Flowery Pineapple Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Citrus, Flowers, Orange, Sour, Orchid, Pineapple, Cream, Orchids, Sugar, Candy
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180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 378 ml

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From Butiki Teas

This light delicate tea pairs our premium Wen Shan Bao Zhong with a light pineapple flavor. The buttery and orchid notes of the oolong as well as its light body marry well with the pineapple flavor for a well-balanced soft tea. Without sugar this oolong has a wonderful light natural flavor but add a little brown crystal sugar for a stronger yet still natural pineapple flavor.

Ingredients: Wen Shan Bao Zhong Oolong Tea, Organic Freeze-Dried Pineapple, Organic Calendula, Organic Pineapple Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 4 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 level teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 180 F

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128 Tasting Notes

15534 tasting notes

Yes…this is in my cupboard. It’s an oolong. and i LOVE IT! Stacy sent me a sample of this a while back and after drinking it, i tried a couple other pineapple oolongs and this one was at the top of my list! So i bought some more…and then forgot about it…until this morning. YUUUUUUUUMMMMYYYYY!


It’s the " flowery" part that would scare me. :)


I don’t think it is that flowery. More so pineapple, with some light floral accents. Its not floral like jasmine, I think of it more like honeysuckle floral.


This is my favorite Butiki tea!


nxtdoor. i despise floral teas. hate them. gross. ick. this is just a deliciously pineapple tea. it’s really light…i love my blaks teas and puerh but this is delicious when you just want something a little different. resteeps nicely too


Nxtdoor…me too. I have to be very careful with floral teas.


Heather….but this one is really really tasty. If you like pineapple


I’m glad to know it’s not super floral. I wonder if it might sell better if she changed the name so it wasn’t “Flowery”? Seems like a few of us are nervous about floral teas.


cavo – i can share a sample with you…just remind me. i really like it and you know how i hate floral teas…bleh

Butiki Teas

Cavocorax-I’ve thought about changing the name to Hawaiian Pineapple but wasn’t sure about it. The floral aspect only comes from the Wen Shan Bao Zhong. No floral flavorings have been used and the only other floral is a little bit of calendula that is often used in our other blends.


Good to know…I do like pineapple.

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1184 tasting notes

My Butiki order arrived today! So excited, I ripped open the box immediately and started my kettle. I could smell the pineapple right when I ripped open the box. Oh wow, this is gonna be good!

4 minutes seems like it isn’t a long time, but waiting for this tea to steep, it seemed like an eternity…..the smell is intoxicating.

Sip….WOW!!!! I am transported back to Hawaii, sitting on the beach eating fresh, sweet pineapple and ice cream…the waves rolling in and the sand in between my toes….ah….

This tea is super fresh pineapple, sweet, and so natural. Then the oolong makes an appearance, not vegetal, but silky and smooth. At the end of the sip, I get a flowery note.

Resteep- 85 degrees, 5 minutes: more oolong coming through, and the pineapple isn’t as strong. The floral notes are still there. Still amazing!

Edit: I had put the last few sips of each steep in the fridge to chill. As much as I like this tea hot, I don’t like it as much cold. There is just something about oolong that I don’t like cold.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Butiki Teas

So glad you are enjoying this one! :)


Oh, that sounds fantastic! So tempted to order some..


Hmmmm dare I try another butiki oolong though they haven’t been full of as
Much “win” as their others….


It’s good, trust grandma!

Butiki Teas

Sil-The flavor is substantially stronger than our other oolongs but it is still natural tasting.


Stacy – thanks for letting me know. :) totally worth a try then heh you charmer you, twist my rubber arm why dont ya?

Butiki Teas

Hahaha, I’m terrible aren’t I?


I must say it is pretty delicious!

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464 tasting notes

If this is included in tomorrow’s Butiki sale- there is no way I’m resisting an order. I need to stock up! So goooooood! :-)

Butiki Teas

Yep, all teas will be included in the sale! :)


ALL teas? Oh man…I’m totally going to have to order some stuff…probably including this one.

Butiki Teas

Stephanie-It will be very similar to our Black Friday sale. :)


Oh geez. Tomorrow’s Butiki sale? I hope I still have money on my pre-loaded credit card… :)


I am SOOOOooooooo in trouble! :-)

I need to find a way to get on a computer while I’m on vacation tomorrow.


Oh! And Happy Birthday, Stacy! :-)

Butiki Teas

Thank you, Fuzzy_Peachkin! :)


Good lord

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6117 tasting notes

Mmm, I can certainly taste the bao zhong here! DELICIOUS! But the pineapple flavour is unfortunately too light for me to enjoy it as such. I’m getting floral, slightly fruity notes at the end of the sip, which must be the pineapple (along with a bit of aroma). We just had a fresh pineapple for dessert this evening; I should have saved a touch of the juice and infused a bit here!

Either way, I think we should all be thankful that Stacy didn’t decide to put hibiscus in here to make the tea tart!! Hahahahaha.

ETA: Second infusion in half the water (same brewing parameters) is a slightly fruity pouchong. Definitely worth it, but the flavouring is pretty much absent.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Hey! There’s nothing wrong with hibiscus in moderation :p


Hibby is good, if used right!
I trust Stacy, she knows how to figure out the ratios :)


Haha Sil, but for your rhubarb tea, hibiscus would be appropriate (I thought it was great in DT’s Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait)! Here, however, I think hibiscus would have been a terrible idea, but you know that some blenders would put it in anyways!


Kittenna, that is true. It must be inexpensive, because they use it like a filler!!


Inexpensive and heavy(ish)!

Butiki Teas

Hibiscus is super cheap and pretty heavy but I would be surprised if many companies used it as a filler because it doesn’t take much to go extremely sour. The difference between even 5 grams in a pound of tea can be pretty noticeable.


5g per lb? wow, that is more intense than I realized.

Butiki Teas

Indigobloom-Well that would be for it to be noticed. I used 13 grams in your entire tea. I started out with 20 which was way too sour. Those 7 grams made a huge difference. Better fillers would be dried fruits though not freeze-dried (since the kind we use are super expensive and usually add cost) and some nuts would work well as fillers.


Oh neat, good to know the amounts! I can’t wait to start playing with the parameters. (getting so tired of waiting for a filter. gah!!)

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16875 tasting notes

So according to tasting notes the last time I had this one was three months ago, and that seems pretty accurate to me; but man – that’s way too long to go without enjoying this delicious tea!

I steeped up a large mug for myself this morning and it was every bit as juicy and sticky sweet as I remember it being; definitely worthy of the 100 rating I’ve given it! I could probably drink a mug of this everyday all summer and never get tired of it. It’s exactly like drinking the juices from a freshly cut ripe pineapple with the tiniest pinch of something floral added to the mix, and then the nice gentle oolong base.

God I love Pineapple teas.

Flavors: Cream, Flowers, Orchids, Pineapple, Sugar


The pineapple sencha by Den’s is also really good.

Sami Kelsh

This just sounds… glorious.


Will be interesting to see how you feel about Lupicia Pineapple oolong. :))

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2816 tasting notes

Oh, man this smells amazing in the bag, pineapple and flowery, a touch of Hawaii for sure. I could hardly wait to try it.

I steeped this for around 3 minutes at 180F and got a very light yellowish/green tea liquor. This smells very pineapple-y and tastes lovely, really like pineapple juice especially in the finish. I’m not picking up much on anything buttery but I am getting the orchid notes for sure. I will have to play with my steeping parameters a bit on this one. This will be a great one to experiment with as well, I bet it’s really good with soymilk added or maybe some rum extract. Virgin pina colada tea… yummy! I don’t sweeten too many things but I thought this was better with a touch of sugar. =)

I got a second steep out of this one and it is still flavorful.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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676 tasting notes

Thank you Stacy for this Tea!

This is the first review of one of Stacy’s new tea’s.

About a month or so ago, I was chatting (PM) with Stacy and told her that I thought Butiki should/could create a Pineapple Oolong Tea. I noticed that many people on Steepster enjoy pineapple but seemed to have a hard time finding that taste in a tea that they really liked. I tried to buy a highly reguarded pineapple tea myself but it was always unavailable. I pushed poor Stacy a little, she thought it over, did her amazing flavor magic, and here is the result…Flowery Pineapple Oolong!

I was waiting for the Post all this morning…where’s that Butiki Box?!
Watered the plants, cleaned house…and finally…the Post arrived!
Ripping open the package, then beginning the brewing of my pot of tea was one fluid movement. (There should be a program called ‘Dancing with your Tea’ because I would win!) I had fresh spring water in my electric kettle…so swoop, heat, pour water in the teapot…done.

It was a long 4 minute steeping! ‘bing’

The liquor was pale yellow and steaming with the scent of orchids and tropical fruit.

I took a sip…and Oh Stacy! The flavor was the softest pillow of pineapple resting on a bed of sweet fragrant white orchids. The tip of my tongue tasted some pineapple tang. That tangy taste was from the perfect blending of natural pineapple bits and Oolong tea leaves.
This was super juicy and super creamy…even…yes… an exotic experience that transported me to a cool Island Beach lined with Palm Trees. Relaxing! Ahhhh! (Where is that Old Spice commercial guy?)

There was a little temptation that I gave in to.

Reaching into the steeping basket…I picked out a piece of pineapple and chewed on that one piece slowly… while sipping my tea. It was almost sinful…(but not)… it tasted so good!

I added sweetening, and my cup came alive with pineapple goodness. (Stacy suggests raw brown sugar crystals).

You could almost make this a cocktail worthy of Rum and a decorative umbrella! Chilled this tea doesn’t get bitter! OH…the possibilities are endless!!!

Another little thing I do with melon or acidic fruit tea’s (like pineapple) is place some sea salt in the palm of my hand (just a little), taste the salt…then drink some tea. The flavor of the fruit POPS.

My 2 cents worth:
It’s important to let tea companies know what we, the consumers, are interested in drinking. They often listen. Butiki is one of the companies that is customer oriented and listens to us. There are others that do the same. Hooray for them!!!!

Great job creating a fabulous tea again Stacy! Stupendous!

http://youtu.be/-MRMqsP9Kb0 The Pineapple Song


This sounds soooo good! What a stand-out company of Butiki to be so involved with customer feedback.

Butiki Teas

I was planning out a white tea with pineapple but you really convinced me to go with a pineapple oolong and I am so glad I did! It wouldn’t have had the wonderful delicate orchid notes or the butteryness. I love Wen Shan Bao Zhong and it just made such a lovely base. Thank you so much for the recommendation Bonnie! Those freeze-dried pineapple pieces are so yummy. They certainly are difficult not to eat. Great music video too. Now I’m in a very tropical mood.

Tawny Kira

Oh my goodness! This sounds so delicious!!


Oh MY MY MY this does sound SO good!


I am going to need this tea… drinks tea as fast as possible


Also, bahahaha, Dancing with your Tea! Love it! Did you watch that video on Teavivre’s site where that guy dances with a teapot with an incredibly long spout, and makes a big show of pouring it? I can’t recall who posted it (other than Teavivre), was it you? Or Azzrian?


It was quite beautiful/amazing! I wonder if I can find it for you…


Not me I have not seen it but going to watch it now lol


Well, here you go girls…so eye candy! Tropical http://youtu.be/3R2cnxz27LI Old Spice!


WOW! I watched the video…and…ouch if you miss…you are seriously burned! WOW!


Mmmmm, Old Spice guy ;) A couple girls I know actually met him. Soooo jealous.


When I met my ex-husband he was that good looking. I’d rather nice than cute any day! Blech on mean people!!! (that guy is…well…he has a nice personality!!!) ;)


Oh yes, me too. Old Spice guy seems really nice :D It seems my ex kind of fell into the other category though… :(


Agreed :D I’m still suffering from a broken heart, so it would probably do me some good :P


(To avoid confusion, the ex I am referring to here is not the one from Northern Ireland. :P)


Dancing with your tea competition… That sounds amazing!!! I actually stopped and thought about it for a few minutes… hahaha…

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137 tasting notes

After tasting this, I couldn’t believe how long I waited to order from Butiki. I am LOVING everything so far. This one might just be my favourite.

I love how light and crisp and refreshing it is. This is probably the freshest-tasting pineapple flavour that I’ve had in a tea. It’s not overly candy-sweet or sickly at all, just a bright, smooth kiss of pineapple. Deelish!

I think the floral note is what makes it so interesting and addicting. Is it a flavouring that’s added, or just a natural quality of the oolong? Either way it’s really, really lovely. I don’t have oolongs that often, but I’m really starting to enjoy them.

I had it hot for my first try, but I’ll definitely try it iced as well. It would be SO delicious iced, I can just tell! I like that it’s one of those versatile teas that’ll be tasty no matter the temperature.

Butiki Teas

So glad you are enjoying the teas! The floral note is all the oolong. Only natural organic pineapple flavor was used for this blend.

Butiki Teas

There will also be a slight bit of floral from the calendula pieces but the oolong base is very floral.


Wow! Tea continues to amaze me :)

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1271 tasting notes

Mmmm, love this tea!

Did a blog entry on it, http://oolongowl.wordpress.com/2013/02/18/flowery-pineapple-oolong-from-butiki-teas-tea-review/

I’m spending the day working on crochet stuff and watching more Boys Over Flowers. That show is total soap opera like and addicting! Perfect to watch tea to!


Nice! are you watching the Japanese version?

Oolong Owl

I’m watching the Korean one. I’m working my way through a big list of Kdramas.


ah. I think that’s what I watched to. but my supplier ran dry. What others do you have? I’m hoping to youtube it!

Oolong Owl

I’ve been watching them on dramafever.com. The ads suck, but they got a good collection.

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303 tasting notes

The base tea here is wonderful, and the dry tea gets extra bonus points for the big, lush pieces of pineapple. Scent wise, it’s not for me – I get a sweaty, chemical ginger note I’m guessing is the ‘flowery’ part of the equation, and which reminds me of Kusmi’s ginger-lemon on a bad leaf day. I say chemical, but it’s the same type of ‘natural chemical’ as tiger balm – a fairly pungent traditional remedy-like scent that lingers in the cup as well. I’m unsure whether it’s the calendula or this specific pineapple; if I come across another tea with calendula, I’ll try to remember to update this note.

Flavour wise, this is very soapy to me. I get no pineapple or general fruitiness at all, just a (non-bitter) citrus-gingery soap. Not undrinkable soap, if that makes any sense – I’m almost through my cup and I won’t avoid this tea in the future, but it’s just a very cosmetic floral note, for lack of a better word.

So far into my Butiki safari, I feel I’d probably have more luck with the unscented teas as staples; the flavourings haven’t quite been what I look for (I should add there are a few I’ve tried that I have yet to review).

On the other hand, I’m enjoying this a lot, because it’s really helped me characterize exactly what it is I want from a flavoured tea (especially as I’ve compared a number of teas directly with similarly flavoured ones from Lupicia) and also because it’s made me appreciate the base teas so much more.

Butiki use really phenomenal teas, and it’s the first company that has really ever made me the least bit excited about venturing from the world of flavoured teas, which is quite a feat in itself.

[From my Butiki order to Santa Clara, October 2013.]

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

weirdness. I had this one and the one from lupicia and they’re both delicious!


I have the hardest water ever here; I’m going to try this with bottled water (apologies to the environment in advance) once, too, to see if it makes a difference!


Boooo on hard water!


I admit I liked the Lupicia blend better than this one. More pineapple, less flowers


Amy oh: gasp! Sacrilege! But I agree – it’s aptly named, considering the floral/flowery presence.

I keep thinking I’d like to find a pineapple and cream one; like the one from Lupicia, but with dialed-down coconut and added creaminess. Like a kiwi vanilla tea from Kränku I reviewed a while back.

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