Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Not available
Anise, Cherry, Amaretto, Artificial, Fruit Punch, Marzipan, Medicinal, Orange, Rooibos, Sweet, Tangy, Alcohol, Almond, Candy, Powdered Sugar
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 45 sec 5 g 11 oz / 335 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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16 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This was a sample included with my recent August Uncommon Tea order. I was glad to get this one as I’m especially fond of flavored rooibos teas. I bet it smells heavenly, but I don’t have a sense...” Read full tasting note
  • “As soon as I opened the packet, my first thought was, WOW! ameretto! Its really there in the flavor as well. I can detect a little anise, though its not overpowering, just nice and subtle. Not...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really like this tea but I like it even more with orange honey. The honey brings out the flavor of the almonds, amaretto and orange. I am drinking it hot right now but it is delicious iced too. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “2022 Spring Tea Swap – Day 23 From Emilie! So unique! The aroma is cherry while the flavor is just like a black jelly bean. Those aren’t my favorite, but I don’t hate them. The cherry mixed with...” Read full tasting note

From August Uncommon Tea

Velvety rooibos with amaretto and orange blossom

A sip of aged brandy and gâteau basque in the glow of a terracotta sunset. Notes of breezy orange blossom and amaretto evolve to burnt orange peel and sweet almonds, and are finally rounded by muddled cherries. Indian summer nights invite slowness.

INGREDIENTS: rooibos, anise, almond, lemon peel, orange blossom, star anise, flavoring


TASTES LIKE: sweet almond, burnt orange peel, armagnac, anise, dried cherry
FEELS LIKE: rustic liqueur on a languid night


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16 Tasting Notes

768 tasting notes

This was a sample included with my recent August Uncommon Tea order. I was glad to get this one as I’m especially fond of flavored rooibos teas. I bet it smells heavenly, but I don’t have a sense of smell. And due to my current ongoing chemo I have a lot of mouth sores, so anything hot is painful, but so is anything cold. I brewed this at boiling and waited until it was at a lukewarm temperature to drink and I think I got some black licorice flavor from the anise. No almond/amaretto unfortunately. I will try it again when I’m done with chemo and see if I get anything else from it. Life sucks right now but it will get better.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Thinking of you often, and praying for you, Maddy!


Good to see a review from you! I’m praying, too.


I hope life gets better soon!


Urgh, mouth sores. :( Hope you’re able to find some relief from those and all the other chemo nasties.

Maddy Barone

Thanks, everyone!

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275 tasting notes

As soon as I opened the packet, my first thought was, WOW! ameretto! Its really there in the flavor as well. I can detect a little anise, though its not overpowering, just nice and subtle.

Not sure if I can detect any of the other ingredients, but wow, I am liking this tisane. Actually the description mentions flavors of muddled cherries and I can see that as well.

There is a nice subtle sweetness to the flavor that is not a dominating and I think I am enjoying that as well.

This seems perfect to curl up with on a cold night. I’m sure I will be buying more.

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55 tasting notes

I really like this tea but I like it even more with orange honey. The honey brings out the flavor of the almonds, amaretto and orange. I am drinking it hot right now but it is delicious iced too. I am really impressed by all the teas I have tried from August Uncommon.

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2172 tasting notes

2022 Spring Tea Swap – Day 23
From Emilie!

So unique! The aroma is cherry while the flavor is just like a black jelly bean. Those aren’t my favorite, but I don’t hate them. The cherry mixed with the anise definitely works. I don’t get the amaretto or orange blossom flavors which is kind of a letdown, but I’m going to use the rest of my sample in a cold brew to see what other flavors might come through. AU really has the most interesting blends!

Flavors: Anise, Cherry

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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2596 tasting notes

Unexpectedly, the strongest flavor I taste is anise. There’s a bit of almond, but it’s difficult to taste it past all that strong anise. I’ve had this plain cold and with milk warm, and I think I prefer it cold because the almond can come out more that way. Then it tastes like alcohol and almond, so I guess like amaretto? Plus that strong anise flavor, which sometimes gives it a bit of a soda taste. I enjoyed it much more the second time I had it because it tasted more balanced.

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1652 tasting notes

what was i thinking.


it’s like kool-aid but nasty.

won’t bother ordering from august uncommon again. we don’t play nice together.

on a more positive note, chinese and spanish classes are done. i’m freeee!

Flavors: Amaretto, Anise, Artificial, Cherry, Fruit Punch, Marzipan, Medicinal, Orange, Rooibos, Sweet, Tangy


This tea is everything I hate about fruit/rooibos blends. It tastes like cough syrup and is the worst.

Cameron B.

Heh heh, I remember hating this one as well…


My tongue is curling into a knot just envisioning it. Happy end’o’smester!

Martin Bednář

Happy for your freedom! Enjoy those few days!

Evol Ving Ness

Hurray for language classes! Well done!

Lexie Aleah

This tea was a big no for me as well! haha Congrats on the language classes!


Thanks, y’all. This definitely tasted like Robitussin last night :(

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1009 tasting notes

I was very excited to receive the August Uncommon Top 10 sampler pack as a Christmas gift from my grandma in December! Since I got a lot of other tea for Christmas and had the Samurai TTB with me in January as well, I saved these teas to open on my vacation this month. Overall, August Uncommon continues to impress me with the quality of their tea and the uniqueness of their blends; I quite enjoyed 8/10 of the teas in this set and several are going on my wishlist to purchase in larger quantities soon.

But this was one of the two that flopped for me….and flopped quite spectacularly! I can usually finish any mug of tea, even if I’m not really enjoying it, but I actually dumped this one out after a couple of sips. It felt like drinking a mug of cough syrup…the artificial cherry flavor was STRONG and the anise also gave it a cloyingly sweet, throat-coating mouthfeel that I just couldn’t handle. I’ve passed this on to an amaretto-loving friend in hopes that she will enjoy it more than I did…wouldn’t take much!

Flavors: Anise, Artificial, Cherry, Sweet

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

An awesome gift from your gram! :D

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4336 tasting notes

Nope, this is revolting to me.

It’s all amaretto and medicinal cherry throat lozenges. There’s a bit of anise as well, which is something I generally like, but here it’s just making the artificial and boozy flavors even more cloying.

Into the rehoming box it goes!

Flavors: Alcohol, Almond, Anise, Artificial, Candy, Cherry, Marzipan, Medicinal, Powdered Sugar, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Martin Bednář

Rehoming box sounds beter than “Blergh, I need to send it someone else, box”


I felt the same! None of their rooibos teas were good for me. :( But I also love the idea of a “rehoming box”. :)

Cameron B.

I’m sure someone else who likes strong amaretto teas would probably enjoy this one, so I’ll save it for a swap or TTB.

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1401 tasting notes

2021 sipdown no. 32

Unfortunately not enjoying a single rooibos from August Uncommon, which is in complete juxtaposition to their black teas, which I quite enjoyed!

This one is very amaretto-y. There also seems to be a faint hint of what I can only describe as olive tapenade, almost hidden at the end of the sip. I can’t say much else, because I couldn’t finish the cup. I offered it to A and she also did not enjoy. Nonetheless, always happy to have the opportunity to try new teas. Thanks Cameron!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 14 OZ / 414 ML
Cameron B.

This one smelled insanely amaretto when I opened it! o.o

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16975 tasting notes

Sipping on this one currently!

In ingredients list alone I felt pretty confidant that I would enjoy this tea; boozy almond with orange and anise!? Yes please! Even the dry leaf smelled very appetizing to me. However, steeped up I’m finding the taste to be a little much. It’s not that any of the present flavours taste bad – in fact they’re all quite lovely! The almond/amaretto is really clear and coating on the palate but not artificial/chemical or too concentrated, the anise is sweet and licorice-y with a hint of warming spice but doesn’t mask the other flavours, and the orange is delicate and floral.

The main issue here is that it’s simply too much when all together. Single out any two of these flavours and this would be a good tea – but all three together is very rich and really coating on the palate, so they all linger for a VERY long time after each sip. That is often a reoccurring theme to AU blends; there’s just so much going on!

I will revisit and see if this is something I adjust to with subsequent steepings, but right now I just feel a little bit impartial towards it as a blend.

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