47 Tasting Notes

drank Maple Sugar by DAVIDsTEA
47 tasting notes

I agree with a lot of the things said in other reviews. This tea is pretty unremarkable. It does have that awful cinnamon taste that many David’s Tea blends have. Don’t get me wrong…..I LOVE cinnamon and chai teas, but it is the cinnamon that David’s Tea uses that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And this tea is no exception. I would not say, as some other reviewers have said, that this is the worst tea that I have ever tasted or that it is awful, but there is a something in there that I do not like and the aftertaste is just not good. I would not pick up more of this.

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drank Peach Tranquility by Teavana
47 tasting notes

I really wanted to like this tea, but I find the peach flavour too weak for my tastes. I much prefer Just Peachy from David’s Tea which has a much stronger peach flavour, almost like peach juice. Occasionally, I blend the Peach Tranquility with the Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls green tea which is quite enjoyable. While I do not dislike this tea, it is definitely a tea that I could live without.

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This is a GREAT tea for blending with other teas. I never drink it on its own. It mixes well with Citrus Lavender Sage, Strawberry Blush Rose, Dragonfruit Devotion, Peach Tranquility, and many others. I have found that you can get multiple steepings out of a single teaspoon. It was the first floral tea that I really enjoyed. It adds a nice, subtle touch to the teas mentioned above.

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drank Citrus Lavender Sage by Teavana
47 tasting notes

I first purchased this tea about a year ago. I thought it had an interesting name and was intrigued considering the combination of flavours. But when I made myself a cup, i was pretty unimpressed and left the tea in the cupboard for months. Many months later, Teavana launched a promotion of green tea blends. One of the blends they were promoting was the Citrus Lavender Sage mixed with the Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls Green Tea. Given my previous experience with the Citrus Lavender Sage, I wasn’t particularly interested in sampling this new blend. But the Teavana rep highly recommended it…..and I am sure glad that I gave it a try! The blend of the two teas is AMAZING! I tend to use more Citrus Lavender Sage and less of the Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls in my blend, with a generous serving of rock sugar. It is a real treat. I am glad that Teavana does a good job of promoting experimentation with tea blends, as I would have never tried this combination and my Citrus Lavender Sage would still be sitting unused in my tea cupboard. It is now a tea that is part of my regular tea rotation.

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drank Melon Drop by DAVIDsTEA
47 tasting notes

When the spring teas were first released, I picked up a small bit of the Melon Drop to try out. Unfortunately, I brewed it hot and wasn’t impressed with the tea. It had a very mild flavour. I actually gave away the rest of the tea to a friend. The next time I went in to David’s Tea, however, a worker there mentioned that it was AMAZING as an iced tea. So, I wanted to give it another try. I didn’t pick up any more to try that day, but hoped to get some at a later date. Unfortunately, by the time I got around to buying some, it was already gone. In fact, a woman had come in moments before to get a cup to go and they used up the very last bit of tea on that cup to go. Fortunately, they still had the tea in the tea maker. So, the guy working there gave me a tiny iced sample…..and IT WAS AMAZING! Very refreshing! Wish I had picked up some earlier.

As a hot tea, I give it a 20/100….totally unremarkable, completely forgettable.

As an iced tea, I give it an 85/100…..so good! highly recommended!

tanyasew 10 years ago

Okay, so when I dropped in to David’s Tea to check out the new Summer Collection, I saw that Melon Drop was still on the tea wall. Apparently, they got one bag in. So, I picked up a bunch. After brewing a full cup of it iced, I am increasing my rating to 94/100. This is really, really, really good. So refreshing. It is such a shame that the tea is being discontinued before summer is in full swing, because it makes a perfect iced tea. I wish I would have stocked up on it a lot earlier.

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drank Cool Cactus by DAVIDsTEA
47 tasting notes

I got an iced cup to go from David’s and it was pretty good! It is a more mild tea, like some other reviewers have mentioned, but it is very refreshing. I will definitely try to pick up some more before it is gone from the shelves. It’s too bad that it won’t be around for summer, since it is so good iced.

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drank Caramel Chai Rooibos by Teavana
47 tasting notes

I don’t know if it is just me, but the more recent Chai teas released from Teavana all taste pretty much the same to me. I was excited when the new Chocolate Chai and Caramel Rooibos Chai came out last summer, as I am a huge Chai fan. But after tasting them, they tasted a lot like the Oprah Chai which was released about 4 months earlier. Nothing new here, it seemed. Then, about 9 months later, Teavana releases a new Herbal Oprah Chai that also tastes pretty much like the original, non-herbal Oprah Chai. Considering that Teavana rarely releases new teas as it is (compared to David’s Tea who is always releasing new teas), it is very strange that they keep releasing teas that taste so similar to what they already have on the shelf. I don’t really get it.

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drank Chocolate Chai by Teavana
47 tasting notes

I don’t know if it is just me, but the more recent Chai teas released from Teavana all taste pretty much the same to me. I was excited when the new Chocolate Chai and Caramel Rooibos Chai came out last summer, as I am a huge Chai fan. But after tasting them, they tasted a lot like the Oprah Chai which was released about 4 months earlier. Nothing new here, it seemed. Then, about 9 months later, Teavana releases a new Herbal Oprah Chai that also tastes pretty much like the original, non-herbal Oprah Chai. Considering that Teavana rarely releases new teas as it is (compared to David’s Tea who is always releasing new teas), it is very strange that they keep releasing teas that taste so similar to what they already have on the shelf. I don’t really get it.

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drank Masala Chai by Teavana
47 tasting notes

I really enjoy this Chai. I consider it to be a standard Chai that is great for hot or cold brewing with lots of milk. It is not absolutely amazing or something that I must have all the time – otherwise, I would have given it marks in the 90s – but it is a reliable Chai tea that I often come back to when I am taking a little break from my favourite teas. It has not been in stock at Teavana for many months, so I am starting to wonder if they are changing the blend….which worries me a little. I do not find the spices overwhelming which is a nice change from some of the other spicy Chais when I want a Chai that is more mild. I highly recommend this one, at least before any changes are made to the blend!

tanyasew 10 years ago

I stopped by my local Teavana a couple of weeks ago and they have this one back in stock. But it is still not on the website. I’m makes me wonder if they found some old stock which they then shipped to local stores or if they are bringing in fresh stock from suppliers. I got a bit of the tea from store to try out and it tastes the same as the stuff I have at home. I sure hope they don’t change anything!

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drank Pumpkin Spice Brulee by Teavana
47 tasting notes

This is another one of my absolute favourite teas. I stock up on it during the post-Christmas sale to enjoy all through the year. I must say that I prefer it to the Pumpkin Chai blend from David’s Tea. It has a little something extra that I love, making it taste smoother and creamier. It is an oily tea that does leave a residue after brewing, but I can deal with that. I highly recommend this one, especially as a tea latte! Yum yum!

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