Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I am slightly over pancake teas. I think I am jaded though because when I first tried 52 Teas Pancake tea, it was pure magic. Frank managed to liquefy a classic breakfast and all elements were present and it was incredible. Anne improved it by using a nicer black base and creating a number of fun variations. All are great and this is no exception but between 52 Teas and other companies making their own versions, I just find they aren’t that exciting anymore. Like I said…I think I’m jaded and miss the magic of that surprisingly accurate pancake flavour that you didn’t think was possible. I know it is possible now and while always impressive how accurate it is, I just don’t need that many pancakes in my life.
With that rant said, I will focus on this tea itself, which I pulled because gingerbread is classic Christmas and it just seemed festive and a 52 teas blend I hadn’t tried before. This, like so many others, definitely captures pancakes perfectly, right down to the mouthfeel. What sets this apart is the Ginger flavour. It’s not overly Ginger-y but present enough with other spices to really evoke the gingerbread. It’s nice but it’s a pancake tea at the end of the day and probably not one I will reach for often but for my own personal reasons and not due to the tea being bad in any way.
Personally, I don’t have ENOUGH pancakes in my life. :D