82 Tasting Notes
To quote Starberry’s review: “I actually gave it all away to my friends… I wonder how much they hate me now. :’)”
First off, I have had this tea in my cupboard for over half a year. If that says anything about my excitement to try this, I don’t know what does. Starberry did nothing to ease my nerves after telling me she thought my glowing review for Teavana’s Wild Orange Blossom was about this tea. Oh yes, and then there’s her review about the tea… My confidence is high.
Took it out of the bag.. NOT EVEN THAT IS DOING IT ANY FAVORS. The ingredient combo doesn’t seem to thrilling either. I feel like there is going to be A LOT going on with this tea. Almost too much maybe? We’ll see.
The smell is most definitely agreeing with my “a lot going on with this tea” statement. There’s floral, citrusy scents going on, all being lead by orange. To me, its not pleasant.
OH DANG IS THAT TART. VERY orange indeed. It reminds me of when you eat a warhead sour candy and you have to get through the sour powder to get to the sweet candy. Now, I like warheads, but the powder has this strange gross element to it, maybe that’s what sour tastes like. It must be the lemongrass causing it. The aftertaste brings out hints of the spearmint. Now, I do NOT like drinking minty drinks, so that’s not doing this drink any favors.
I don’t like it.
AHAHAAHAHAH, I just gave a sip to my sister and she said the exact same thing I did, “OH MAN THAT’S TART.” She then made a nasty face. I asked if she added a crap ton of sugar (how she normally takes any of her drinks) to it would she enjoy it, and she just responded, “I don’t even know. 8|” She is not impressed. Tazo passion, is one of the few teas she actually likes so I thought MAYBE if she liked this she could just have the rest.
Guess I’ll have to find some other friend to pawn this off on… CARRY ON THE TRADITION.
EDIT: Lowering my review score because I have any awful tummy ache right now that only this could have caused…
Thanks again to Starberry for being wonderful and sending me so many teas to try!
DANG IT RILEY! My dog ran across the road to chase a squirrel (we live in at the end of a no outlit road so it’s okay) but when I turned around for a second, instead of coming back to the yard like usual, he went toward the block above ours. Going after him made me over steep this a bit, so we’ll see how this goes.
I’ve been enjoying all the teas I currently have so much I hadn’t dug into some of the other samples I had. I have been drinking so many oolongs, I was starting to forget what green tea was like. Now that I think about it, I don’t even know if I can RECALL what plain green tea tastes like. Not the greatest considering my profile says they’re one of my favorites… WELP, guess it’s time to confirm that.
You can definitely smell the cinnamon in this. It makes me think of Christmas season, putting up the christmas tree, or even my mom and dad’s annual Tom and Jerry party. I’m pretty excited to try this. COME ON TEA COOL DOWN….
The initial taste definitely brings out the green tea taste (ah yes, that’s what it tastes like). The aftertaste though really makes this taste great. The ginger, cardamon, and cinnamon kind of pop up from the back of your throat like “hey, we’re hear too” so instead of having green tea I feel like I just had some chai. IT’S REALLY GOOD!
Like I said in my last tasting note, plain and simple is definitely the way to go with this tea! This was a resteep and was still delicious. Can’t quite remember the flavor though… Dark chai with a hint of fruit? That’s what comes to mind the day after.
Thanks Starberry for sending me this!
So I had some of this last night and added some agave nectar to it. I think this might actually be better without it. It really brought out the sweet flavors in the tea, but accompanied with the chai it just felt… wrong.
I’ve had this plain before and loved it, this time around I thought I’d try something new. Just going to keep it plain and simple with this tea from now on.