Bluebird have done it again! For the fourth year running their version of the PSL has returned and its as delicious as ever!
Flavors: Butter, Cloves, Cream, Ginger, Pumpkin, Spices, Vanilla
Bluebird have done it again! For the fourth year running their version of the PSL has returned and its as delicious as ever!
Flavors: Butter, Cloves, Cream, Ginger, Pumpkin, Spices, Vanilla
Tea Blogger. Exploring tea. Love to help fellow tea lovers discover new flavours.
Tea in cupboard is all tea I’ve tried, not updated to what I actually have right now!
Love: Nearly all oolong, malty black tea, earl grey, most chai, mint leaves, jasmine pearls.
Meh: Green tea, puerh, matcha.
00-25 – Hated it. Would never buy.
25-50 – Disliked it, probably because I just don’t like that tea.
51-60 – Ok/neutral stance.
61-70 – Tasty. Wouldn’t buy
71-80 – Really enjoyed, could be improved.
81-90 – Really loved it, would consider repeat purchase.
91-100 – Fav. Will repeat purchase.
I’m also on Twitter and instagram @tastetheteablog :)