
Tea type
Herbal Tea
Chamomile, Flowers, Honey, Lemongrass, Peppermint
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
10 oz / 300 ml

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I get some butterfly pea flower flavor, but not too much. Luckily, the strongest flavor is the chamomile, which is rather lovely cold. There must be something else in there too, but I can’t tell...” Read full tasting note
  • “So yeah, I have prepared last Cuppa Geek Advent tea today. My tea have a distinctive, green! colour (I guess not enough butterfly pea in) and it looks like my first ever, flexible, plastic...” Read full tasting note
  • “advent day 24 This was a nice treat since i’ve been jamming on the chamomille in this calendar. I also didn’t realise there were butterfly pea flowers in it so i was sooo confused for a split...” Read full tasting note
  • “CuppaGeek Advent Calendar – Day 20 This is a chamomile blend. Heavy on the chamomile with some sweetness. It is not for me given the chamomile which is disappointing because this steeped up the...” Read full tasting note

From Cuppa Geek

This is the same as Parker’s Evening Blend.

Add Lemon Slices or Lemon Juice to turn this tea different colors!

Ingredients: Chamomile, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Butterfly Pea Flowers, Honey Granules.

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6 Tasting Notes

2584 tasting notes

I get some butterfly pea flower flavor, but not too much. Luckily, the strongest flavor is the chamomile, which is rather lovely cold. There must be something else in there too, but I can’t tell what. I only have the advent sample, but I think I would buy more of this one because I really enjoyed the light freshness of the chamomile. I hope CG’s hiatus is brief!

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2063 tasting notes

So yeah, I have prepared last Cuppa Geek Advent tea today.

My tea have a distinctive, green! colour (I guess not enough butterfly pea in) and it looks like my first ever, flexible, plastic ruler.

It’s evening, and I am glad for caffeine free tea. And today is the day I want to burst crying, but there is no reason at all. I hate those days, to be honest.

Aaanyway, I digress. An interesting tea of chamomile, which I usually dislike, with a handful of lemongrass. Result? A drinkable chamomile tea. Not my favourite, but certainly a repose blend. Why we should spend all the time with all complex nad unique teas? Sometimes we should slow down. For me it’s today.

Song pairing: (I have to repeat myself: I am alive…)

10 OZ / 300 ML
White Antlers

Ugh. I’m having a wanna burst into tears day, too, Martin. More snow, whch is pretty to watch, but means yet another cut back on services like trash pick up mail and grocery delivery. I guess things could always be worse, though, and like you (and Mr. Springsteen), I’m alive…


Martin and White Antlers: praying you will feel so much better so very soon!

Martin Bednář

White Antlers: I really wonder what is the trigger for me. It could be wonderful day, without any flaws and then I am sitting in my bed and overthinking everything. The school, the exams, myself, my dreams…

ashmanra: I deeply appreciate that! I need to feel better.

White Antlers

ashmanra Thanks you for the prayers! The sun is out, I have to work and I feel better today.

Martin For me, it’s often triggered by a few days of gloom. Sounds silly but I feel so much better when the sun is out. I hope today is better for you.

Martin Bednář

It isn’t silly at all, I am in same boat! Longterm overcast triggers my panic attacks.

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15575 tasting notes

advent day 24

This was a nice treat since i’ve been jamming on the chamomille in this calendar. I also didn’t realise there were butterfly pea flowers in it so i was sooo confused for a split second when the brew was blue. Wouldn’t have noticed it but coincidentally brewed it up in my yellow mug heh.

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6444 tasting notes

CuppaGeek Advent Calendar – Day 20

This is a chamomile blend. Heavy on the chamomile with some sweetness. It is not for me given the chamomile which is disappointing because this steeped up the most brilliant blue color. Check out the picture of this tea (and the other day 20 advent teas) here:


This one, but under the name Parker’s Evening Blend or Draught of Peace, seems to help tame my Covid nightmares.

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3495 tasting notes

Cuppageek Advent Day 16

Yep, a backlog because I didn’t drink this until late last night. When I pulled the pouch and saw what it was, I decided to let it wait until bedtime.

We are quarantined. I hardly notice a difference, to be honest, other than that my husband is home. He was exposed (sort of) at work and everyone who was around the person who tested positive was sent home. They were wearing masks and were seven feet apart but the sick person took their mask off briefly to speak. We are almost done with quarantine and both had a Covid test and it was negative. Yay!

I was wrapping gifts, cleaning, and occasionally bursting into tears yesterday because of…well, sometimes life gets heavy. You handle it, but every now and then it feels good to go ahead and cry. I had to cry very carefully because the woodstove is giving me nosebleeds and I didn’t want to have to change clothes again. And I managed to stay bent over for so long that I put my back out and it felt like it was 90F in the kitchen/gathering space, so I made my tea, poured it into a Blue Italian Spode mug and went outside to the rocker. I put on a lap rug like a little old lady.

I think this is the same blend as Draught of Peace and Parker’s Evening Blend, which I already have. This cup (two steeps mixed) came out BLUE. So VERY blue. It was absolutely stunning in the mug and matched the darker Spode tones. This is the darkest this blend has ever come out for me.

The strongest flavor is the chamomile to me. The lemongrass is pretty light and the peppermint doesn’t override all the other flavors as peppermint can sometimes do. The honey granules don’t give it a heavy honey taste, just lightly sweetens it.

A few minutes rocking in the clear, cold night air and sipping this, and I was ready for bed. I do think this blend does help me relax a bit. I slept very well.


Aww, that sounds like a whole day. I’m glad this tea could at least be relaxing.

White Antlers

ashmanra I hope today has been better. I lit a candle for you.


Aw, your tea matched your mood; blue. Hope tomorrow isn’t as heavy.

Martin Bednář

I understand you were feeling blue; it was certainly an exhausting day. Tomorrow it will be better for sure!


Hope you all stay safe.


So glad you you tested negative. We’ve had a lot of issues with Parker and having a lot of local exposures lately. (He is ok- just a lot of cases around us right now) And yes, same blend. it was a repeat request from last year so I had to go back to the original name. Some of my blends I’ve tried to rename for one reason or another -St Jude Fundraiser, fandom blend, etc but it has thrown a few for a loop for those who don’t buy as often :)


I hope today is better for you my dear!


Safely sanitized hugs to you, friend. As I age, I am appreciating the therapeutic value of rocking chairs more and more.


Ah, I hope things get better for you and all soon.


Thank you, everyone! It has been a really weird year and I am ready to hug the crap out of some people.

White Antlers

((((((Group Hug)))))))


Nichole/Cuppageek – I saw the short message before but only just saw the longer one! Our county is not too bad, though cases are rising, but where my son lives is a red zone with high infection rates and his wife was just exposed but so far isn’t sick thankfully.

Prayers for Parker and all of you!


Thank you ashmanra ! I really appreciate it. We actually had a scare with Parker last week where he just had a cold and it was awful. And now my ex hubs (my kiddo’s dad) tested positive yesterday and is mildly sick- so we are kind of in a whirlwind again. I think I need some TranquiliTEA. xoxoxoxox

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1650 tasting notes

Advent Day 9, From the Depths of the Grab Bag.

Somebody had a long day.

“When it was dry, it smelled a little like nutmeg.

Smells like chamomile and linden.

Got a little bit of a lemony flavor. It tastes alright. Tastes like, uh, a sleepytime tea. Maybe it’s got a little spearmint in it. It sure is a green-blue color. It tastes like chamomile. It’s alright, it’s… it’s a 6. big yawn I’d recommend if you’re into sleepytime tea. It’s pleasant, mild."


I hope Kiki got a good night’s sleep!

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