again. the tea smells great. but the flavor just ends up tasting like genmaicha to me.
i don’t get any of the more delicate flavors.
i think my tastebuds just aren’t sensitive enough. i’m just not that kind of tea drinker is all.
Thanks to KallieBoo! for the masterful variety of samples! i’ve had a blast!
NOW, let me ask does anyone happen to have these two teas so I can try them?!?! i really really want to try them!!
i emailed the company to see if they have any leftovers. i would swap or trade or pay or whatevs if anyone has a tin rattling around the back of their cupboard.
(my cupboard isn’t up to date but i’ll update it if this is a thing that might happen.)
so. yea. ok.
Douglas Fir Tip Tea
White Sage and Wild Mint Tea
Oh geez those teas look so interesting!
Actually, I do! My sister gave me a tin of the sage & mint one for Christmas, which I still haven’t tried. I’m in the UK now but I should be in the US later this month/Sept.