i’m in yogaville! basically it’s a place where you can meditate and read and do yoga and eat amazing vegan meals and listen to lectures and drink tea ALL WHILE WEARING YOUR JAMMIE PANTS.
ya know, like, lounge spandex. it’s what i’d live in if i didn’t have a job (or self respect). heehee
this is the one decadent tea i brought. all others i have with are oolongs and puerhs. simpler teas.
Seriously. this tea is so very good. dark deep cakey chocolate like. similar to dubble chocolade in my little opinion. which is great cuz it’s the one tea i considered buying more of xo
Whhhhaaatt? where is such a place?
Nevermind. I googled it. And now i’m jealous.
That sounds like such an amazing place!
ooooh, now i want me some
Wow, every city needs a Yogaville.
Glad you enjoyed it, I’m regretting buying 2 oz. Someone wants to swap for it I’m in!! ;)
I bought 2oz yesterday because they didn’t have 1. Hope I like it.
Also, that sounds pretty great!
whatshesaid – I’d totally be in for swapping for about 4 cups worth of The Malt Shop!
(Actually… make that 6 cups’ worth).
omg awful snow here! i just slid into an intersection in my rental car! ugh
also i’ve drank almost all of this tea already. i guess you could say i like the della chocolate teas.