Coconut Flan Genmaicha

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea, Natural Flavours, Popped Rice, Shredded Coconut
Coconut, Toasty, Toasted Rice, Creamy, Fruity, Grain, Rice, Sweet, Caramel, Custard, Sugar
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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From 52teas

As I mentioned above, I was happy to see this tea win a spot into our Christmas box this year. It’s always a joyful experience to see that one of my tea creations is so well received. It’s even more exciting when the tea that’s been so well received is one of my favorite teas because that means I get to drink more of it too!

My original description of this tea went like this:

For this Cinco de Mayo, I went with a favorite dessert inspiration: Flan! I love the stuff. But I wanted something MORE than just a caramelized custard – I wanted to go coconuts! Coconut Flan! (Seriously, how yum does that sound?)

For the base, I tossed around several ideas before I settled on my organic Matcha infused Genmaicha. I thought that the Matcha together with the toasted rice would lend a really nice nutty flavor to the cup – which I felt would complement the coconut as well as that hint of caramel that Flan is famous for and the Matcha would lend a creaminess to the cup to accentuate the custard.

This is totally yum! Matcha Infused Matcha blended with huge coconut flakes and the flavors of Flan. A perfect way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!

And really, I didn’t stray from the original recipe, except that I added some vanilla bean because you can never go wrong with a little more vanilla in a flan, am I right? So other than the vanilla bean, I kept true to the recipe because this is one that I was happy with when I first crafted it, so I stuck with my recipe. I hope you all enjoy it as much as you did the first time it was offered!

organic ingredients: green teas, toasted and popped rice, unsweetened coconut flakes, vanilla bean and natural flavors.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

23 Tasting Notes

1908 tasting notes

I was really excited to try this tea because I LOVE coconut desserts. It has a rich custardy flavor combined with sweet coconut and the toasted rice taste of the genmaicha also manages to give an approximation of a baked crust. The whole tea is smooth and it isn’t overly grassy nor does the rice have a burnt flavour like some cheaper genmaichas do. This definitely goes on my list of teas to rebuy if LiberTeas decides to blend it again.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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85 tasting notes

I was surprised at the negative reviews here. I really enjoyed the crap outta this tea! I love 52tea’s flavored genmaichas. You can’t really find flavored genmaicha anywhere else. Hey Anne, how about an apple cinnamon genmaicha? YUM. okay, back to coconut flan- i did enjoy this blend. The dry leaf smells like coconut custard. You may not be able to say “ooh thats flan” but when you know its supposed to smell like flan, then you can tell. Its like a caramel/sugary/custardy kind of smell. It goes well with the creamy coconut in my opinion. I bought 2 large bags of this stuff. I hope its around for a little while. Mmmm so good!

Flavors: Caramel, Coconut, Creamy, Custard, Sugar, Toasted Rice

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81 tasting notes

Eh. I love genmaicha and flan, but I hate coconut so much. so, I did the thing that my nephew does and picked out the larger pieces of coconut :-/ this tea definitely wasn’t bad, just not a favourite because coconut.

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296 tasting notes

On the Fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me … Coconut Flan Genmaicha!

I was honestly so excited to see this blend on today’s tea. I am always a sucker for a genmaicha blend. Every one that Anne brews up reminds me of why I am such a fan of 52Teas’ gemaicha blends. Each flavor combination is a study in balance, and they totally ace it. Wh en this came out last May, I bought it instantly. It came out on my birth week and got it in time to have as a birthday brew at work. It was perfect birthday teat! I am always on the lookout for non-traditional Japanese tea blends. Houjicha, matcha, you name it.

Since I knew what to expect with this tea, I didn’t pay to close attention to the cups. The distinct coconut creaminess shined through, nicely tying up the nutty, toasty flavor of the popped rice with it’s coconut cream quality. It’s a delicious and straightforward blend that hits the mark. I pity a fool that doesn’t like the flavor of genmaicha, because this blend is hecka slammin’.

Check out the review on my blog:


Hey, welcome back!


hahaha Thanks! it has been a long hiatus!

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314 tasting notes

On the 4th Day of Christmas – I’m running a bit behind on all my posts yesterday/today because yesterday was our ‘Thanksmas’ – which is the holiday we’ve created to combine Thanksgiving and Christmas since Amethyst is grown with a family of her own – I wanted a day when everybody could get together and celebrate the season. We take a look at everyone’s calendar and determine what day would work best for everyone’s schedule and that day ended up being yesterday. So yesterday was the day we have the turkey feast and open presents. Yay!

So today’s tea – the 4th tea of the countdown – was one that won quite an extraordinary number of votes: Coconut Flan Genmaicha! Yum! I was happy to reblend this because it was one of my favorites from this past year.

Creamy and decadent with lots of coconut. I’ve never actually had a coconut flan before – but this is what I’d imagine coconut flan would taste a lot like. Sweet and the toasted rice melds beautifully with the custard-y flan notes. Really yummy!


Thanksmas. That says it perfectly.

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308 tasting notes

Genmaicha ain’t my jam. Popped rice I can do. Toasted/roasted rice I cannot. I took one sip of this tea and tossed it. It had really nice coconut flavor, but I couldn’t get past the taste and smell of rice.

Flavors: Coconut, Toasted Rice

Evol Ving Ness

Shocking, because I am one of those people who loves genmaicha and a good flavoured genmaicha especially. Individual tastes are an interesting thing.


Indeed. Lots of people must like it (or they wanted to try it, at least) since it was reblended for the 12 days of Christmas sampler. I’m glad I tried it because now I know it’s not my thing. ;)

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448 tasting notes

I am always cautious with green teas, because there are very few I actually like. Genmaicha and I usually get along well enough, though, so I was hopeful with this one.

I’ve never had flan, so I don’t know how this holds up to that, but this teas was so buttery and creamy and I imagine the flan had something to do with that? The coconut adds a nice toastiness. It’s always nice to encounter a green tea that I really enjoy.


Flan is a kind of caramelly custard, so I’m thinking yes on it having something to do with the creamy buttery flavor. :-)

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