and see if I can get any cinnamon.

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259 tasting notes

This very pretty tea didn’t make stars fall, but it’s a very nice light and sweet cinnamon. Lately I’ve been reacting against cinnamons that are simply too heavy. This tea has the right touch—-I can taste the cinnamon but it’s not going to overwhelm the tea. Naturally sweet, it’s a fiarly basic black.

I might not choose it for everyday use, but I would be very happy to serve this to a visitor. It’s got the high “bling” factor plus a perfectly nice taste.

5 min, 0 sec

I’ve been so curious abou this tea. Thanks for the review!


I love things that have a “bling” factor!


I can’t wait to try this one. It looks so pretty! I love me some bling tea. :)


LOL, I just went back and read the description on this one. So you mean you didn’t get a late night seduction Doulton?? hahaha

Meghann M

I love that even tea can have “bling” :)

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97 tasting notes

I’ve heard of this being compared to Sugar and Spice before, and I’d say that’s pretty much dead on but without the zest of the cinnamon. All I could really taste was sweet, to be honest – but the glittery effect was quite pretty.

Overall, not a bad tea and something I’d definitely drink again if I were in the mood for a more toned down Sugar and Spice. Really nothing special about it though.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Aww, I was really looking forward to this one. I love Fairy Sparkle tea.


Yeah, this one sounds like it would be pretty!


It’s pretty, but taste wise it’s not anything special or ground breaking. Pretty much just sweet.


Not worth it then if it just looks pretty! : )

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185 tasting notes

Another sample from Krystaleyn, thank you!

We really, really, really, really wanted to try this tea. I thought it was going to be a lot like MarketSpice, only tarted up a bit.


What’s interesting is that the glitter… it’s like some sort of anti glitter. Shine a light on it, and it sort of fades into the tea (just making it look like your tea is dirty). But, without direct light on it, it totally sparkles. It’s awesome.

The scent just makes me think of a Christmas candle. It has this sweet clove candy smell that is just fantastic.

The flavor is… well, exactly how it smells. It’s a very clove, candy, vanilla taste to it. Sweet, but with an almost artificial flavor to it… like… Christmas lip gloss. It doesn’t really ruin the tea, it’s just a worthwhile point to mention.

I am a little saddened that I’m missing both the orange and the cinnamon in this blend. The cinnamon starts peeking through a little bit as it cools, and the glitter begins forming this patina over the bottom of my cup. So every time I take a drink, it forms this like… gold line.

This isn’t so much a tea as it is an experience. The flavors lend themselves to Christmas very well, and the presentation does too. I’m totally going to have a gallon of this unloaded on the pile of unsuspecting guests at my house this year. It will be awesome.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I’m surprised that you’re not picking up on any cinnamon! That was definitely a dominant flavour for me. Orange not so much, though.

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4185 tasting notes

thanks so much Courtney for sending a bit of this to try! The name glitter & gold is certainly accurate. Gold candies with sugar (glitter). Honestly, the deep black tea leaves are pretty enough for me! The flavor is very vanilla – reminds me of something… maybe Harney’s Vanilla Comoro? I love anything vanilla so this is a hit with me. I didn’t tasted too much of the orange or cloves though! Very yum.

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300 tasting notes

Wow there sure are a lot of tasting notes for this tea and I’m grateful to DaisyChubb for choosing this golden beauty for the 12 Days of Christmas swap, thus giving me the chance to add my own.

What an appropriate tea for this day! There are many a golden named tea, golden needles, golden monkey’s, golden fleece, but none shimmer as much as this one. I opened the beautiful hand decorated pouch Daisy made and when I peered inside it was like tiny golden Christmas bobbles were shining back at me.

I find it interesting that tea companies are totally cool with including glittering sugar balls, candy maple leafs and such in their tea and no one freaks out and thinks its horribly unnatural. This actually isn’t my first shimmery tea. I tried Della Terra Tea’s Caramel Candy Apple from the Traveling Tea Box a couple months ago.

That one was kinda pink and girlish, this one reminds me of gold dust and stars and I think could indeed be very romantic, curled up with two cups in front of a fire. Too bad the husband despises cinnamon and we don’t have a working fireplace. Oh well a girl can dream, in which case I don’t really have to picture him anyway ;)


I’ve wondered the same thing when seeing people post about this glimmer-y teas.

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470 tasting notes

Onto Day 5 from DaisyChubb! Of course I am late again. Too much time spent traveling!

Cinnamon teas and I do not always get along. Sometimes they verge into way too spicy territory, not good spicy but tongue-numbing spicy. Cinnamon can either be very good or very, very bad, especially when it has that holiday store artificial kind of smell. You know, like those cinnamon-scented decorative pinecones that make you a bit nauseous. This, however, is the perfect cinnamon tea! It’s just enough hint of spice combined with tasty cloves, and for me the vanilla is really in the forefront making it smooth and creamy.

Plus, it sparkles! How much more perfect can a tea be for 5 Golden Rings? It’s like this tea was made for this swap. Not to mention the totally adorable (and presumably time-consuming) artwork on the package. I love seeing everyone’s creative ideas!

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