Peppermint Stick

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Natural Creme Flavor, Peppermint, Peppermint Candy
Creamy, Peppermint, Cream
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 300 ml

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8 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Such a tasty, creamy peppermint black tea. I definitely get the candy peppermint vibe. It’s cooling in the mouth, even when I have a hot sip. This sort of reminds me of the various DavidsTea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Inattentively oversteeped at work, so something went a little bitter (not sure which ingredient that would’ve been). Threw in some rock sugar as an antidote. User failure notwithstanding, this is a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Day 15 Advent So i really enjoyed this one. Not sure if it was the time of day or the snow falling but i was happy to have this one. I’ve been off mint teas but this is PEPPERMINT and was just...” Read full tasting note
  • “CuppaGeek Advent Calendar, December 14 Those Christmas sticks aren’t a thing here; and that said, I never had it before so I have no idea how they suppose to taste like. But this tea is strongly...” Read full tasting note

From Cuppa Geek

Peppermint Stick – A delicious delightful blend that is so simple but so good!

Black Tea, Peppermint Leaves, Candy Cane Pieces, Natural Cream Flavorings

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8 Tasting Notes

2596 tasting notes

Such a tasty, creamy peppermint black tea. I definitely get the candy peppermint vibe. It’s cooling in the mouth, even when I have a hot sip. This sort of reminds me of the various DavidsTea peppermint black blends, but I think this one is done better.


I agree! Love the touch of vanlla.

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3011 tasting notes

Inattentively oversteeped at work, so something went a little bitter (not sure which ingredient that would’ve been). Threw in some rock sugar as an antidote.

User failure notwithstanding, this is a nice variation on the candy cane theme. I actually notice the cream first, with the peppermint kicking in from behind.

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15596 tasting notes

Day 15 Advent

So i really enjoyed this one. Not sure if it was the time of day or the snow falling but i was happy to have this one. I’ve been off mint teas but this is PEPPERMINT and was just what the dr ordered this holiday season!

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2070 tasting notes

CuppaGeek Advent Calendar, December 14

Those Christmas sticks aren’t a thing here; and that said, I never had it before so I have no idea how they suppose to taste like.

But this tea is strongly peppermint with mellow creamy flavour. It was that peppermint strong I was thinking I am emitting ice which was confusing when drinking a hot tea. I must say I kinda liked it, though again the base wasn’t much noticeable.

Flavors: Creamy, Peppermint

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

Wow—the things I take for granted in the States—no candy canes or peppermint sticks?

White Antlers

Martin that ‘emmiting ice’ feeling is from the menthol.


It is so bizarre what we think just exists everywhere!

Cameron B.

Would love to hear if there are any traditional holiday candies! :D

Martin Bednář

No, no peppeprmint sticks nor candy canes here.
White Antlers oh yeah, I forgot it while writing the note. It was interesting and confusing.

Courtney: I can imagine :D
Cameron B.: Well, there are so called “Vánoční kolekce” where are different chocoalates filled with different flavours, including eggnog, hazelnut crémes and similar. Then there are “arabesky” — half dipped jello in chocolate, with different flavours. Maybe there are more, but not sure now as we don’t buy them. Of course I can’t miss out Christmas cookies; there are so many types.

Cameron B.

Those both sound delicious! And the arabesky look so cute! :3


The vánoční kolekce sounds so tasty! Similar to ‘Pot of Gold’ or my favourite as a child: ‘Quality Street’ here, except far more holiday-flavoured!

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491 tasting notes

A balanced blend where peppermint and cream are the stars and the black base takes a back seat. I got three delicious steeps from this with the peppermint fading a bit by the last steep. It’s not a very complex tea, but it does peppermint well and isn’t artificial. I’d be tempted to get more of this one!

Flavors: Cream, Peppermint


I love the addition of the cream flavoring.

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1652 tasting notes

Advent Day 8, From the Depths of the Grab Bag.

Hey y’all. The housemate wanted me to introduce her to Steepster as Kiki. That’s actually her name.

“[The packet smells like] peppermint and uhhhh maybe some vanilla. Some kind of holiday blend.

You know, it’s been a really rough week. lots of joking

Smells like uh Christmas, the cookies, the peppermint sticks. It’s like a Christmas cookie.

It’s got the peppermint. sip Did I say that already? sip Kinda buttery. lottasips This is really good. I like this one. I recommend it. I like it. I’d rate it a 9 and a half. Yeah. It’d be really good with some brandy in it or something. Cognac, some kind of alcohol. Chocolate, it’s got chocolate in there, chocolatey, buttery, pepperminty. It’s like a Thin Mint. burrp Ope, she’s gonna put my burp in there now. She likes that. burrrrp HAHA! It’s like I could lick the bowl!"


Buttery, peppermint, and chocolate? Yum!


I know! She wouldn’t let me taste it, haha.


I cheated and scratched the labels. I have that one!

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3503 tasting notes

Hooray! I got a new (to me) tea yesterday for the advent random draw!

When I saw peppermint stick I was disappointed at first because some mint teas I have tried are just harsh black tea and sharp mint. I generally prefer spearmint to peppermint but there are some mint teas that I really love, and often they feel very soothing to me even if they are not my favorite.

But when I smelled this I was really happy because clearly there was more here than JUST black tea and mint! It smelled a lot like the Red Bird mints that dissolve super fast in your mouth and feel like they are soft and full of holes. I checked the ingredients and saw the cream flavoring and I cheered.

This smells so good! It is exactly what it says – black tea, peppermint, and cream. Nice balance. I got out three pieces of Quality Street candy, called my bestie to Facetime, and downed three lovely steeps as we chatted and sipped for the first time in a long time.

Check on all your peeps and make sure they are okay! And if you are not okay, check in with someone! You are loved and you are not alone.

Edit: So I just realized that there are peppermint sticks with the texture of Red Birds! I think they sell them as hot cocoa stirrers a lot and that is no doubt what this is named for. I have only really had candy canes and the hard candy sticks that come in tons of flavors like root beer and orange and peppermint.


Love the end of your post. :) So cute, and so important (especially right now).


Red Bird? Not a brand we see around here, but I know exactly what you’re talking about.


Courtney: I am a homebody, but this is even getting to be a bit much for me sometimes! I can not imagine what it is like for the truly extroverted people and for those who live alone. We must rally!

Gmathis: I buy them at BJs and Christmas Tree Shops! I end up with too many (BJs size tub!) and send some to work with my husband so he can share.

Mastress Alita

I’ve lived alone for so long that I consider myself social distancing before it was the cool thing to do. :-)

White Antlers

I’m an introvert and have lived alone since my wife died over a decade ago. I have worked from home for years, too. Yet and still, this confinement/loneliness is all starting to grate on me and make me feel like I am going nuts…


White Antlers: I am so sorry! I hope connecting here on a Steepster helps. I am praying for you. It feels so lame to say I am sending you a virtual hug, but as my love language is physical touch, it will be heartfelt. I hope you feel loving arms around you today.

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6444 tasting notes

CuppaGeek Advent Calendar – Day 5

I made this earlier and then got stuck acting as a human gate responsible for keeping the dog in the house while my sister stood in the doorway socializing. So I made it but only got a chance to drink it cold.

It’s good. Vanilla and peppermint are clearly the stars. And while they are nice in flavour, something is creating an oily mouthfeel that I could do without.

Cameron B.

Ah ha ha, I know how you feel! One of ours would love nothing more than to bound out the door and have a big adventure. The other is too scared to go down the front steps… XD


Haha well if my sister would have just gone out, I could have enjoyed my tea and done my work but instead she decided to make it my problem to deal with so I played dog wrangler. I finally caught her and then she squirmed for the rest of the time my sister did that.

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