From my Tiesta Tea order. I had to grab a sample of a blend called a “bold chocolate black tea”. Probably because I miss so many chocolate teas that are no longer sold. But this isn’t really bold… I was really hoping for a DEEP DARK full chocolate tea but this doesn’t quite meet my expectations. I’d love if this was a murky black cup, but the brew is mahogany. The flavor is definitely chocolate, but with a weak black base, I can’t be too thrilled. The ‘creme’ in the name is also misleading… I wish it was a creamy chocolate tea. I wasn’t seeing too much chocolate in the blend: the description says both “cocoa shells and chocolate chunks”. My sample looks like mostly black tea with coriander. The coriander is interesting… I haven’t seen that in too many blends, but I have no idea how coriander should taste anyway. Wiki says “lemony” so I guess I’m glad I wasn’t tasting lemon with the chocolate. I guess the expectation of anyone can’t be matched with this one…
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 18 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3 minute steep