198 Tasting Notes


First order from The Steeping Room in Austin, TX. I didn’t expect greatness from this one, but I just thought it would be fun to give it a try. This is made by a private factory in an attempt to imitate one of my favorite recipes (or just, my favorite?), 8582. I can see what they are going for in the first few steeps and it does give some similar notes to an 8582 during that time. The next infusions have more astringency than the real thing, though it’s not overpowering and somewhat pleasant. However, this does not have the same hui gan or power as the real thing, so it doesn’t quite measure up in the end. Still a fun experiment, and a bit cheaper for sure than the real thing.

Flavors: Astringent, Fresh, Hay, Honey

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This was a birthday gift from my parents, and boy is it good! Yamashita is an award winning producer of gyokuro and I can understand why! There’s not an off note in this thing and the power is amazing!

Super brothy with very thick mouthfeel and incredible theanine. An incredible tea that I am so glad to be able to taste! I will have to try this company’s other offerings.

Flavors: Broth, Marine, Salt, Seaweed, Umami

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Next up is this one from 2012. It was given as a free sample. Quite an interesting sheng in terms of aroma of the dry and wet leaves, which give dates and, when wet, leather with barley.

Mouthfeel is nice and thick on this one. Very minimal hui gan. Starts out with a nice, subtle flavor, but falls off pretty quickly after 3-4 infusions. Fairly disappointing tea after a fun aroma.

Location: Dong Banshan, Mengku, Shuangjiang County, Lincang, Yunnan, China
Cultivar: Da Ye Zhong

Flavors: Dates, Leather, Roasted Barley

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Another sample from my recent order. Wanted to round out the remaining middle aged puerhs from their catalogue. This one is described on the website as having tannin and peat flavors. I can understand the peat, and there is some astringency, but I would not say it is overpowering. Not a bad tea at all, but not the tea for me in the end.

Producer: Yunnan Liming Agro-Industrial Commercial Integrated Tea Factory
Location: Banpen, Menghai, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China
Name: Cloud mist remnant taste

Flavors: Apricot, Astringent, Peat, Smoke, Tannic

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drank Yin Zhen by Nannuoshan
198 tasting notes

Got a sample of this with my second Nannuoshan order and it’s very nice! Haven’t had BHYZ in a while so this is a treat. Very floral for a white tea. Super smooth and without any off notes, as expected for this bud only tea. Thanks, Nanuoshan!

Flavors: Floral, Honey, Smooth, Sweet, Wheat

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Fresh order from LP! This one was made/selected purely for the vibes. Almost no discernible taste to it. I am finding that a sizable portion of LP’s offerings are curated in this manner.

The liquor is a very clear pinkish orange. Mouthfeel is fairly thick, but not particularly unique. A touch of pleasant bitterness at the forefront that fades to hui gan. This is where the tea shines – the aftertaste is long and complex with tingling sensations on the tongue and roof of the mouth extending back to the soft palate. If that is what you are looking for from your puerh, then this tea is a nice semi-aged option. However, I prefer a better mix of flavor and mouthfeel. Sadly, I will not be caking this one, but I am glad to have the opportunity to try it!

Flavors: Bitter

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Another sample from my EOT order. I agree with beerandbeancurd’s assessment that this one is a bit hyped up on EOT’s website. It is very easy to drink, but there isn’t a ton to latch on to. It definitely has a nice and aged flavor to it with some storage notes, just nothing that stands out or is particularly strong. It does have great longevity, but won’t be caking this one either.

Flavors: Camphor, Cooling


I miss beerandbeancurd!


Me too! I hope they’re okay out there.

Marshall Weber

I miss him too! Wish he’d come back :(

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Got my first order from EOT today and gave this one a try. It’s not too bad! I can definitely tell this is quality leaf material, and I think it has great potential. It must have seen mostly dry storage as it is the youngest tasting 2004 tea I’ve had. None of the notes or flavors are off putting, and the mouthfeel is nice with a bit of cha qi. I just don’t think it’s overall my style, at least yet. Great price for the age and quality, but probably won’t be caking this one.

Flavors: Bitter, Fruity, Honey, Sweet

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My last sample from Nannuoshan and another good one from CTH. They sent this one for free. I will be getting more samples shortly as I have already made another order!

This one is very mellow and sweet for the first two infusions, then becomes astringent for 3-4 infusions before returning to a very nice and calming character in the later infusions.

Cultivar: Da Ye Zhong

Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Fruity, Grapes, Sweet, Vegetal, Wood

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