Thanks, of course, to MissB for a sample of this one. I was intrigued by it but not sure how into an ale tea I would be.
Brewed up, it has an interesting blend of scents. I have to say I can definitely pick out rhubarb, vanilla, and ale (hops), so I guess that’s a check for all three. There’s something about the rhubarb and vanilla that reminds me of something but I can’t place it. The same naggling sense of deja vu is there in the flavor as well… where have these flavors come across to me before? I dunno. Anyway, I think I like the first part of the sip best: bright, crisp, sparkling, tart with rhubarb and a light bite of hops. In the aftertaste the vanilla grows, and turns my rhubarb lambic (kinda) into more of a candy-ish flavor. I do like it, but I think I would like it more sans vanilla. But I am definitely glad I got to try it!