Another sample from the quiet life!
I was a bit worried after smelling this tea because it smells primarily of the typical woody, almost sour, rooibos…..with a hint of vanilla. Wow, this brewed up extremely dark – not the typical red rooibos color but a red-brown much like a black tea….Turns out, I really shouldn’t have been that worried. Yeah, it tastes a lot like rooibos which I typically don’t care for, but it isn’t the sour wood version just the plain wood version. I’m not really tasting the vanilla.
The vanilla is a lot more noticeable after adding just a touch of sugar, which makes the tea taste a lot better. I will be able to finish my sample, but I wouldn’t buy this particular rooibos for myself. I still think I prefer the rooibos blends where the rooibos is very much hidden.