This one is a sample from Nicole a long ways back! thanks so much! I love the different colored greens in the dry twisty leaves. Verdant’s instructions:
two teaspoons – rinse at 208 degrees – one minute steep
Steep #1 // few minutes after boiling // one minute
I went with a teaspoon and a half so I could have a teaspoon for next time. I was worried the water was too hot for this one and it kind of is. There is a tinge of bitterness… but otherwise it’s tasty & unique: a bit creamy, nutty, vegetal, kind of reminds me of pistachio ice cream. I can imagine this one being a nice dessert blend somehow. Verdant needs to get on that. Or even, oddly enough, a little bit mixed with a black tea since it can be close to boiled! I never had an oolong/black tea blend before.
Steep #2 // a few minutes after boiling // 1 1/2 min
This cup was more astringent that kind of ruined the lovely flavors. I should have went for a lower temp and just one minute again. Not undrinkable though! It’s more like a typical oolong now. But of course, this is Verdant so it’s still delicious.
Steep #3 // cooled a few minutes longer than last time // 1 1/2 min
This cup had less astringency, but also less of the awesome flavors from the first cup. If only I had steeped it perfectly! So… the first cup was the best one.