Despite my misgivings about the name – I decided to buy this one. I have loved the previous banana flavored teas that I’ve tasted from Frank, and I was certain I’d love this one too.
And I was not disappointed. The banana flavor is very a-peal-ing (pardon the pun). Sweet and fruity. I really like the honeybush/banana combination… perhaps even better than the rooibos/banana combination – hey Frank – maybe you should rework the Chocolate Banana Rooibos and make it chocolate banana honeybush – but DO NOT call it chocolate monkey fart, please.
I wouldn’t name it after Chelsea either. =)
I wish I liked Bananas…just can’t do ‘em. It’s the ONLY fruit I don’t like!!!! LOVE the name…there is a candle with the same name too! Cracks me up everytime!