176 Tasting Notes
Here we are, trying the 3rd Day of Christmas tea in my advent calendar. At this rate, I might finish all 12 by the time Christmas actually rolls around.
Positives: Pleasant bergamot aromas combine nicely with the fruit and vanilla. Everything works together well, but it does bring me to the Negatives: Too artificial. Even though it says there are “natural” flavors, the overall combination still feels kind of fake and forced.
There’s something of an assam aftertaste as well, which is a bit odd. Altogether, I enjoyed this tea, but I very much wish it tasted more natural.
Flavors: Artificial, Bergamot, Citrus, Fruity, Vanilla
Another random find at HomeGoods from a company that appears to have liquidated its products and ceased to exist. I LOVE hibiscus flower tea and this one did not disappoint. I will say, the clumps of flowers in the container made it a bit challenging to fit within my infuser. Seeing the color of the water change instantly to that deep, rich, dark red hue was very satisfying. Taste-wise, this tea comes across rather sweet – so much so that I wondered if there was some added sugar or other sweetener involved. If we take the packaging at face value, it indicates that the ingredients are 100% hibiscus flowers and nothing else, but again, I have no way to verify given that this brand doesn’t seem to exist any longer. I did enjoy the flavors greatly, and this tea completely satisfies the craving for hibiscus.
Flavors: Hibiscus, Sweet
Time to open the 2nd day of Christmas door in my tea advent calendar…just a little late. No worries, it’s supposed to snow like 6 inches later this week, so we might as well roleplay as though Christmas is still around the corner.
Highly average earl grey tea. Tastes somewhat watered down. I do like the flavor of the bergamot, but something about the general taste just feels mediocre and lackluster. I’m finding myself missing that spark of freshness and vibrancy that I’ve come to expect from a really high-quality earl grey.
Flavors: Bergamot, Earl Grey
This is a fairly average, run-of-the-mill black tea. I don’t taste many chai elements here, unfortunately. The ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom are extremely muted, and it seems as though all I can really taste is…well, sadly, cheap black tea. Perhaps this is black tea that was in the same room as chai spices at some point? A disappointment, to be sure.
Finishing this box of tea is bittersweet. Every cup has been a pleasure, whether hot or cold. The pineapple flavor really stands out—it’s bright, sweet, and refreshing, but also incredibly comforting. On a freezing day like today, it felt especially soothing. I’ve never had green tea blended with pineapple before, but it’s such a natural combination that I’m surprised I haven’t come across it sooner. I will have to keep my eyes open for other pineapple teas and give them a try.
Flavors: Citrus, Grassy, Green, Pineapple
Trying the first caffeinated option in my Tea Forte sampler. Once again, I’m hoping that this is the correct Steepster entry, as the label on my box is simply “Vanilla Chai” versus “Vanilla Veda Chai.” I don’t know why there is such a discrepancy in names between the Steepster entries and what I have listed on the box, but until I can confirm otherwise, I will assume the ones listed here are correct.
This tea was very pleasant! I love me a good vanilla chai, and this one was every bit as good as your average pick. I have had better, but there’s much to enjoy here nevertheless. I am getting prominent notes of the vanilla and there’s a distinct clove flavor as well. I never ever put milk into my teas (yes, I know I’m probably missing out), but this one feels like it would pair really well with a splash of milk. Maybe someday I will try it, but not today.
Happy Sunday to everyone, the RealFeel here is -14*F, so stay warm!
Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Licorice, Spices, Vanilla
It’s finally the weekend! After a long, grueling week of work, I’m excited to try one of my new caffeinated teas.
This is from yet another sampler pack I picked up at HomeGoods. I really enjoy English Breakfast blends, so I had high hopes for this one. And, while the tea was fine, it didn’t meet my expectations. There was a lack of depth of flavor which was disappointing. I usually want my EB blends to have a really deep and rich taste, and this one just felt sort of watered down and lackluster. I can’t even pick out any flavors to list here…it’s kind of just plain black tea.
Hopefully I will find a better blend in this sampler pack.
This is the last new herbal tea I have in my Tea Forte sampler box. Again, just taking a guess that this is the correct Steepster entry, because the actual name on my tea pyramid is just “Turmeric Chai.” But the photo here and the ingredients seem to line up.
Probably my second favorite of the 3 herbals. I get lots of cardamom and some ginger and turmeric, but there are also very pleasant notes of clove and licorice. The flavor of clove is very nostalgic for me, so this tea made for an interesting trip down memory lane. Overall a very enjoyable blend.
Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Licorice, Spices, Turmeric
I love all things earl grey, and really all things bergamot in general. This tea has a lot of great qualities, and extra points for being caffeine-free so that I can enjoy it in the evening.
Visually, this tea is gorgeous. The little specs of blue cornflowers are delightful to look at. I did notice that it’s about time I invested in a better quality infuser, as my current ones allow a good portion of the finely ground loose leaf tea to simply fall into the water. If anyone has any recommendations, drop them in the comments.
The taste is great! Plenty of bergamot, but the rooibos profile is definitely not to be dismissed. I agree with some of the other descriptions that were listed: wet wood, root beer, anise (as an aside, I noticed that “wet dog” is one of the flavors in our database…I hope I never have to use it in one of these reviews). These are all great descriptors that work well with this tea. There is some orange/citrus as well that’s quite lovely.
I don’t often comment on the mouthfeel of teas, but I will say that this one felt particularly silky.
I enjoyed everything about this tea thoroughly and look forward to drinking it again.
Flavors: Anise, Bergamot, Citrus, Earl Grey, Orange, Rooibos, Root Beer, Silky, Wet Wood, Wood