6768 Tasting Notes
This smells awesome! Like a mixture of Mango, Apple, Lemon, Passionfruit, Flowers, etc…
WOW! VERY scented! Nice!
I can taste the Oolong, Flowers, and fruity flavoring. Everything mixes well together. I’m drinking hot right now but I can see this ICED in my future!!!
Sampling this at the moment. Tastes like the ingredients suggests…altho…not sure about crackle bits…eeeeek.
It’s probably the most creamiest Tiramisu tea/tisane I have ever tried which is somewhat refreshing…since the others have been so coffee-esque and almost bitter. I can taste the chocolate-goodness and that is the part I like most.
This is pretty good…yes…good, indeed
full review here
In Nature continues to amaze me!!!
Dry Leaf Scent: EXTREMELY Buttery…very nice!
Post infusion Scent: Still buttery, but a different kind of buttery…and green tea…
COLOR: pale but pretty yellow
Taste: The Purest of Pure! Extremely CLEAN. A nice even Green Tea Taste…not bitter or grassy…semi-sweet.
I really like this…one of the best “Dragon Wells” I have had so far!
I’m having this one right now…courtesy of LiberTEAS…thanks girl!
I really WANT to like this one…I do…and I was optimistic because of the amount of Almonds…but…all I’m tasting is ginger, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg…blah…and A LOT OF IT…
I might cave and try and add milk or something to it…YES…me…the one that NEVER adds ANYTHING to her tea – even Chai! I might try it.
For now…I am going to put a lower rating on it but that may change.
The spices are too over powering for my palate – but if that is what you are into you would LOVE it. It’s just too much spice and not enough tea or almond or other flavors blending in to mesh for me…it’s almost bitter.
However, I am still sipping on it so at least it’s not one I will dump down the drain…
Perhaps it’s like some BEER…your first sip of a specific beer may be too dark or harsh for your liking but after a whole bottle (or 5 bottles – LOL) they start to taste better (or not phase you! LOL)
Rachel sent this to me a while back and I thought I tried it but it was a different Chai I tried from her Signature Blends over at Adagio! So…here goes!
WOW! This one is a pleasant surprise! It’s VERY SMOOTH…I can taste the cream but it’s also sweet. It does have a bit of spice but it’s good with the Rooibos partnership!