You know the Big Bang Theory episode where Amy tries to re-train Sheldon to live without closure? And the end of the episode where she leaves and he blows out the candles, topples the dominoes, and sings the Star Spangled Banner? After holding my breath for days, I can post my birthday tea! Ready, set, topple!
This tea will be served in Heaven, next to the buttermilk donuts and Mom’s homemade strawberry jam. Creamy, lemon, pastry, perfectly balanced; fragrant, strong enough to last multiple steeps; I just want to bury my face in the bag.
Happy belated birthday! (a little something may have left my house for you today)
This sounds like an awesome birthday tea!
D said he was originally looking for a Carrot Cake tea since we couldn’t find it at our little Amish Market and stumbled on this company. It’s about three hours up the road from us in Liberty, MO.
derk: I noticed! What’s more – I got a box from beerandbeancurd yesterday. I thought it was a really good tea swap box so I was tearing the labels off and realized it was the same box I had sent the tea to beerandbeancurd in, sent back to me. And that box – was a box that YOU had sent to ME with tea!!
Happy belated birthday! (a little something may have left my house for you today)
This sounds like an awesome birthday tea!
D said he was originally looking for a Carrot Cake tea since we couldn’t find it at our little Amish Market and stumbled on this company. It’s about three hours up the road from us in Liberty, MO.
What a great birthday note! Happy belated!
Happy birthday, G! A little something is on its way to you.
I love my little tea family. You all are superlative.
Correction. Superla-tea-ve.
Heh heh!
Happy belated birthday! That tea sounds lovely!
ashmanra: strange – we both said and did the same thing. double trouble.
derk: I noticed! What’s more – I got a box from beerandbeancurd yesterday. I thought it was a really good tea swap box so I was tearing the labels off and realized it was the same box I had sent the tea to beerandbeancurd in, sent back to me. And that box – was a box that YOU had sent to ME with tea!!
Oooh, that sounds amazing!
Happy Belated Birthday :)
Happy belated birthday!