16384 Tasting Notes


One more Butiki tea ticked off the seemingly endless list of blends to try!

This one didn’t make it into my first Butiki order because I was hesitant about the supposed “raisin” notes. I love caramel, but I also absolutely hate raisin and I wasn’t so sure it’d be worth it if the two were just going to cancel each other out. However, a lot of fellow Steepsterites assured me this was worth trying anyway and so during Black Friday I took advantage of the free tea and included this as one of my freebies.

As far as the dry smell goes, it’s exquisite! The caramel and vanilla smell super rich and indulgent and ooey-gooey! I love when things smell ooey-gooey! I kind of waited to try it over a few of the other teas I got, but tonight seemed perfect since I really just wanted a black tea and was already craving caramel sweets.

So, my preparation is 2 tsp. of leaf in about 10 oz. of boiling water (just shy of that) steeped for about 3 min. 45 seconds. I didn’t mean to steep it that long, but I got distracted by scalding hot pop tarts and left it in a little bit too long. Also, I wasn’t really thinking too well (I’m gonna blame the exhaustion for all the physical labour I did today – which I’m not super conditioned to doing) and I used my giraffe mug, which has a giraffe in the centre, and a really large tea ball so the teaball itself didn’t submerge too well. However, that said, the smell is very nice: it’s rich caramel and strong black tea with only a little but of vanilla coming through. Also, maybe a little touch of citrus?

I had to wait a while for this to cool before drinking it. My first taste was just stupidly hot and mostly I tasted “burning and assam”! No thanks. But once cooler, this is so fucking good! It’s uber creamy caramel with such smooth, flavourful vanilla highlights and a well balanced base that’s present without being too bold and overshadowing the caramel! I get the faintest of citrus notes, which are nice and add a bit more depth. The aftertaste is a lingering sweet caramel with touches of vanilla and a little more citrus.

What an amazing tea to relax to after an exhausting day of work!

And thank God I don’t get raisin notes!

And, all that amazingness is with a relatively crappy steeping method (hardly submerged tea leaves) and a bit of oversteeping. Just imagine how good this would be if I had done a more spot on job! Of course this is going to be a reorder for me; bring on the caramel!


Just throwing it out there that you need to ditch the tea ball and get a brew basket. So much easier:P


Seconding the tea basket suggestion, plus I also love love this tea!

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drank Victoria Mint by Tea Desire
16384 tasting notes

This was the other tea I took to work today, as a cold tea to drink. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had this one cold before, other than today. I think it’s likely though – I tend to drink mint teas cold rather than hot…

Preparation was 1 heaping tsp. of leaf in 10 oz. of water, steeped for somewhere between three and four minutes. The liquor was a much darker colour than it usually is, and it smelled intensly of caramel.

I think I ended up drinking this all in like five minutes? I was so thirsty after all the hard labour. It tasted amazing! The caramel flavour and the mint flavour are usually really well balanced, and that tastes pretty great. However, this cup definitely favoured the caramel and just had a small touch of mint to it. It was super smooth and creamy and the mint gave it a lovely refreshing quality. I definitely wanted another cup afterwards.

I think this is the only rooibos tea from Tea Desire I’ve tried – so I’m totally making a note to try more in the future!


Staff members used to really pimp this one at the store but I never bought it since I was so sick of rooibos after trying others! My favourite by far is/was their Magical rooibos. Walnut Orange was my second favourite! And Latte Macchiato is pretty good if you like your coffee.

Roswell Strange

Latte Macciato is one on my super long list of ones to eventually try. I just looked up Magical Rooibos now; it seems really interesting. I’m not sure why I’d never payed attention to it before. Praline de Champagne, Serengeti, and Sweet Toffee are others I’d like to eventually try. I can’t say Walnut Orange looks super good to me; the combination doesn’t seem that exceptional even though I like all the ingredients seperately.

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drank Butterbeer by 52teas
16384 tasting notes

On the Sixth day of Christmas Steepster gave to me six geese-a-laying…

Well, buckle your seat belts because this is going to be a long tasting note!

I still haven’t recieved days 3, 4, 5, and 11 yet for the Christmas exchange, so I’m a little behind and out of order which is sort of disappointing and a little frustrating, but (of course!) not the fault of anyone else involved in the exchange. Ultimately, it has to do with Canada Post, the time of the year, and my location here in Canada.

Anyway, I made one of the two teas sent by MissB today. The poem she sent was so cute, and the card was beautiful! The “Goose Eggs” were such a cool touch too, and I gobbled them all up (for Breakfast, because I was rushed and chocolate seemed like a good idea). The second tea she sent will ultimately have to wait until another day because I wasn’t at home long enough today to make that quantity of tea and drink it all. And there’s no way Tre would have helped me drink a barley tea. I actually already have this one from my first 52Teas order, but I haven’t opened the pouch up to try it yet – so this is my first time having it!

The dry smell reminded me of some kind of rootbeer and cream soda hybrid. Very good smelling! Since this came to work today, I steeped 2 tsp. of leaf for three minutes in boiling water. I ended up sipping at it all day while packing up my store.

Basically, I was at work for a solid eight hours working my ass off the pack up and transport all of my remaining stock. It was a lot of hard labour for the three of us to do and I ended up doing the bulk of it because the other two people working were my 50+ year old Portuguese employee who can’t carry a lot of weight and the district manager who is also 50+, needs a cane to get around, and who can’t bend down to pick up boxes for transport. I was so exhausted by the time I got off, and everything on my body is throbbing and sore. Thank God I had tea with me though to help get through it!

Taste wise, this is definitely like a very creamy, rich rootbeer with maybe just a touch of “cream soda”. The black base is kind of mild and just a little astringent but in a barely noticeable way. This was really good and I was so happy to have something to sip at all day. I’m super excited I have a pouch left to drink! Honestly though, I don’t think I’d reorder it though because it is fairly similar to Butiki’s Rootbeer Float Honeybush despite the different bases, and that one is right around the same price point and definitely more consistently available than this one would be.

When I got home today from (my last day of) work, my Della Terra order had arrived! It took four weeks to get here from the time it shipped out, but regardless I was just super excited it made it in time for the blends to be included with my vacation tea! However, upon opening it the foil package for A Rabbit’s Garden had split on the bottom and there was loose tea everywhere! A lot got on my floor and I had to tidy it up :(

That was the one I most wanted to take with me too! Anyway, I’ve emailed DTT about replacing the spoiled package, and I took pictures of everything just in case – but it’s pretty sad I wont have it with me when I leave for vacation in four days.

I applied a few more places today, most of which were unremarkable. However, one I think was especially noteworthy! Tea Desire is currently hiring for a Supervisor position, so I put in an application for that! It’d be full time hours, within walking distance from my house, and not to mention I’d be working for a tea company I love! So everyone cross your fingers for me and, if you’re religious, say a prayer! I would really, REALLY, REALLY love to get that job! Just imagine; I would always have people to talk tea with!

That said, I also have an interview tomorrow with Boston Pizza for a fulltime hostess position. So, I’m hopeful for that too. I actually applied for the position at like eight in the morning this morning, and they called me back for an interview this afternoon.

Anyway, thank you MissB for the tea! I look forward to trying the second one at a point where I’ll be able to properly enjoy it!


I think your management experience will help you get a job in no time.


Oh, the tea desire job would be excellent! I’m hoping really hard for you!

Roswell Strange

@Lala – I hope so. I’d like the think that even though I only have three workplace examples on my resume, they’re really well rounded. All three involve dealing with money; two of which were electronic tills, one was doing all the math mentally. Two of three were seasonal, but the other was for well over a year so I think that proves I can handle a long term job. Two of three were working with food, all were guest service related, and one was retail sales (my manager position). I have lots of inventory control related experience, training experience, and now supervisory experience. My work experience shows an ability to work well independently and also in a large group/team setting. I also can obviously handle working at a very fast pace (the theatre involves some serious time management when you’re on floor doing theatre checks/bathroom checks/cleaning theatres, and you have to quickly serve thousands of people a night in concession to they make their movies on time, especially on busy late night showing or large block buster premiers).

All that said, I know it also took me nearly two months to find a job after moving here and I was very, very nearly broke by the time I did find one…


Well you passed my interview.

Roswell Strange

Ha! I think I’ve gotten a lot better with interviews; I know I was really uncomfortable with them when I first started doing them because I felt unsure of my qualifications and hadn’t had a ton of recognition as a great employee before. Plus I was “only 18” and a lot of places seemed to want someone older and more experienced.

I don’t think I have those same fears now, though! I know my strengths now and I think getting promoted to manager in approx. three weeks did wonders for my unrecognized as an employee – plus doing the job and working so hard was humbling enough to keep me from getting cocky ;)


So glad you liked it, and everything else in the package! Huge teabag, I know. :)

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drank Weeping Angel Tea by 52teas
16384 tasting notes

Got home from a long(ish) day. It was the second last day before my Kiosk closes, which means tomorrow is the last one. God, it seems like time has just flown by. Anyway, after tomorrow I’ll be jobless but I’ll also be going on my “vacation” shortly too, which means it’s been kind of hard job hunting because I have to find a job that’ll allow for a delayed start time. Ick. That said, I did manage to apply one other place tonight (a candy store!).

After work, I stopped and had coffee (well, she had coffee and I had white hot chocolate because the place we were at just had green tea) with my friend Kristina who relatively recently moved to the city. Her and her boyfriend professionally do inventory for large companies, so a couple times a month she’s bused do various cities in Canada (so far she’s been sent to Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta) for a couple days at a time and put up in a relatively nice hotel while they’re counting things – namely for grocery stores and stuff like that. Anyway, she told me to apply because I definitely have the qualifications and it pays well, plus it’s spaced out enough I could still hold another job during the week. So, I did – we’ll see how that goes.

And now I’m watching the first set of episodes featuring The Weeping Angels during Matt Smith’s run as the 11th doctor and eating leftovers. I couldn’t resist drinking the Weeping Angels tea while watching Weeping Angels episodes! Plus, I was craving black tea anyway so that just worked out well. I almost went for TARDIS tea just to properly log something new, but Earl Grey is too much of a morning tea for me, and this just fits too perfectly.

Taste wise, this was pretty close to spot on. It was just a bit bitter, but that’s likely my fault for steeping closer to three and half minutes instead of the typical two and a half minute I usually do. Still, the caramel and sticky popcorn feel/taste came across really well regardless. Mmm! I definitely enjoy ‘geeking out’ with my tea while enjoying some good TV.


Good luck with the swanky job application!


Don’t. Blink.

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I only made it about half through my Flowery Pineapple Oolong, but switched to the hot tea that I brought with me today – which is this one. The Flowery Pineapple Oolong was delicious, but the mall is just so cold today that I needed something hot. It’s incredibly frigid in here (is the heat even on!?) and my hands are so cold that the tips are just slightly starting to turn blue. That’s not an exaggeration. I think that the Frozen Yogurt store has only had one other customer today other than me.

So yes, hot tea indeed!

My preparation for this one was 2 1/2 tsp. of leaf for my 12 oz. timolino, steeped with boiling water for six minutes.

Taste wise, this is nice and creamy with a bit of a thicker kind of mouthfeel. Lots of rootbeer flavour, lots of vanilla. Definitely a “float” (which is a little weird to be drinking hot, but in a good way). While I’m really enjoying the taste, mostly I’m just enjoying the fact it’s warming me up. Now if only the timolino itself wasn’t ice cold on the outside, because my hands could certainly use some warming up too!


You need to get a travel mug cozy. I have a few and they work good. If you know someone that knits, you might be able to get one made for you. But a tube sock works real good too.

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Made this to drink cold for work! I needed something with pineapple; it feels like it’s been way too long since I had something strongly pineapple flavoured. In reality, it’s probably only been a couple days but Pineapple is my favourite fruit hands down, so a few days feels like way too long to me.

For preparation I steeped 1 tsp. of leaf in 10 oz. of water, at about 180 degrees for four minutes. It may have been just a touch hotter than that, though. Second cup was the same leaf resteeped in the same temperature of water for the same time, but only about 8 oz. of water for the resteep. Both were poured into my waterbottle, left to cool off, and now I’m drinking them!

Taste wise, this is very similar to sticky, sweet, fresh (squeezed?) pineapple juice. It has an incredibly natural and fresh sweetness to it! Perfect! There’s also a nice floral taste; definitely kind of orchid like, but with other floral notes in there too. I’m not huge on floral teas (though I don’t strongly dislike them), but it does work well with this one! I also love that this tastes exactly like it smells!


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drank Pink Flamingo by DAVIDsTEA
16384 tasting notes

Mmmm! Vegetarian Hamburger Helper! That’s what I’m making right now for supper, while sipping on this tea! Nothing really new about this one – it’s nice and tart and hibiscus-y like usual, but balanced by the eucalyptus.

Unrelated, for whatever reason the left side of my face spontaneously just went numb about half an hour ago, and I’ve just now noticed that the inside of my cheek/mouth on that side is significantly swollen. Not a clue why, but I’m guessing it’s likely not for a good reason. I’d say it’s the symptoms of an allergy attack, but I know for certain that there aren’t any mushrooms in the house for me to be reacting to.

Semirelated, I got home from work only to find we recieved absolutely no mail today! How shitty is that? That means that not only am I behind on days three and four of the Twelve Days of Christmas exchange, but since tomorrow is Sunday and I don’t have the package for Day 5, I’m gonna be late for that one too! Well balls…


It sucks about your mail but your “well balls” response made me think of Bobby from Supernatural and that made me laugh

Roswell Strange

Definitely who I was thinking about :P


haha Yay for getting the reference!! Also, being on my winter break, I spent a fair bit of time watching the entire series of Parks and Recreation on American netflix and now that that is done, I am seriously considering starting Dr. Who but I fear it will consume my life, thoughts??

Roswell Strange

I started about three weeks ago, and I’m just starting Season 5 now with the 11th Doctor. It’s addictive and really good (but Tre doesn’t need to know that).


Well I won’t be telling Tre anytime soon so your secret is safe with me :P And I have an addictive personality when it comes to shows (I watched both Lost and Buffy in a month and then watched every single episode of the 5.5 seasons of Parks and Rec in a week) and something tells me Dr. Who would become an obsession very quickly.

Roswell Strange

I loved LOST and Buffy! I watched all of Buffy in a week. I was incredibly sick and ended up stuck in bed for a solid week (I think over the course of the week I got up once a day to use the washroom and that was it). All I did was match episode after episode of Buffy. I actually watched LOST as it was airing, so I had the misfortune of actually having to wait week after week for new episodes, and then months in between for new seasons. So many cliffhangers, and so many unanswered questions :S We appear to have very similar taste in television though, so I’d wager it would definitely become an obsession for you.


I probably would have binge watched too had school not interfered. Damn school! And I was definitely glad to be watching Lost without having to wait for episode after episode. I imagine that would have been torture.

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drank Boatsman by RiverTea
16384 tasting notes

I made one of my RiverTea blends for work today, to drink hot. It wasn’t until I had it steeping that I realized this was the second mango tea I was making for the day. Oh well – one was cold brewed and white and this one is hot and black, so that’s pretty different!

I used 2 tsp. of leaf in 12 oz. of boiling water. I’m not sure how long this steeped – I lost track of time while I was checking the mail (oops). I’d guess between four and seven minutes – so possibly a little oversteeped. The leaf for this has massive chunks and things in it – so you kind of have to make a choice about what to include when picking the leaf out – there’s no way you can get a chunk of everything without sacrificing the actual tea leaves. So, this had a chamomile blossom, giant ass motherfucking cinnamon stick, and a few of the smaller fruit chunks in addition to the black tea – no cranberry in the leaf I used.

Taste wise, I’m thinking this was probably closer to that seven minute steep time because, though it’s not bitter, it’s pretty astringent and it’s not usually this astringent. Also, I get a distinct taste of mango, vanilla, cinnamon, and… What’s this? Banana? BANANA! This is the first time I’ve been able to taste the banana in the blend! Maybe one of the fruit chunks I used was banana, and I’ve just never gotten a banana chunk before. There’s not even a slight taste of cranberry this time around, but like I said I didn’t include any cranberry chunks in the leaf.

So, the astringency is a little undesirable (but more than likely my fault). Otherwise, this is really good! It travels fairly well in my timolino!

Also, why the hell to people feel so entitled when they’re shopping!? It pisses me off so much when people open up the packaging of things in my store. They’ll open up boxes, tear off shrink wrap, and rip folders to shreds just to get a look at something they might buy! Are you kidding me!? You haven’t paid for that – what makes you think you have the fucking right! Every time someone does that and damages the packaging (even if the product itself is undamaged) I have to write it off! And honestly, if you flat out asked me to see the product 80% of the time I can open the packaging without damaging it.

Big. Dramatic. sigh.

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So at the time of leaving for work today, the mail hadn’t shown up yet so I’m crossing my fingers that more of the 12 Days of Tea packages (and maybe my Della Terra order) are waiting for me when I get home.

Anyway, I’ve been anxious to try this one for weeks now, but I just keep putting it off because I feel like I don’t have time to properly review it or I’m exhausted from work, and the list of excuses just continues. Well, last night I got kinda fed up and just thought to myself “Fuck it, you can cold brew it”. And so I did. I used 2 tbsp. of leaf for about four cups of water, cold brewed for around 10 hours. I strained everything out this morning and poured myself a water bottle full to enjoy at work.

Dry, the leaf smells amazing: a very fresh and airy kind of mango with a little bit of fresh cut cucumber smell to it. On dry smell alone, I get the impression this would be a good tea soda. There’s something more specific it reminds me of to, but I can’t place what. It’s very nice smelling, though.

Taste wise, I got citrus first – which I wasn’t totally expecting. A very mellow, gentle kind of citrus taste – like a more natural and watered down Sprite taste. Right alongside that is the mango. I’ve expressed before that I have a love/hate relationship with mango flavoured things – but I really like the taste of this! The cucumber and white tea are contributing more of a refreshing airiness to the tea than anything else; just a cool, quenching kind of vegetalness that balances out the mango/citrus and keeps it from being too fruity.

Basically, this is a fruity but still kind of vegetal tea in a totally thirst quenching and refreshing way that is delicate and gentle but with a very full and complex layering of flavours. It’s very, very good! I can’t wait to try it hot, though I’m skeptical that it’ll taste better than it does right now. I’d totally buy this again, though!

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I was originally planning on grabbing the orange matcha I have to make into a tea soda, but after seeing the mess that Tre made with my Eggnog matcha I ended up pulling that package out to try and clean it up, and just winded making myself some of this instead. Part of it, I think, was that I realized I had already enjoyed two orange teas today so I kind of wanted a switch up anyway.

So, I made this into a tea soda! Weird, I know. I’ve never heard of an “Eggnog Soda” but something in me was sure it’s be worth trying. So, I used a tsp. of matcha dissolved into about an ounce of hot water. I then poured a can of club soda into the water bottle I was dissolving it into (I have issues drinking matcha when the flavour is something that isn’t meant to be green, and eggnog definitely falls into that category).

The smell is very strong. A distinct eggnog smell. Taste wise, it surprisingly works. The only thing that’s especially weird (you know, other than the carbonation) is that is doesn’t have the thick, creamy mouthfeel that I associate with eggnog. The taste is pretty bang on for eggnog though (albeit with some green tea taste in the aftertaste that is a little undesirable).

But no, I think this was a good experiment. I’d actually very likely drink it again – especially if I had Christmas baking to go along with it like I currently have next to me (eggnog soda and gingerbread!). I really, really enjoy using matcha for tea soda! Once I figure out some flavours that I just can’t do without, I’ll have to make an order so I can make this a more regular thing (I still have pineapple matcha to try out using this method – so I’m quite hopeful about that)!

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Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros or Roswell.

I am a mid-twenties tea addict, blogger, and all around nerd. I grew up in the Prairies, but a few years ago I relocated to Quebec to pursue a career with DAVIDsTEA in the tea industry! I’m still working on getting my French language skills down…

My first introduction to tea, in any form outside of instant and bottled iced tea, was about seven years ago when I happened to stumble upon DAVIDsTEA while looking for a birthday present for a friend! I tried their Birthday Cake rooibos blend, and I’ve been hooked on tea ever since! In those seven years; I was introduced to the online tea community, expanded my interest in flavoured teas to include a deep love and appreciation for straight teas and traditional brewing methods, got a tea themed tattoo, started reviewing teas, amassed a sizable tea and teaware collection, became a TAC certified Tea Sommelier, & even came full circle by beginning a career in the tea industry with DAVIDsTEA!

I consider myself a Jack of all Teas, and strive to have a knowledge and appreciation of all tea types, formats, and styles of drinking. I don’t like to feel boxed in to just being a “flavoured tea” or “straight tea” drinker – my expectations may vary depending on the type of tea or how it’s been processed/prepared but if it’s good tea, it’s good tea no matter how it’s been made!

You name it, I probably drink it- and I’ll absolutely try anything at least once.

My default method of preparation is hot, Western style, and straight – but I’m not opposed to additions if I’m in the right mood. If I ever add something to a tea or use a different method of preparation I will ALWAYS call it out in the tasting note though.

I like to listen to music when drinking tea, especially when I’m brewing a large pot at a time or steeping Gongfu. Often I curate very intentional tea and music pairings, and sometimes I share them here in my tasting reviews. Music is something that I find can deeply affect the experience of having tea.

I’m also one half of the “tea and fandom” podcast GeekSteep where, weekly, we discuss newly explored fandoms over tea as well as try to figure out the perfect tea to pair with each fandom. You can find us on Spotify and Apple & Google podcasts.

Favourite flavour notes/ingredients: Pear, lychee, cranberry, cream, melon, pineapple, malt, roasty, petrichor, sweet potato, heady florals like rose, hazelnut or walnut, sesame, honey (in moderation), and very woody shou.

Least favourite flavour notes/ingredients:
Lemongrass, ginger, strongly spiced profiles (and most Chai in general), mushrooms, seaweed, chamomile, stevia, saltiness or anything that reminds me too much of meat that isn’t supposed to taste like meat…

Currently exploring/obsessed with: Sheng from Yiwu, Yancha (Qilan in particular), anything with a strong sweet potato note. Also, I need to try ALL the root beer teas! Searching for a really good caramel flavoured blend, ideally with a black tea base.

Please contact me at the instagram account listed below if you would like me to review your teas.

Currently I’m employed in the tea department of the DAVIDsTEA head office. While I’m still sharing my own personal thoughts on new & existing DAVIDsTEA blends, I am no longer numerically rating them due to the obvious conflict of interest. Any comments expressed are a reflection of my own thoughts and opinions, and do not reflect the thoughts and opinions of the company. Any DAVIDsTEA blends you currently see with a numeric score were reviewed prior to my being hired there and have not been adjusted since becoming a DAVIDsTEA employee.


Montreal, QC, CA



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