Three to Seven minutes. That’s quite the range. The dry scent is a bit lacking but only, I guess, because this is an older sample. Slightly creamy, slightly woody. The liquor aroma isn’t bad. Kind of like brown sugar. Vanilla. The flavor is bits of vanilla with woodsy tones. Cedar and oak. Slightly sweet. The base is nice. Strong enough to fight on its own but not so strong that it overpowers the other flavors in the blend. Perhaps in its prime this would be better but eh… can’t say it’s one I would seek out on my own.
Many, many years ago, when I didn’t know it wasn’t a very bright idea, I liked this Culinary Teas variety so well I ordered a whole pound. Newbie mistake.
I think we’ve all done that at some point hehe. I definitely got some Teavana that I shouldn’t have just because they were going out of business
Many, many years ago, when I didn’t know it wasn’t a very bright idea, I liked this Culinary Teas variety so well I ordered a whole pound. Newbie mistake.
I think we’ve all done that at some point hehe. I definitely got some Teavana that I shouldn’t have just because they were going out of business
Tastes change, too … looking back to my ill-advised one-pound orders over the years, very few of them are still at the top of my favorites list.