Wouldn’t you know it…I can count on less than one hand the places other than home I visited during Christmas break…and on the first day back to work, germs from one of those errands caught up with me, causing minor aches, a sore throat, and a whiny disposition. Michelle, I’m glad I saved your Sniffle Slayer sample till it was truly needed!
I’ve been dosing myself with a constant barrage of elderberry tea, zinc lozenges, and ibuprofen for 24 hours, so it will be hard to scientifically isolate the medicinal effects of Sniffle Slayer, but I can affirm that it is tasty. The green rooibos gives a little heft to what would otherwise taste like one of those lemon-mint “spa” blends we discussed recently. Makes it taste like there’s some tea underneath it, even as clugged-up (that’s one notch more than clogged) as I am.
Hmmm, I’m not feeling so hot either (even a cup of caramel buttercup has not improved my mood) so I’ll go dig this one out and have a cuppa.
Oh goodness, hope you feel better so soon!
Hmmm, I’m not feeling so hot either (even a cup of caramel buttercup has not improved my mood) so I’ll go dig this one out and have a cuppa.
Take care!
Feel Better soon!
Hope you are feeling better soon! My daughter is a bit down with a cold right now, too.
Maybe a smidge better. I needed to schedule a “get seen for an RX” appointment anyway, so I just booked one for Monday. Covered either way!