Coconut Cream Pie

Tea type
Black Tea
Calendula Petals, Coconut, Organic Flavours, Organic Vanilla Beans, Premium Black Teas
Cocoa, Coconut, Cream, Creamy, Fruity, Marshmallow, Milk, Sweet, Tannin, Vanilla, Smooth, Toasty, Malt, Toast
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by sterling
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 303 ml

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233 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Yay Saturday! But not just ANY Saturday – an August Saturday with a noon temperature of 64 DEGREES that I am NOT working! The world has lost its mind! I am celebrating this day off by drinking a...” Read full tasting note
  • “YES. I have DONE it! MWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The perfect balance of strength of tea flavor, milk, and sweetness is MINE, ALL MINE! And now I will never be able to do it again. Actually now I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is what’s for dessert today. Lovely. Really, it is. It’s just… I’m really craving the infamous raspberry oolong tonight and I’m coming to the conclusion that I have precious few fruity teas in...” Read full tasting note
  • “Cold brew because that’s the way I like it. Still the best coconut black I’ve had to date, but overall, I’d say I prefer coconut oolongs. No additives and I find the coconut still really pops. Kind...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

I was pretty excited when people asked that this tea be included in the vote for the 2016 12 Teas of Christmas, and even happier when this tea turned out to be one of the top vote getters. This has been one of the more memorable 52Teas blends for me – I love coconut! – so I was really happy to have the opportunity to reblend it.

The original description of this tea said:

Our Coconut Cream Pie flavored black tea has been one of our bestsellers here at Zoomdweebie’s since we opened. In addition to the pouches of this tea that we’ve sold, we sell a LOT of beverages made from this tea, in particular, this is probably our all time bestselling iced tea latte, one sip of which has led people to exclaim, “That’s like coconut cream pie in a glass!” I’ve also been frequently challenged on our assertion that our tea lattes are all fat-free, particularly with this tea.

It is simply so decadent, so wonderfully sweet and satisfying, that people cannot believe that we didn’t just liquefy a slice of coconut cream pie and serve it to them in a glass.

For the 52teas version of this tea, we are adding some honking-big flakes of unsweetened coconut to our premium black tea blend along with coconut and vanilla flavors.

So, obviously, I needed to change up the recipe somewhat because the black tea that I use is different from the ones utilized by Frank. I started with my black tea base of organic Indian and Chinese teas. I did use some “honking-big flakes of unsweetened coconut” as well as some vanilla beans and calendula petals.

This is very coconut-y, very creamy and oh-so-yummy! It’s been a while since I’ve had some of Frank’s version of this tea, but I’d say that I did pretty well with this blend! If my review of this tea is any indication – I think my black tea might be a bit stronger than the original version – but the other flavors are on point!

organic ingredients: black teas, coconut, calendula petals, vanilla beans and natural flavors.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

233 Tasting Notes

863 tasting notes

Yay Saturday! But not just ANY Saturday – an August Saturday with a noon temperature of 64 DEGREES that I am NOT working! The world has lost its mind!

I am celebrating this day off by drinking a huge mug of this. I just sent a sampler of breakfast teas + finum strainer to a friend and can’t wait to get her reviews of them. She has just discovered tea and her descriptions are quite entertaining – my favorite is the Irish Breakfast she referred to as a ‘sassy minx’.

Maybe after I get her into the breakfast teas I’ll send some dessert ones her way. This one would be a top choice – the little I have left – because it is one that is so true to its name. Coconut and pie. Add a little milk and sugar and a good day becomes fabulous.

Happy weekend!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Hesper June

Isn’t it just so fun to introduce others to tea!?
Sassy minx tea…I think a tea company should use that name, I love it:-)
This tea sounds tasty and I am so jealous of your 64 degree temps.


>64 Degrees

LUCKY!!!! It is 92 here and it is mid August. You can’t do anything outside without getting disgustingly sweaty.

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382 tasting notes

YES. I have DONE it! MWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The perfect balance of strength of tea flavor, milk, and sweetness is MINE, ALL MINE!

And now I will never be able to do it again.

Actually now I drink more of it, the flavor of the tea could be a bit stronger. But it IS the second steeping, so a slight weakness is to be expected.

And now, for your edification, a short skit:
“So, you’ve made a cup of Coconut Cream Pie that you are satisfied with?”
“And you like it and feel comfortable rating it?”
“But you’re rating it below your other 52teas teas?”
“Well, it’s good, don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t overwhelmed with its awesome like I was with the other two.”
“So…you realize you have just rated toast higher than pie, right?”
“…sometimes, the world works in strange ways.”

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

Fantabulous note! Smiled through the whole thing and laughed a time or two :D


Always glad to provide some amusement :D

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1353 tasting notes

This is what’s for dessert today.

Lovely. Really, it is.

It’s just… I’m really craving the infamous raspberry oolong tonight and I’m coming to the conclusion that I have precious few fruity teas in the flat.

I’ll sip this and read a few pages of my book while waiting for Top Gear to come on.

(And OMG I just realised something completely unrelated RE Mariages Freres…!!! No, I’m not saying. Don’t want to get my own hopes up. Be_LIEVE_ me, if I’m right, my Steepsterites, you will find out. All in due time.)


I had this today, it was ehhh. I put too much syrup in it I think =/

Evil evil taunting us with you raspberry oolong.


But I don’t have any is the problem! wibble


But we can’t get any, that’s our problem =P


But you can haz Samovar. And H&S. And Damn Fine Teas. And so on and so forth.


Now ~$50 shipping isn’t too outrageous ;)


…compared to what, exactly?

Southern Boy Teas

Raspberry Oolong, eh? Sounds like a good combination. Maybe we should create such a blend…


And then I shall purchase it ;)

Haha, compared to ummm…….. =]


The one in question here is this one:
It has raspberries primarily and also black currants and it is MADE OF AWESOME! Just ask Ricky.


Amazingness! =]


Just ask Jacqueline.


And TeaEqualsBliss


It’d be rude if we forgot Jillian ;)


Who had the lowest rating of it. At 75.


Is it silly that I read this and my thought was, ‘mmmm, Top Gear’? I guess some things can compete with even dessert tea.


They were building their own electrical car. It was hilarious. :D


I. LOVE. TOP GEAR. Seriously, I heart it so freaking hard. I don’t know what it is about them three and their goofy ways. Oh, and The Stig. Cannot forget The Stig. And The Stig’s African cousin.


I totally agree! I love that show, and I’m so immensely uninterested in cars. Heck, I don’t even have a driver’s license. But that show is one of the best things north of the Alps, srsly.
Today they had The Stig’s Vegetarian cousin. He had a green driving suit and a solar panel on his helmet. :D


The Stig’s American cousin was.. interesting.


(But, also LOVE that show.)


They’ve also had The Stig’s Lorry-Driving cousin. He was overweight and had a tanned arm.


If I were a celebrity, Top Gear would be the one show I’d fight a bear to be able to go on. I’d just be afraid that I’d kill myself on the lap. And that I wouldn’t be funny enough.


What is about Mariage Freres? can you point me on the right way? I am very interested in MF!
this tea sounds interesting btw!


cteresa, the thing I realised about MF when writing this post was that I was going to Paris a few days later at the time and I thought I might be able to pick some up while I was there. Sadly, it didn’t happen (I forgot), but I did get some nice Kusmi while we were there. :)


Oh, duh then :) Thank you for the reply and wishing you many tea shopping opportunities.

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1792 tasting notes

Cold brew because that’s the way I like it. Still the best coconut black I’ve had to date, but overall, I’d say I prefer coconut oolongs.

No additives and I find the coconut still really pops. Kind of an inappropriate one to drink seeing that it’s rainy again but I’m trying to use it up since it’s around a year old already.

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4843 tasting notes

Delish! I dug this out of my stash the other day because I sent some to a friend, and after packaging that up, I realized I was down to just 2 cups worth of this tea! But that’s OK… I’ve so much tea in my stash that it is a time to celebrate when I get to the bottom of a package. Tea should be enjoyed, not hoarded (that’s what I keep telling myself, hopefully it will sink in soon).

Anyway… this is really one of 52Teas best. It is sweet and creamy and coconut-y. I like that I am getting the cream pie in there too … although, I would like to get just a touch of Frank’s BUTTER flavor that he does so well in this… because I think it would really lend a defining note to the “crust” part of the pie. I guess that is the only thing I’d change about this!

Hey, Frank, if you’re reading this (and I know that you are!) … I am still eagerly awaiting my Tomato, Basil and Black Pepper Green Tea Blend.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
Southern Boy Teas

I haven’t forgotten the tomato basil blend. I actually requested some materials for that from my supplier and they sent me everything I asked for BUT that, so I will have to bug them again soon.


yay! I’m interested in that blend too!


Yes this coconut blend is really nice….

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6768 tasting notes

Thank you so much FrenchVanilla for sending me some of this! I missed it! I like it…I darn near LOVE it! Increasing the rating…sometimes you just don’t know what you got till it’s gone, eh!?


I have a sealed pouch of this 1.75oz if you want to trade pm me!

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6119 tasting notes

Drank this on the way to Toronto to meet up with Indigobloom!

Can’t remember details, but 3 minutes didn’t bring out enough black tea flavour, but the coconut was AMAZING. Started by drinking the second infusion, which was ok, and the first was like coconut heaven. More detailed notes to come next time I drink this.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

ahhhh I can’t wait to try this!! and yogurt tea :P


Me too! My room smells like tea :D


Mmmmm, yogurt tea!

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541 tasting notes

I just enjoyed a cup of this and I have to admit: this tea has grown on me. My package is almost depleted and I think I will miss it. I’ve now had coconut from a few different sellers and this one is one of the better ones; Adagio is on the bottom of my coconut list. This tea is actually really nice on these somewhat warm days. It fits my mood I guess! I would suggest this tea for black tea drinkers especially. I think that I can taste the base in this more than some other flavored blacks.

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1186 tasting notes

And a sipdown! And I must go to sleep soon lol, bad choice of tea but it was calling to me haha, it’s also nearing a full moon here and I am like a werewolf – I stay up all night when it’s full haha. Anyways, this cup is supremely creamy and pie like tonight. I love it! Mmm I could definitely order more of this at some point. A decadent treat! Now I will try to sleep! See previous notes :)

Flavors: Coconut, Cream

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115 tasting notes

It’s been so long since I’ve had any tea!!!!!! After holiday travels to distant lands, battles with various viruses/viri, and a good heaping of “damn those people on Steepster really love their tea and while their love of tea makes Steepster possible it also makes me quite busy,” I just haven’t found myself with a nice warm cuppa in hand in quite some time.

Luckily, my gf saw our feature of 52Teas’ Coconut Cream Pie and knowing how much I love that sh** (even though we just had Strawberry Rhubarb pie) she sneakily got a pouch for us to enjoy. Now on to the tea!

I opened the pouch and was pleased to see plenty of large coconut shavings mixed throughout. The black tea seemed like a pretty good quality, albeit a little on the smaller side (I’m assuming because of the plastic pouch it travels in). What surprised me the most is the very noticeable mint smell coming out of the bag. I read the other reviews of this and nowhere do I see mention of mint, but I get a ton of that…I think it’s a natural part of the coconut (or maybe I’m just coco-nuts) – sorry.

The brew has a nice darkish browny amber-likey color a you definitely get that punch of coconut and that mint thing I mentioned. Sip time :)

Ok, I feel this is more of a coconut tea than a coconut cream pie tea. There are some more subtle cream/dairy undertones that compliment the natural flavor of the black tea, but I’m still feeling like it’s not quite a slice of coconut cream pie. Great coconut flavor though (if you’re into that, def give this a try)! I’m still getting that after-dinner mint-iness a little, which surprises me but isn’t unpleasant.

Overall, a great experience, good flavor, nice to sip. Not quite a coconut cream pie flavor explosion in your mouth, but I see the potential. I’ll definitely be trying this again soon and I will most certainly be attempting their tea latte recipe with this -it’s supposed to deliver the greatest pie flavor you can get. (speaking of that…if a certain someone happens to be reading this and they are planning to stop at the store on the way home, it would be pretty cool of them to pick up 3 (14oz) cans of fat free sweetened condensed milk :)

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

Too funny! When I read the last paragraph I actually said “Ha ha! I love it!” out loud- and the only other “person” home is my dog. Sounds like you need something w/ no or a very quick steeping time. Matcha or Mecha (from Den’s Tea) comes to mind;)

Southern Boy Teas

FYI, you only need one can of sweetened condensed milk. Empty it and add three cans full of milk. Otherwise, you are going to be making an awful lot of latte mix.


@Cofftea: I’ve yet to try matcha! I really should jump on it (…kemosabe)

@52Teas: Thanks for the rec. But do you really want to discourage people from drinking vast quantities of your tea? ;)


@Jason: nice attention to detail.

@52Teas: thanks for catching that. :)


haha! i like the shout out to the gf. nice!

Southern Boy Teas

@Jason, please do drink vast quantities of our tea, but the recipe we use for the latte mix makes about a half gallon of latte mix. If you made a gallon and a half, it might go bad before you could drink it all. I would hate for you to not enjoy our teas because of spoiled latte mix. :)


Where do I find the recipe for the latte mix???? Someone, please share!


@Laura: does that mean you’re gonna pick some up?

@52Teas: A gallon and a half might be pushing it, so maybe you have a point.

@fcmonroe: Here’s the recipe from their site:

“How to make a fat-free tea latte: Combine 1 can of fat free sweetened condensed milk with 3 cans of skim milk in a saucepan, heat and stir until uniform. Combine resulting mixture with hot tea in equal parts tea and latte. Thank me out loud for sharing our latte recipe.

Leftover latte will keep in the fridge for a few days, allowing you to either reheat, or use to make iced tea lattes, of which, the coconut cream pie flavored black tea iced tea latte is the KING." – note: apparently the recipe makes 1/2 gallon of latte mix FYI


Thank you so much!!! That would give me a good way to use up partial cans of condensed milk.


Firstly, your girlfriend totally gets a +15 for ninja-ing y’all some tea. Secondly, I was totally going to -10 you for the coco-nuts [COME ON] but then I saw the Apache reference and you got a +10 for that…

So I guess you win today, Shredder. [By the way, did you know that Shredder was voiced by Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince? I learned this a couple of days ago and was very much “WHAT?!”]


@Takgoti: several things…
- My gf gets way more than +15 points because not only did she order the tea ninja style (or the korean version of that) and then stop to get the condensed milk, she also waited around while I worked on the new Steepster updates (which i hope you enjoy) and we didn’t even get a chance to make tea lattes!
- I apologized for “coco-nuts” in advance
- However, I still defend my tame pun with the fact that I also included a “sh**”. I have a diverse fan base – gotta get a little something for everyone in there.
- Yes, I did win today. Like all other days. You may call me, The Shredder.
- I actually did know that Uncle Phil voiced the Shredder and it’s sometimes hard to watch the cartoons again with that in mind. But I remain a true fan until the end.


⚀ As a Korean, I think that officially the Korean version of ninja is AWESOME. It’s either that, or Korean popstar Rain, so I’m gonna go with AWESOME. I will have to revisit my little book of points and adjust accordingly.
⚁ I would make another comment about your pun foul, but I’ve made enough bad ones that I can’t really ethically continue at this point.
⚂ Touché, salesman.
⚃ I’m gonna find people to replace their avatars with appropriate TMNT characters, and then we will take you down.
⚄ I still can’t wrap my head completely around it. This has been doing a pretty good job of weirding me out, though.


1) Yes, we korean-ninjas rock. :p
2) Uncle Phil/Shredder weirded me out too. I can’t take Fresh Prince seriously anymore. …Not that I ever did…?
3) I just read a previous line of postage about you never wanting to be April. I feel your pain (or rather, I did at that age, too). I wanted to be Raph or Leo. Plus, kudos to you for beating the arcade game. :)
@Jason: Nice SHG reference. I love how the songs you get stuck in your head always make them into your steepster posts.


@Laura HOLLA. Also, re: April – I would get so MAD. I so feel for little…us? And beating that game and the Simpsons one are like, major, major triumphs of my childhood. We had a sack of quarters we had found at the bottom of the pool during the summer and a crowd gathered and my friend jumped up onto a table after we bested the Simpsons. It was rather epic, though at the time it just resulted in us nearly getting kicked out of Fuddruckers. WHOO! That was like a nostalgia adrenaline rush.

AND just to bring it full circle, the Apache dance might be my favorite Fresh Prince moment.

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