Dammann Frères Advent Calendar – December 21st
Hmm… I was not excited when I saw this one. Any tea with Versailles in the name immediately makes me think of roses and other florals, so surely this one will not be for me. Thankfully, reading the description assuaged my fears a bit. There is no rose in this tea, and the florals that are involved (orange blossom and violet) are sweet and not overly heady ones. There are certainly a lot of flower petals mixed in with the green sencha leaves. However, the dry scent is strong on the bergamot, with perhaps a touch of fruit.
The steeped tea smells very lovely – a nice balance of bergamot, fruity sweetness, and light floral tones. Wow, the base tea is very strong here, and quite grassy. The bergamot is, thankfully, nice and light as opposed to overpowering. For some reason, this is coming off a touch bitter to me, and I’m not sure if it’s because my sense of taste isn’t quite all there yet or if possibly 3 minutes was a touch too long this time. I don’t taste much peach until the very end and the aftertaste, though there is a light floral presence throughout the sip. Overall, it’s not bad, but not my favorite. I don’t think I particularly enjoy bergamot on a green base.
Flavors: Bergamot, Floral, Grass, Peach
Hope you’re feeling better!