Wuyi Shan Lapsang [Out of Stock]

Tea type
Black Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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From Harney & Sons

Mike visited this secret spot on his last trip to China. It was difficult to get in and no, he did not get to see the smoking process. This organic tea is much more subtle and elegant than other lapsangs.

NOTE: This tea is no longer available.

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Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

11 Tasting Notes

3499 tasting notes

Youngest was quite alarmed this morning when I told her we are out of the Teavivre sample of Lapsang tea. Before she passed out from palpitations at the thought of having to do geometry without Lapsang, I remembered that I have a tiny bit of this tea left, perhaps enough for two pots. I bought it over two years ago before she knew that she loved lapsangs, so she has never tried it.

“This is AWESOME!” was her reaction. So thankfully we have a tea to finish the school week and then what? I have a tiny bit of Baker Street left, and a little Hunan Golden Tips, which are pretty smoky, so hopefully that will tide us over until a new tea order can get here.

She loved Teavivre’s Lapsang so I will probably get that, but I am toying with trying Lapsang Souchong Black Dragon by Upton, which I have never had, or Harney’s plain Lapsang. Their premium Lapsang, like this one, is too pricey for every day school drinking, as both this one and the new one are about $12 an ounce.

This is a premium Lapsang, with a premium base, and it shows. The tea is almost chewy it has so much body, and it is also naturally sweet. I am sure the new one is just as good, but I think I had better find a cheaper option since she will be drinking it in great volume!

I am adding a link to a photo of the doodles I got on her homework today. Just FYI, there were never such doodles on her Algebra!



Want to try some of my Happy Lucky’s LS. People like it and it’ll be online soon.


Bonnie: That would be great! Look in my cupboard and see if there is anything you would like to try! I will PM my address.

Hesper June

Oh, No! Passing out and palpitations will not do!
You should buy her tea by the pound:)


That is awesome she loves it so much! A new LS girl has arrived! :)
Get a sample from Uptons and get more of the stuff she already loves. :) No reason not to have both!


Gnarg. I’d be doing worse than gnarging if I had to tackle algebra again :)


Did geometry put her on fire? I love those doodles…though I’m sorry she doesn’t seem to be enjoying the geometry! : )


Hesper June: I do have to buy Harney and Sons Vanilla Black by the pound! Now that she is taking geometry she wants something a bit stronger in the morning, but I really am going to have to buy a good bit at the time. I foresee her drinking a lot of this. Those doodles aren’t boding well. :)


Ubiquity: I suppose so! Notice the devil geometry book gloating on tool of the box! Heehee. She is a hoot. She maked to make similar doodles on her sister’s schoolwork because her sister was convinced that some of the books actually hated her. This is the first time I have seen the doodles with youngest as the victim! LOL!


Gosh! That was quite a scary prospect! In that case I must remember to get your address when next I stock up on my favourite LS (AC Perchs). I should like her (and yours) opinion on it. :)

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6768 tasting notes

Surprise envelop from Ruth today!!!! Thanks so much Girl!!!!

A wonderful handmade card and tea holding envelopes too!! Lovely!

This DOES smell interesting yet good! It’s a smoky-chewy-honey like smell.

Oddly…it tastes much like it smells…but not as smoky which is fine with me! There is a bit of smoke there but there is so much else going on with this tea that it works but isn’t in the forefront!

It’s CHEWY and yummy. There is a honey-like taste to it and it has a sweeter finish.

This is fairly complex and interesting and I like it very much! Thanks SO MUCH Ruth!!!


As it cools I can taste more honey – neat!


I love this one! I love just smelling the dry leaves. It comes in a foil packet in the tin to give extra protection to the aroma and flavor.

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328 tasting notes

Thanks to Ashmanra for this sample!

For a relatively strong lapsang, this one had some sweet undertones .. but the smoky flavors are powerful. Certainly not like a raging campfire like most..but a tad strong for me in the sweltering heat down in Louisiana. Regardless of my personal opinions, this is a great lapsang option for someone who would like a powerful smoky tea w/o any icky tar flavors….


I think I like to SMELL this one more than I like to drink it! :) It is a “winter” tea for me, and I do have to add milk and sugar to this one to mellow it out.

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259 tasting notes

Thank you so much to ASHMANRA for sending me this tea. I love Lapsangs so I saved this up for a while in order to titillate myself (which is not as obscene as it sounds). It’s delicious!

Warm, naturally sweet, smoky, but not overwhelmingly so, I can understand why it is rated so high. It’s got a level of refinement that I don’t ordinarily associate with a Lapsang. It’s a very nice break from my typical ash-tray tastes in smoky tea.

Thank you!


I personally dislike smoky teas. But I have a friend who loves them. I’ve been reading your posts for a while, and I think your tastes would coincide with his very well. Can you recommend some of your favorite teas (smoky or otherwise)?

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the afternoon…

Thank you to ashmanra for the chance to try this one! I see it is out of stock at the moment. It is a sweet smokey tea, and a wonderful afternoon treat.

The smoke is lighter than the first lapsangs I tried, and the base is sweeter.

16 oz, 3 tsp tea, freshly boiled water, 4 minutes.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I agree, it is the sweetest Lapsang base I have tried to date.

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61 tasting notes

I have to thank Ashmanra for sending me a sample of this tea and joining me in our virtual tea party today.

I enjoyed this tea quite a bit. I took it black. It has a wonderfully smoky aroma and the first part of it’s taste is a laid back smoky flavor and then it smooths out to a honeyed finish. I rebrewed it this evening also with boiling water and steeped for 5 minutes. It still smells smoke but loses some of that in the taste and is sweeter earlier. I must say that I enjoyed it, as well.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

Would you believe I haven’t tried rebrewing this one? I will have to give it a go!

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