Soooooo NOT a combo I would reach for in a store…but…I’m game…BRING IT ON!
VERY intensely scented/flavored Turmeric AND Ginger…thankfully I can smell a little Orange.
After infusing – the wet mix in my strainer looks much like TOFU SCRAMBLE I have made in the past…ironically one of the ingredients is TURMERIC. Anyhow…the liquid is texture-E. I’m ‘chalking it up’ (no pun intended) to the turmeric. I can smell the ginger mostly.
This tastes of Ginger – overly, intensely, and obnoxiously-so. So-much-so I can’t drink it. It’s very peppery. It’s chalky.
Sorry Rishi…NOT liking this one…
Down the drain – the rest of it goes…
On to the next!
you are such a liar, that pun was totally intended :P
I’ve never been able to get much taste out of turmeric, I mostly just get chalk out of it as well – I guess that’s why you want to combine it with spices that have more personality and something with a distinctive texture of it’s own.
I just came up w/ a scary idea… LiberTeas wants tomato green tea… How about a Hot Dog matcha… turmeric, tomato (ketchup and mustard) bacon flavoring to echo the hot dog and cucumber and vinegar flavoring to echo pickles…
Turmeric is supossed to be SO healthy for you.
I know…overall I like turmeric IN stuff like Curry and Tofu, but so far not fond of it in tea…sigh…
you are such a liar, that pun was totally intended :P
I’ve never been able to get much taste out of turmeric, I mostly just get chalk out of it as well – I guess that’s why you want to combine it with spices that have more personality and something with a distinctive texture of it’s own.
I just came up w/ a scary idea… LiberTeas wants tomato green tea… How about a Hot Dog matcha… turmeric, tomato (ketchup and mustard) bacon flavoring to echo the hot dog and cucumber and vinegar flavoring to echo pickles…
and don’t forget the dill and onion. Ok, Frank is starting to corrupt me. LOL!:)
You could perhaps cook with it :)
Huh, I was debating whether or not to sample this for for Mike’s tea review blog – I’m glad I gave it a pass in end. D: