Spiced Pumpkin Pie

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
Carrot, Ceylon Black Tea, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Natural Flavours, Sprinkles, Vanilla Pieces
Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Clove, Malt, Nutmeg, Spices, Sweet, Vanilla, Wood, Squash, Creamy, Ginger, Tannic, Artificial, Pumpkin, Carrot, Vegetal, Cloves, Bitter, Spicy, Butter, Cream, Brown Sugar, Sweet Potatoes
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 13 oz / 380 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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65 Tasting Notes View all

  • “And that’s the end of this one! (91) It’s funny that I did my pumpkin pie tea-off, and then finished off the pumpkin teas that were my least favourite, while completely ignoring the Della Terra one...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m super excited at the moment, because my Bluebird Tea Co. order arrived yesterday, and this tea is now officially back in my cupboard. It’s been too long! I also picked up samples of their other...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve been drinking this tea for a week or so but haven’t yet logged a review. It smells strongly of clove and cinnamon spice. It’s like having a warm hug from Autumn as I sniff it. Flavour wise...” Read full tasting note
  • “Additional notes: I was trying this one again (only one teaspoon of my sample left!), to see if I liked it as much as I remembered. It is better than I remembered! I don’t know if it’s the time...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Perhaps our most loved blend ever, Autumn pumpkin pie, spiced to perfection & absolute bliss as a frothy chai latte! Last year we heard rumours of our #indiePSL being the best spiced pumpkin chai in the UK… this year we are going for world pumpkin chai domination!

Made with real tea & spices, we couldn’t be more excited that our special edition autumn fave is back for another year! As always, it won’t be around for long, Teabirds & once it is gone, it’s gone… so bulk up to see you through!

Sri Lankan black tea, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, carrot, sprinkles (sugar, potato starch, maltodextrin, vegetable fat (olive), colours (E163 anthocyanins, E100 curcumin, E153 vegetable carbon)), vanilla pieces, natural flavouring.

About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

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65 Tasting Notes

3500 tasting notes

A gift from Martin Bednar!

My husband only likes chai type and spiced teas as lattes usually, so I was saving this one to drink by myself. Also, I am not the world’s biggest fan of spiced teas except exactly as he likes them – made with milk and deffo some whipped cream on top! I like my spiced teas milder or appley with a really good, smooth base and not too much clove. (Hi, Kiki!)

But today for lunch I was having (canned) beef with barley soup, which is a fairly strong flavor profile and a half peanut butter sandwich with it. I thought it was just the right time to try this.

It was just perfect for that meal. The soup has a pretty strong aroma but I kept getting whiffs of the tea over it. The strength of the tea was perfect, and hearty enough to pair just beautifully. The color was nice and deep and it is quite fragrant. It may have oversteeped a little bit as I decided I wanted to build a fire to sit by during lunch and I was minimally delayed pulling the steeping basket. It didn’t seem to hurt it at all.

I don’t think there could have been a better tea for pairing with a strong soup on a cold day.
Well, cold by NC standards. It was in the forties! Ha ha!

Thank you, Martin! It really was the perfect tea for lunch!

Martin Bednář

Happy to read that you liked it! It’s one of my favourites and I thought it will be a nice cuppa in colder days. I find it quite pumpkiny too; tohugh I never had a pumpkin pie before.

White Antlers

Ah! ashmanra Thanks for the reminder that it’s the little things that make our time on Earth so good. <3


Tea by the fire on a cold day sounds amazing. I grew up with wood heat and I miss it sometimes. It seems to warm you up faster than other types of heater. I don’t miss cutting and stacking the wood, though!


DrowningMySorrows: I have split (a little) and stacked (a lot) of wood in the 26 years we have lived here and used the Buck Stove, but I am VERY FORTUNATE that my husband actually enjoys cutting and splitting the wood! We rarely buy it and mostly burn found and foraged wood. The last hurricane took down an oak at a relative’s house that will keep us warm for the next two years.

By the time my students arrived at 2 pm, it was 75F in the hallway, far from the fire. Way too hot for me! But my husband was delighted when he got home from work and he could warm up by it! You are right, it really does warm a body up better than a heat pump!

The fireplace is in a room that used to be the kitchen/den but is now the kitchen/dining, so I often cook in a tank top and shorts in winter! Ha ha! It just gets too hot!


Oooh, I’m jealous of your toasty warm house! The people who built my house used ducts and things that are too small for this size of house so upstairs is freezing all winter (and uncomfortably hot all summer). I’m cold all the time anyway so winter can be a bit rough. I do a lot of baking just so I can hang out next to a hot oven! The cold is also my excuse for buying so much tea all the time.

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6444 tasting notes


I liked this. It had all the nice pumpkin spice flavor but with an interesting custard quality. Don’t recall much else because the dog and the baby made things a bit nutso when I tried to drink this.

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2590 tasting notes

The first few sips I had of this when it was really hot were absolutely amazing. Pure pumpkin pie. I poured a small amount into a separate cup to try it with some milk, and that was great too. Definitely pumpkin with light spices in there. I brought the rest to work, and for some reason, it didn’t taste special anymore. I did overleaf it since I had a little too much leaf for one cup but not enough for two, so maybe that could lead to some flavor confusion. Yeah it just tasted like many other spiced black teas. The spices became more pronounced as it sat. I did enjoy it, but I guess if I ever have this tea again, it either needs to be very hot or with added milk. It made a decent second steep with plenty of starchiness.

Thanks to tea-sipper for the sample!!

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2065 tasting notes

Great tea for cloudy day as today. It is nice blend of black tea with vegetable (pumpkin) notes. And… cloves, cinnamon. All together works brilliant.

But it’s gone.

Song pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8XyIaHsZEc

Now about Steepster:
Yes, I am happy that it won’t die as Adagio decided to take part. Certainly a great news, but on the other hand… it is a vendor; so I hope they won’t benefit their products, it should stay ad-free and I would really enjoy if it stays like this all the time. Keep users adding teas(teaware) without review by some admin, easy-way to write tasting note.

Keep it similar/same. Don’t do big changes yet. Fix the troubles we experience now, then listen to us and in the end do new.

I can’t write to discussion board though, so I hope, they will read it anyway.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Cloves, Pumpkin

3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

I had this tea the other day with some pumpkin scones.. in July. It’s rare I have pumpkin in July!

Martin Bednář

Yep. Pumpkin is certainly autumn flavour, not summer one. But why not, right? It was actually just right for today weather.


Yeah, just as long as the tea is enjoyed no matter the season! :D

White Antlers

I don’t think it’s the pumpkin itself that’s autumnal; it’s the warming spices used with it that are. Cinnamon, cloves, allspice, nutmag, mace and so on are traditionally thought of as cold weather spices. Ever had a Thai pumpkin curry? Mmmmm!


Wait, whaaat about Adagio and Steepster?? Man, it looks like I missed some serious news!

Also @White Antlers – Thai pumpkin curry sounds amazing

Martin Bednář

Not so much, not much has changed at all :/

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768 tasting notes

This was one of the 20 gram pouches included in my tea subscription. I am not a big fan of pumpkin pie or pumpkin anything, really. I know a lot of other people who live for this time of the year so they can get their pumpkin fix. Not me.

That said, the tea was smooth, and of course I don’t taste a whole lot anyway. We’ll starting the weekly Wednesday night suppers at church next Wednesday, and the woman who coordinates them is a tea lover and always makes two big pots of tea as well as an urn of coffee. I think I’ll bring this one to share.

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1780 tasting notes

Happy Halloween!!!!
I’m trying to like this tea. I doubled the amount of tea in this cup because previous cups have been light on the flavor. It was still lacking. :( The flavors were still a little weak and it seems like there is something missing to tie it all together and really make it shine. The search for the perfect pumpkin tea goes on.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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2970 tasting notes

Sipdown machine! Sipdown machiiiiiiine!
This one was nice enough. That’s my final conclusion. A nice pumpkin pie blend, without rocking my socks or shaking my core, but it did its job well enough!
And now its a sipdown! Wooooo!

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259 tasting notes

Bluebird have done it again! For the fourth year running their version of the PSL has returned and its as delicious as ever!


Flavors: Butter, Cloves, Cream, Ginger, Pumpkin, Spices, Vanilla

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16967 tasting notes

Obligatory mug of pumpkin tea consumed during Autumn. Seriously though, for a spiced pumpkin I think this is really enjoyable. It’s just that I really only ever think to drink it during the fall. I think what I like most about it is that as it begins to cool in your mug it almost has this type of pudding-ish sweetness to it in the body of the sip, nestled between all of the spice notes.


I’m feeling a little salty that B&B haven’t brought Baby Spice back this season. That was a really enjoyable pumpkin tea.


Dustin – I think B&B mentioned Baby Spice so I think it will be back soon.

Martin Bednář

I recall it seeing something about Baby Spice as well in newsletter. I enjoy this one as well!


Really?! Fingers crossed! I figured that they must not have it this year because they came out will a bunch of autumn teas, including Spiced Pumpkin Pie and it wasn’t with them.

Martin Bednář

“Hold tight Teabirds, every loose leaf and spice lovers season is upon is, and alongside our Autumn collection will be releasing some NEW chai blends to cosy up alongside our other chai faves from the UK’s largest flavoured chai collection! Including the return of SPP’s decaf partner, Baby Spice! As usual, our VIP newsletter family will be the first to know when it drops!”


I scoured their IG comments and found them mention the 27th and the day Baby Spice returns!

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652 tasting notes

Another sample sent from Nattie!

I enjoyed a mug of this yesterday at work after lunch. It seems more of a natural tasting pumpkin tea, vs a lot of the chemically flavoured ones. I mean maybe this is too, but there are actual bit of pumpkin in there rather than candy bits, so that’s a plus to me!

Again the base was a little weak to me, though I left it steeping for like 10 minutes and nothing bad happened, haha. So it’s forgiving!

It was a pleasant cup, though to me it was definitely more of a pumpkin enhanced chai than a pumpkiny dessert tea.

I don’t think I’d buy it but was great to try!

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