
Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Caramel, Chestnut, Vanilla, Nutty, Roasted, Hazelnut, Astringent, Tea, Dark Wood, Smooth, Maple Syrup, Maple, Sweet, Brown Sugar, Butter, Nuts
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 20 g 14 oz / 408 ml

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From Adagio Teas

Premium black tea from Sri Lanka flavored with roasted chestnuts. Perfect for enjoying in front of an open fire. With Jack Frost nipping at your nose, this is the ideal time to enjoy this Holiday favorite. Help to make the season bright, give this limited-time tea a try.

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Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

88 Tasting Notes

1908 tasting notes

After my disapointement last time I decided to give this tea another try. I kept the steeping time much shorter and the result were much, MUCH better. Like other people have said, the tastes does remind me quite a bit of hazelnut, although it really has a flavour all of its own; rich and nutty with an almost liqueur-like quality to it. And the smell! I just can’t stop sniffing this tea. :D

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

oooh, you know “smell” is a big factor with me.

Rena Sherwood

Be careful — that could be illegal in some states.


Bah, I live in Canada, they can’t touch me here! ;)

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1501 tasting notes

I’m already well aware that I like the custom Adagio blends more than the basic teas, however anything chestnut calls to me. I literally can eat a bag of the cooked ones I find in a local Asian grocery store in two minutes flat. So, this tea appeals to me on several levels, even if I had lower-than-normal expectations.

I steeped it less than recommended as I find Adagio’s bases sometimes get bitter, fast. This definitely worked for me. Interestingly, this reminds me strongly of one of the TARDIS blends; this must be the base in it. I’m getting little chestnut however and more of a… hm. Creamy EG, with more cream than EG? Odd. Still tasty, just wondering if somehow the wrong tea was put in the wrong bag – or maybe I’m feeling more off than I thought. Holding off on rating, for now.

EDIT: Looked at the tea again; this is definitely not chestnut. Emailing Adagio now.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

LOL I like it, it reads as Chestnut to me. :))


Heh. This may well be my tastebuds… there’s just no chestnut pieces in it, as per the pics? That’s what threw me.


Confession. I haven’t had chestnuts before. At least not since I was too young to remember. But I hear they’re fabulous.


You need to try Nine!! Apologies for comment on super old tasting note…

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15606 tasting notes

Yah….so there may be a few tasting notes today. It’s tea and cleaning day because I need to get through some of the samples sitting in the house. Another one from adagio and while this is better than the last few, I’m still not a fan. There’s a weird taste in there that I can’t pin my finger on that just doesn’t say yum. Ah well…on to the next as that’s half the fun!


oh darn! ya saw how much I have left of this… what on earth am I gonna do with all that tea??? humbug.


Haha you could drive around town, stopping to dole out tea from the back of your car grin


You so thought that was quite funny, didn’t you?! Hahahahahaa :P


I did….it was greatness highlight of my week(s) which says a lot about my lack of life lol


hey now, we gotta spread the tea love somehow!
Always wondered why there are no tea carts, or heck even coffee carts in TO, like they have in nyc…


Tat would be awesome

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2291 tasting notes

Thanks, MissB! This one was really great.

I only steeped about 2.5 minutes, but the nutty flavour was so delicious.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Agreed, I loved this!!


Oooh, I gotta get my hands on this somehow!


Mmm, chestnuts! Maybe I’ll have some as “dessert”. :D

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828 tasting notes

I like this one, but in the same family as hazelnut. It’s a good flavored black tea.

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358 tasting notes

So last year I ordered from Adagio and received this Chestnut tea as one of my samples. Thinking I wouldn’t like it, I gave it to my Mom. She called later and said it was so good, and tasted just like real maple syrup. So I ordered a little sample pack and it is good indeed. I don’t know if the changed the recipe for this tea, because mine doesn’t have any chestnuts in it, and none are listed on the ingredients on the front of the pack? I am thinking that they must’ve just added the chestnuts to the dry leaves that are what I have in my sample. The leaves smell like black tea and maple syrup. There is a nice toasted nut flavor and a sweet maple syrup aftertaste that lingers. I thought this one may be only available seasonally, but it is available now, so hopefully it’s in stock year round. :)

-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves and twigs.
-Dry leaves smell sweetly of maple syrup. Tea liquor aroma is of black tea and maple syrup.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy dark brown color.
-Toasty and nutty flavor and finish. Sweet maple syrup aftertaste that lingers.
-Best with sweetener. Small amount of milk optional.
-Very good tea. Smooth toasty flavor. Reminiscent of maple syrup.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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639 tasting notes

Oh, wow! This smells amazing as it steeps! I received it as a free sample with my last Adagio purchase. It got mixed reviews here, so I had pretty low expectations. But this is great! It smells like chestnuts and cocoa and immediately made me think of Christmas!

Of course, then my officemates started saying, “Something’s burning! It smells like an electrical burn.” I told them I had just made tea, and they claimed it wasn’t coming from that. Then after I insisted they smell it, they started to think maybe it was the tea. Hahaha!

Well, no matter. I think this tea smells great! And not like electrical burning. The taste is very yum! It’s 100% authentic chestnut to me with a really lovely aftertaste. It’s naturally sweet and almost creamy without any additions. I’m also getting a hint of caramel. This is awesome! I highly recommend!

As I keep sipping it, I’m trying to figure out what others didn’t like. I might have pinpointed it. When I raise the cup to take a sip, I am kind of assailed by something off-putting. And I think the lovely chestnut flavor is most enjoyable in the aftertaste. This doesn’t bother me so much, but maybe it does others.

Still, I think this one is worth a shot. Plus, it was free for me, so I’m sure that’s also a contributing factor to my liking it. Who doesn’t love free tea? :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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141 tasting notes

This morning I’m drinking a smokey variation of this tea, courtesey of Tommy the Toad. I’ve had these samples for awhile now, and then I misplaced them in my overflowing pantry of doom. This one is (i believe) is a mixture of Chestnut black tea and lapsang souchong, which is awesome. I’m not very experienced with smokey teas, but this hits the spot. A touch of sweet caramel chestnut with a nice smokey punch. Love it! Thanks again Tommy!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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902 tasting notes

Another sample from MeghannM. Thanks so much!

I’ve got another snow day today, though it could be classified as an “ice” day. So far, this winter is shaping up to be a record-breaker in terms of wintery precipitation. And winter weather = being cold = drinking more tea to warm myself up!

Okay, let me begin by saying that I’ve never eaten chestnuts. I’m not sure why, but it’s probably because my mother refuses to eat them and, thus, I never had access as a child and have never thought to go out and get them as an adult. Mom grew up a few houses down from a small-time chestnut farmer (he had 4 or 5 trees), and she abhores the smell the flowers emit whilst blooming. I don’t mind it so much; then again, I also didn’t spend quite as much time around that smell as a child.

So, having no prior chestnut experience to fall back on, I can’t say whether or not this tastes like one. It’s got a strong black tea base that is very nice, and an earthy, roasty flavor that’s a touch astringent. There’s a hint of something I’d define as ‘nutty’ and perhaps similar to walnuts that have been a bit too roasted. It seems like something one would drink curled up in front of a warm fire and wrapped in a crochet blanket that your grandmother made. As for me, I’m just going to tuck in with my Snuggie and throws, find something to watch on Hulu, and knit a little something to tuck into my Steepster Secret Santa’s gift (that I’ll hopefully be able to pick up at Cuppa tomorrow so I can get it mailed out)).

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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254 tasting notes

This is actually one of the better teas from their holiday sample pack. Sweet and nutty, and fairly smooth as well. Not the best, but drinkable.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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