Cherry Cheesecake Genmaicha

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Cherry, Cream, Perfume, Toasted Rice, Grass
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 356 ml

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  • “Mmmmmmm. Wanted Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha tonight, but decided it would be better to go through some samples I have instead of getting closer to finishing off my beloved half-empty bag (I think I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m surrounded by boxes from the move. Boxes, boxes, boxes everywhere, and one of them contains my teapot! GASP!!! The horror!!!! I feel certain that I labelled the box with my teapot to be...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is simply too good. I started writing this review, and then took a sip, and then another sip and relaxed… and then started putzing around online, daydreaming… Anyway, we’ve been hoarding...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m trying to drink up more old teas before I open new ones (except Weeping Angel, I’m almost to the Doctor Who episode they first appear in and I’m having a cup with it), and I completely forgot...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

After the success of our Malted Genmaicha and Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha, we’re back at it again. Here’s a blend of Japanese Genmaicha (sencha green tea and toasted rice) with real freeze-dried cherries and natural cheesecake and maraschino cherry flavors.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

50 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Mmmmmmm. Wanted Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha tonight, but decided it would be better to go through some samples I have instead of getting closer to finishing off my beloved half-empty bag (I think I have two marshmallow treat samples, and one of this). I can’t taste a whole lot of cherry here, but I definitely feel like I can taste the creamy cheesy tang of cheesecake, and it’s quite delicious. If this came back, I’d buy it too!!

Thanks to LiberTEAS for passing a sample of this one on to me :)

ETA: Oh Cherry Cheesecake Genmaicha, you remain delicious even after sitting out for nearly 24 hours. swoon :P

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

What did you find was the best time & temp for the marshmallow? I have a couple cups left of my sample and the one cup I made didn’t seem to turn out right…


I used the same parameters as I have here, actually! 3 minutes (any more and the first infusion does get bitter) and 82C since it’s a green. Seems to work fabulously for me, and gets out lots of flavour while preventing bitterness. Typically I’d steep a green for only 2 minutes, but this one seems good with 3.

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357 tasting notes

I’m surrounded by boxes from the move. Boxes, boxes, boxes everywhere, and one of them contains my teapot! GASP!!! The horror!!!! I feel certain that I labelled the box with my teapot to be opened first, but I can’t find it :O I’ve resorted to using the old one from my family’s house… it’s just not the same. lol…I’m such a whiner eh?

Today is a good day (missing teapot aside) it’s my hubby’s fortieth birthday. I was hoping to throw him a big birthday party but it just so happened that the construction start date for the reno was booked for today, and we didn’t want to delay that. So instead I’m taking him out for dinner tonight. After packing, cleaning, prepping, and reno planning the slower pace of a quiet dinner out is a welcome change. When we got to the house last night I was happy to see that my tea order was waiting here for me. I had promised myself that I would order from another place other than 52teas, to broaden my horizons, but I somehow placed 2 orders with them again. My reasoning for the 1st order was that I was running out of honeybush, and the second order was because they had a sale…yeah…I have no self control when it comes to this company

This tea has a lovely toasted taste, but I’m having trouble tasting the cherry cheesecake aspect. The smell of the dry mix has it, but in the sip, I feel like the genmaicha buries the cherry flavor more than I’d like. I occasionally get the taste, but it’s like a momentary whiff in the background, and then it’s gone again. I’ll have to experiment a bit to see if I can coax the flavors out. Perhaps it just needs a bit more time to cure? Hmmm…


Happy birthday to him! And moving always seems to mess up one’s tea enjoyment haha.


Genmaicha iced latte maybe?


@Incendiare- So true, it seems I misplace my teapot every time I move. It can’t be too far, it was one of the last things I packed.
@Ze_Teamaker – That sounds good. I’ve never made latte before, iced or otherwise. I’m sure it will be a worthwhile experiment though.

Aimee Popovacki

hmmmm that sounds like a good tea!

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185 tasting notes

This tea is simply too good. I started writing this review, and then took a sip, and then another sip and relaxed… and then started putzing around online, daydreaming…

Anyway, we’ve been hoarding this tea for special occasions, since I don’t think we’re ever going to see it again. And today is a special occasion, so Missy brewed it up for me. She’s awesome, that woman of mine.

This tea is just divine. The sweet cherry flavor rolls in first as a bit of a treat, followed by the toasty goodness of the rice. The creamy cheesecake flavor comes in with the sweet vegetable flavor of the green tea at the end, really rounding off this cup. It is just so good.

It’s taken me about 22 ounces of tea to write this review, just so we’re all aware. It is that good.

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 45 sec

What a great way to celebrate…a great tea!


I love celebrating with special blends—keeping them for just the right moment makes them somehow even more delicious.

Dylan Oxford

It absolutely is:)


Glad this tea made the occasion even more special. :D

Daniel Scott

I just recently tried a genmaicha, and was quite thrown by the toasted-popcorn-ness it added to the tea. This sounds really good, but I’m having the hardest time imagining that flavour blending with anything else.


Hey, didn’t Frank say he was planning on reblending teas? Never say never ;)

Dylan Oxford

Yeah, but judging by everyone (myself included) wanting to try the Marshmallow Treat Gen Mai Cha, I don’t see him tossing reblending both of those so quickly :).

Made a batch of normal GMC with some organic dried blueberries this morning at work. Really not as flavorful as I had hoped. I’ll probably need to actually figure out how to put flavorings onto teas to try to recreate this one myself! More to learn… ;)

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1220 tasting notes

I’m trying to drink up more old teas before I open new ones (except Weeping Angel, I’m almost to the Doctor Who episode they first appear in and I’m having a cup with it), and I completely forgot about this tea so it was exciting to find it…it seems like I only drank it once, which is sad.

I’ve got the radio up pretty loud cause the guy above me was vacuuming, and for some reason this turned Sebastian into a chatterbox. So here he is: He’s quiet now but he was really getting into it.

I just got distracted realizing if I do well next semester, I can graduate next fall. Here I was thinking I had to go until spring 2014 because I wasn’t going to get the C in health econ. YISSSSS.

This is so tasty still. I love the nuttiness of genmaicha mixed with tart cherry and tangy cheesecake. I also like that it’s not too sweet to have right now, because I haven’t had dinner yet.

Seriously though I have to definitely try what I mentioned in my only other tasting note on this tea. Infuse this in some butter for a cheesecake crust, that would be so good. But I almost don’t want to lose out on that tea for drinking!


that’d be a hard decision! using a fave tea to make food… ack!


hi sebastian nice to meet you!

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470 tasting notes

Four teas in one day?! Technically 5, really, as I have some Bangkok cold brewing in the fridge. This is what happens when I am left to my own devices, tea overload!

I must have tried this tea before as it was in my cupboard, but I think I just mixed a pinch in my Den’s genmaicha to brighten up a 5th infusion. I don’t remember how it tasted though, so apparently it didn’t make much of an impression. Probably because I only brewed it for 30 seconds, not really enough time to bring out the flavors added to this blend. Brewed at 2 minutes, it’s heaven! The cherry is tart and not at all artificial, there’s a hint of creamy tanginess from the cheesecake, and the toasted rice mimics the crust quite nicely! All these flavors don’t overpower the base at all, there’s a buttery smoothness from the green. This is just the perfect tea if you want something sweet but not overpowering: it’s very dessert-y but also light and airy. I’m pleasantly surprised that this is such a delicate tea! I wish they’d add this to the permanent collection, because it’s something I’d like to indulge in often but I find myself hoarding my stash.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I love this one too!


It’s SO good, way too good to be limited. I feel that way about a lot of the 52tea blends though!

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639 tasting notes

After reading the recent posts about this tea, it really made me want some again! Give me that creamy, cherry, cheesecake-y flavor!

I upped the brewing temperature a little bit, and the resulting cup smells heavily of cheesecake and genmaicha. Of course, that’s what it should smell like, right? So far, so good great!

Hmm, this is good but I think I like it better at the lower temperature. The aroma is better now, but the taste is more grassy and less creamy.

Okay, now the rest of this post is going to have nothing to do with tea. But I need some advice. You see, I spend a lot of my time reading. I’ve always loved reading. I have a huge collection of books that I cart around with me every time I move, which unfortunately is quite often. It’s getting to be a bit ridiculous. With the invention of the Nook and Kindle, I’m starting to think that’s the better way to go. You can carry 3500 books in one tiny little tablet! But honestly, it’s hard for me to get over not having the actual book. I like looking at the covers and feeling the pages. I like the smell as they age and the sound of the pages as they turn. I like having a collection of books. Will an eReader really appease me? It’s hard to tell. I know you can’t tell me what to do, but I’d appreciate any advice you can give me. What has your experience been with eReaders? Which eReader would you recommend? Thanks in advance everyone!

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I’ve been struggling with the same issue!! ebooks just aren’t the same :(
but they are enviro and space friendly!! hrm.


I went through a similar dilema about a year ago. I finaly gave in and bought a kindle. I still love books, and if there is one I love I will but the physical copy just to have in my collection. The kindle has been great for me. I can take it everywhere, get books anywhere, and never have to worry if I am taking too few or too many books at any given point. It has become one of my favorite possetions.

I dont think of it as a replacement for paper books, more as an addition. : )


Also, drinking tea is easier while reading with the kindle! You only need one hand and it is really light! : D


I have a Kindle (what is now called the Kindle Keyboard) along w. a lighted Kindle leather case. As my eyes age, the light and ability to change the font can be great. I also have a very large book collection, and struggled w. this issue too, especially since a lot of my books have been purchased used.
Knowing you like to cost compare, consider this: most bestsellers are not discounted. Recently the prices have gone up too (9.99-14.99 for a Stephen King). If you try to replace your collection by putting them all on a device, do the math first : )
With that said, on Amazon (if using Kindle) there are a LOT of free books and very low cost books (usually by lesser known authors). I vowed to not pay full price for anything when I got my Kindle, until I at least put a huge dent in my regular-books. Check with your local library on their ebook policies too. I have 60-70 books on my Kindle, and have only paid full price for one. Most are free or 99-cent ones.


I have the Kindle Touch. I really like it. It’s pretty fast and easy for me to just stick in my bag a go! It’s not the same as reading a paper book but it is convinent


I have a Kindle Fire and I love it – because I have a really small apartment it saves on space and I also read it on the bus. I still have a ton of books though.


Thanks for all the advice, guys. I think I’m going to get myself a Kindle Touch 3G. And as Ninavampi said, it’ll be in addition to my book collection. Not a replacement. :) Thanks all!!

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1764 tasting notes

Thank you so much to CHAroma for sharing!!
I had the Marshmallow Genmaicha earlier this week, and realized afterwards that well, I should have saved it to compare with this one. but alas I did not and here I am drinking this one all by it’s lonesome.
Anyhow, I’m surprised to like the Cherry version more than the Marshmallow.
I don’t get any rice flavour, but definitely something fruity, and faintly cherry. Cheesecake? I’m not so sure. Would need to try another few cups to suss that out.
Overall, I like this. Not love though. and… am I the only one who got a minty/cooling sensation from the Marshmallow version?!
In any case, I only have a few minutes. Sorry for the hasty note!


Hmm, I don’t detect any cooling sensation from the Marshmallow, but I’ll keep it in mind for next time I drink it.


Hmmm I’ll keep my eye out for your review. Notices… I am soooo far behind in reading those. Just haven’t had time lately.


Yay! I’m glad you liked this one! As for the cooling sensation, it’s definitely not in the marshmallow treat genmaicha. I did throw in some Twinings’ Pure Mint because you said you like mint teas, so maybe it tainted the genmaicha? :/

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4843 tasting notes

The aroma of the dry leaf smells just like cherry cheesecake to me. I can even smell the graham cracker crust! The brewed tea offers very little fragrance, only hints of what I smelled before steeping.

I like this, but, it is a bit different than what I expected. This doesn’t really taste like cherry cheesecake. I mean, I taste the elements: I taste the cherry, I taste the tangy cheese, I even taste a buttery note that unifies with the toasty rice flavor of the genmaicha to form a crust-like flavor. And, then, of course, I taste the fresh, light notes of the green tea. But, somehow, these flavors don’t come together in a way that my palate identifies it as cherry cheesecake.

It is a very enjoyable tea – delicious even. But, just a little different than I’d thought it would be.

This one yields two infusions, with the second one tasting just as good as (if not better than) the first.


I’m looking forward to this one!

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119 tasting notes

Thank you to Amy oh for sending me a generous amount of this tea! I’ve been eyeing this one for a long time and I’m so excited to finally get to try it.

Dry, this one smells tart. I know that tart isn’t really something that one usually describes a smell as but that’s the only word I can think of. Once I poured the water on the leaves, though, the scent immediately changed! The toastiness of the genmaicha really came out during the steeping and the cherry took the backseat. The tea smells sweet and yummy, like cherries.

So, the verdict-this is good! It doesn’t taste exactly like I thought I would but it is pretty nice. I think I really agree with what LiberTEAS said about this-I can taste the cherry, I can taste the cheesecake aspect, and I can taste the delicious toasty flavor of the genmaicha. But, I don’t see this as cherry cheesecake. It is good, but it doesn’t really taste like what I thought it would.

Thank you again Amy oh for letting me try this!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I thought the same thing. I was disappointed.


I was thinking of buying this. Would you say that it is worthwhile?


How much tea did you use per cup? I tried this today and haven’t gotten around to writing a note yet, but I didn’t really get the cherry or the cheesecake


I had problems getting this to come out right too. :(


@Incendiare-It depends on your taste. Now that I’ve tried it, I wouldn’t personally buy it. However, if you like genmaicha and you like cherries, I would recommend it.

@Emilie-I used between 1.5 and 2 teaspoons. I also made sure I got some dried cherries in the basket so I could get the full cherry flavor. As for the cheesecake aspect, I think that came with adding more physical leaf into the tea, so I would try that if I were you! Also, I made sure not to put a TON of rice in the basket because it tends to dull down the other flavors.


My problem is that I love genmaicha and like cherries, but am not sure how they would be together haha. I can’t really imagine it. The tartness of cherry and toasty-ness from the genmaicha sound like they wouldn’t get along.


I thought they wen pretty well together. It is kid of hard to get though. I would describe it as eating a rice cake with cherry preserves on it.

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6444 tasting notes


YAY!! My kettle arrived! I got so excited and started going through all my greens and whites to find something that needed a special temperature. I ended up grabbing DAVIDs Genmaicha from Roswell Strange and once I was making that I decided to simultaneously make this using the same parameters.

I prepped the kettle to boil and it was ready in about a minute. I waited another two while the tea steeped and I was ready to go. Unfortunately, this tea was not nearly as impressive as the kettle. I am tasting genmaicha and not much else. The base is more vegetal than I would hope for and there is no cherry or cheesecake to be found. I am glad I got to try it though as this is one of the reblends I considered purchasing. Thank you Scheherazade for the opportunity to try this without being stuck with 2 disappointing ounces.

Flavors: Grass

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

YES! New kettles are the best!

Roswell Strange

Awe, that’s sad it doesn’t live up to the name. Makes me feel a bit better about not caving in to buy it, though ;)


It is very exciting.


And Roswell Strange, you may be getting a cup worth of this to try.

Roswell Strange

Yay! I should try the S’mores Genmaicha I have… Also, my full packet of Marshmallow Treat is still in my closet unopened. I need to be drinking more Genmaicha since I have so much of it.


The best genmaicha is Nina’s Japon. You should drink that one :P


of those options…agree with variatea lol


Yay new kettle!! :)

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