It’s been a long while since I’ve had Genmaicha of any sort, hadn’t realized before I took the 1st sip of this how much I missed it. (I’ve only had Fusion’s version and a 1 serving packet from a tea giveaway, didn’t have a label on it, but it was kind of nasty…tasted like burnt rice.) But this definitely reminds me that I need to get more.
Taste-The primary taste is Genmaicha for sure. With a aftertaste of raspberry. Now, while I don’t mind having a cup of this, I am not sure these flavors really meld together. I think Genmaicha would be better along side a Chai because the toasted rice has a really warm taste, whereas berries tend to be better suited to cold teas or hot teas with a white tea base.
From looking at Frank’s other Genmaicha blends, I can see Marshmallow being a good partner, as well as chocolate, caramel. Maybe even coconut.
Though I am not much of a dessert tea fan (Especially with chocolate ones. Just tastes like waterdowned hot chocolate.) I think paired with Genmaicha it might be different enough to me that I would enjoy it.