Monkey Fart

Tea type
Fruit Honeybush Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 30 sec

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40 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The smell is quite strong but if that doesn’t bother you than on to the taste. It tastes like banana flavoured milk… or laffy taffy. If you haven’t had either of those it also tastes like the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had some Dreamy Banana Creme Pie before bed last night ;) A splash of milk is delightful in this one. Sweet, dessert like. Nice banana flavor. Also I AM SO MAD that the new Cheesecake honeybush...” Read full tasting note
  • “So, this one definitely spent a bit too long in a plastic baggie. I’ve now decided that any teas packed in crappy packaging are the only ones I’m allowed to drink for a while. Which means swap...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sip down! Hot Latte mode! Mmm delicious banana milk again! Hmm what’s my cupboard count? Gahh 200 on the nose! A few more than that as I need to add a few teas to the database and have been too...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

What’s sweeter than a monkey farting? Monkey Fart Honeybush from! It’s our premium caffeine-free African Honeybush blended with real dried bananas and natural flavors! Get some today, you’ll be as happy as this fellow.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

40 Tasting Notes

806 tasting notes

The smell is quite strong but if that doesn’t bother you than on to the taste. It tastes like banana flavoured milk… or laffy taffy. If you haven’t had either of those it also tastes like the medicine they give kids when they have an ear infection :D The tea is underneath it all and pops up every now and then to say hi but quickly leaves again :)

Autistic Goblin

next time I think I’ll do a shorter steep, it’s a little too strong right now :D


Do you have the honeybush, or the iced tea from Southern Boy Teas?

Autistic Goblin

honeybush :)

Autistic Goblin

I steeped it at about 10min as I usually like my tea strong :D It’s also my first Banana tea. I have 4oz to experiment with though so I’m sure I’ll find the right balance :D if all else fails I’ll use it to make some yummy muffins


I usually steep mine 10 minutes also. But some prefer their honeybush steeped a little shorter time …

Daisy Chubb

I miss laffy taffy! My favourite is the watermelon kind because of the “seeds” :B

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1112 tasting notes

Had some Dreamy Banana Creme Pie before bed last night ;) A splash of milk is delightful in this one. Sweet, dessert like. Nice banana flavor. Also I AM SO MAD that the new Cheesecake honeybush flavor from 52 teas sold out in hours!!!! Gosh darn!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

You might want to recheck the website soon. I saw something in the discussion boards about Frank reblending this one because it was such a hit.


Oh, goodie!! Thanks for the heads up!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

He did send out a Tweet saying that he is reblending 2 more pounds because of the demand. So I am sure if you keep an I eye out you will get to order some. :-)


It is available now on the website :)


Thank you! I hope it’s still there when I get home from work!!! Eeee!

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6119 tasting notes

So, this one definitely spent a bit too long in a plastic baggie. I’ve now decided that any teas packed in crappy packaging are the only ones I’m allowed to drink for a while. Which means swap samples and teas from Teaopia, etc. Anyways, there’s definitely still banana in here, both in aroma and flavour (which makes me think that there’s even less strawberry in Walter Bishop than I thought, since my tastebuds clearly aren’t completely busted), but the tea tastes kind of stale, which I definitely didn’t notice originally. Ah well, there’s now only about a cup’s worth left, so hopefully I can make short work of it some evening!

Boiling 8 min or more

I’ve been going through the same. I’ve actually started tossing some of the ones that have gotten too old in bad storage. It’s like a little tea shaked knife in my heart every time though.

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1271 tasting notes

Sip down! Hot Latte mode!

Mmm delicious banana milk again! Hmm what’s my cupboard count? Gahh 200 on the nose! A few more than that as I need to add a few teas to the database and have been too lazy to do so (or not lazy and just don’t want to see my count go up!)
I could be convinced to have this Monkey Fart tea again. I dislike the name though, as I don’t like monkeys – though I do like the humor of the tea name! Actually today in Brazilian Jiujitsu my sparring partner, who is more experienced than me, was being tricky and I was having difficulty sparring her has she glues herself to me. She said “I’m sorry, I’m like a little monkey” and I’m like “no, you are more like a koala bear, they are much cuter than monkeys!”

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

Despite my misgivings about the name – I decided to buy this one. I have loved the previous banana flavored teas that I’ve tasted from Frank, and I was certain I’d love this one too.

And I was not disappointed. The banana flavor is very a-peal-ing (pardon the pun). Sweet and fruity. I really like the honeybush/banana combination… perhaps even better than the rooibos/banana combination – hey Frank – maybe you should rework the Chocolate Banana Rooibos and make it chocolate banana honeybush – but DO NOT call it chocolate monkey fart, please.

Boiling 8 min or more
Southern Boy Teas

I wouldn’t name it after Chelsea either. =)


I wish I liked Bananas…just can’t do ‘em. It’s the ONLY fruit I don’t like!!!! LOVE the name…there is a candle with the same name too! Cracks me up everytime!

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1184 tasting notes

Backlogging from last night. I have been eyeing this tea but did not want to order it. My history with banana teas has not been very positive. The only banana tea that I have liked has been DTs banana oolong. So anyway, I thought I should try a sample. Thank so much to tattooed_tea for this sample that I have finally gotten around to!

This smells wonderful. Wow, sweet, natural banana. Much to my suprise, this is delicious. I think the honeybush really brings out the natural sweetness in this tea. I might have to order this sometime in the future!

I resteeped this tea for 10 minutes and it was a little weak, but it was still ok.

I also put my second cup of this steep in the fridge to chill for today. It is still really good, and sweet, but I think I like it better hot.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I can’t imagine this being better hot. Cold it is so delicious!

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902 tasting notes

amandajo sent me a sample of this tea…I pulled it out of the mailbox this morning and have been waiting to try it ever since!!

Scent of the brewed cup is amazing!! Banana flavored runts exactly. I almost don’t want to taste it, I am enjoying the scent that much. I just have it sitting in front of me, with my nose hovering over it, inhaling the fumes…

Wow. This is fantastic. Sweet, candy-banana taste with this amazing honeybush base. Yum. My inner evil monkey is very happy right now.

Boiling 8 min or more

If you like banana runts flavored/tasting tea- you MUST get his banana matcha:)


Meghann sent me a sample of it…love the taste and smell…just haven’t got the “how” of match figured out. Haven’t gotten the texture right yet.

Geoffrey Norman

The name of this alone earned a friggin’ “Shopping List” click.


I’m so glad you liked it! It’s definitely a favorite of mine too. I mentioned to Frank that I thought the name could double for a band…and they could have an official drink too! ;)

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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: ~3 tsp
Water: 12oz ~160°F hot spigot water
Tool: kati loose tea system (my Review here.)
Steep Time: 8+ minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: laffy taffy banana
Steeped Tea Smell: honeybush
Flavor: banana runts
Body: Full
Aftertaste: sweet
Liquor: opaque dark brown

Post-Steep Additives: 1 packet white sugar

Resteep: weak, but drinkable, I left it in for so long I lost track of time!

I love banana laffy, I love banana runts, I LOVE this tea. I will be very sad when it is gone.

Sorry I do not have pictures of the brewed tea, it disappears from my cup very quickly!


Boiling 8 min or more

I’m not as in to all the banana stuff, but Mike likes banana runts so he might like this.


yes, if he likes the runts, he will like this, NOM

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15618 tasting notes

sample sipdown! thanks kittenna sadly this tastes mostly like honeybush than banana. I’m thinking maaaybe it’s an age factor or it just isn’t the tea for me.

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59 tasting notes

Been wanting to try this one for awhile as I LOVE banana, but I usually drink tea when I’m in need of caffeine, and as this does not have any, so I haven’t pulled this out of my sample box yet. (Also, I’m not sure from whom I got this tea…. Baggy and blue marker for the name? Thanks whoever you were!)

At first, the banana wasn’t as prominent as other reviewers have said, which disappoints me because I want the crazy laffy taffy banana flavor! It could be because this tea isn’t brand new in my sample box so I really don’t know how old it is…

The longer I let it cool, the more the banana flavor comes out, though! I hope when it gets to the perfect temperature, the banana comes out of the cup and slaps me in the face!

P.s. My dog apparently wanted to add this to the review: “\p-0o”

6 min, 0 sec

The part about your dog XD

Madeline Alyce

Haha yea, they ran across the couch and over my laptop! I’m so afraid they’re going to knock a key out one of these days! This is my work laptop!!!!! I already had to exchange my power cord because of “damage” aka puppy chewing….

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