drank Glitter & Gold by DAVIDsTEA
300 tasting notes

Wow there sure are a lot of tasting notes for this tea and I’m grateful to DaisyChubb for choosing this golden beauty for the 12 Days of Christmas swap, thus giving me the chance to add my own.

What an appropriate tea for this day! There are many a golden named tea, golden needles, golden monkey’s, golden fleece, but none shimmer as much as this one. I opened the beautiful hand decorated pouch Daisy made and when I peered inside it was like tiny golden Christmas bobbles were shining back at me.

I find it interesting that tea companies are totally cool with including glittering sugar balls, candy maple leafs and such in their tea and no one freaks out and thinks its horribly unnatural. This actually isn’t my first shimmery tea. I tried Della Terra Tea’s Caramel Candy Apple from the Traveling Tea Box a couple months ago.

That one was kinda pink and girlish, this one reminds me of gold dust and stars and I think could indeed be very romantic, curled up with two cups in front of a fire. Too bad the husband despises cinnamon and we don’t have a working fireplace. Oh well a girl can dream, in which case I don’t really have to picture him anyway ;)


I’ve wondered the same thing when seeing people post about this glimmer-y teas.

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I’ve wondered the same thing when seeing people post about this glimmer-y teas.

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Druid, artist, poet, mum, lover of tea, ritual and myth. I grew up on Celestial Seasons herbals but fell in love with straight loose leaf tea working at my local Teavana for a year. I am grateful for the introduction and the experience, but have moved on.

I see tea as an experience for the senses, I like to imagine tasting the land and the weather as well as the effect of sun, air, fire and the human hand. I have a soft spot for shu pu’er, yabao, scented oolongs, wuyi oolongs, taiwanese tea as well as smooth naturally sweet blacks, creamy greens and surprisingly complex whites.

I began ordering lots of samples from Upton to educate myself on different varieties of tea we didn’t have at work and have fallen head over heels for the unique offerings from Verdant Tea. I am learning things I like: buttery mouthfeel, surprising sweet or spice notes, woodiness, mineral notes, depth and complexity and things I don’t: astringency, dry and sour notes.

I collect tea tins and am in danger of collecting pots, though I am trying to restrain the urge due to current lack of space. I brew mostly in a glass infuser mug or a tea maker, only using cast-iron for company now (still need to get a gaiwan) and tend not to sweeten my teas unless they are British or fruity and iced, which is not often.

As far as ratings, I lack a definite system and haven’t been assigning numbers lately, wanting to spend multiple sessions with a tea first. I usually only log a tea once, unless it is a new harvest or I have significantly different observations, but will go back and edit or comment if I find something interesting or new.


Baker Street, Berea, Ohio

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