I’ve had this tea for a bit. I believe I picked it up at the Christmas Tree Shoppe. I learned today that this tea company is owned by Whole Foods which is owned by Amazon. The tea bag I have has a defunct website listed on it, which led to me searching the internet. I also learned that this tea “helps lower blood pressure”.
This is not my first cup but I keep trying it because I have a belief that I “should” like this tea. The ingredients are all things I like and I love the color and scent. But I think if I’m honest, I don’t care for it and that’s why its still lingering here. It’s mildly tart with a hint of spice. I kind of wish the spice was less subtle. I think it might work well for an iced tea or cold brew for the summer.
Flavors: Hibiscus, Tart
I’ve got a whole lineup of those “keep trying” teas, myself.