6768 Tasting Notes
Backlogging from the weekend…
I will revisit this one since my notes seem incomplete…but so far I was pleasantly surprised with this one…it was mellower that I expected and I am grateful for that. I was thinking it was going to be all-spicey…
It was cocoa-E and spicy-E but full and a nice black.
I did noticed that over infusing was a little nasty – but then again…why would one do that as much as I did…lol…
So – I won’t hold THAT against them! LOL
I did like this tho and next time I drink it I will try and be more descriptive.
Surprise envelop from Ruth today!!!! Thanks so much Girl!!!!
A wonderful handmade card and tea holding envelopes too!! Lovely!
This DOES smell interesting yet good! It’s a smoky-chewy-honey like smell.
Oddly…it tastes much like it smells…but not as smoky which is fine with me! There is a bit of smoke there but there is so much else going on with this tea that it works but isn’t in the forefront!
It’s CHEWY and yummy. There is a honey-like taste to it and it has a sweeter finish.
This is fairly complex and interesting and I like it very much! Thanks SO MUCH Ruth!!!
Thanks Rachel for sending me a bit of this! :)
I can smell a spiced Apple Chai sort of aroma but I can taste the vanilla and chai and caramel type flavors.
As it cools and as I get towards the end of a sip I can taste the apple a little.
This is fairly spicy but still pretty good.
1st Infusion was yummy! Sweet but still floral. Weird thing tho…the bloom…bloomed…but upsidedown! I tried to flip it gently several times and it just wouldn’t belly-up! Regardless is was a delight to my palate! 2nd Infusion coming soon!
Bagged version…
Slightly scented with pom…nom,nom,nom…
It ‘brews’ to a color that is a minty-looking-green that then turns to a more pale olive green color.
It’s a stronger bagged green…with a hint of fruit! Not bad! :)