drank 2014 New Amerykah 2 by white2tea
1655 tasting notes

Thought I had already finished this sample but found the remaining ~5g a few years ago. And have been hanging on to it. Today it called to say goodbye.

New Amerykah 2 is everything it was before https://steepster.com/derk/posts/379284 and a little more, developing some aging notes like dried plums and jujube. This material is the yang to Yiwu yin. No sweetness until later, rather masculine. Tobacco, straw, apple cider, peat, bitter (less so than before; my palate has definitely changed over the years), apricot, leather, grapefruit; muted sandalwood incense and smokey florals. Drying.

I’m overwhelmed by the energy. My eyes are squinting in some kind of cross between concentration and a narcotic buzz. Chesty, sit upright. Feelings of my muscles pushing, growing, tingling. What do I do? Lie down? Sit? No matter what, it’s going to involve closing my eyes, which I’ve already done. And breathing. And a closed mouth. And it feels amazing just sitting here in this cross between lucidty and stupor. I feel like a giant pin placed somewhere on a flat map of the world. A statue of flesh. Orange glow in my head. Now I remember why I likened this to the Statue of Liberty 3 or 4 years ago. (Marketing could have a play in my perception. The thing I like about White2Tea is that the names of the teas, however obscure they might be, give me something subliminal to chew on.) Been a while since I’ve had a tea produce such profound energies. Oh pu’er, I love you when you’re good.

Listen: Suuns – Armed for Peace

Bye bye New Amerykah. It was nice knowing you.

Another listen: Zillakami – BLEACH ft. Denzel Curry
Zillakami, keep making music.

Flavors: Apple, Apricot, Bitter, Butter, Cherry, Citrus Zest, Dates, Drying, Flowers, Grapefruit, Leather, Licorice Root, Peat, Pleasantly Sour, Plum, Sandalwood, Smoke, Straw, Tobacco, Wood

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derk 3 years ago

I’m willing to pay for a cake if anybody has one sitting around. This applies to people reading this in the distant future.

mrmopar 3 years ago

Wish I still had mine.

derk 3 years ago

I wish you did, too – for your enjoyment of course ;) Hope you’re doing well, friend!

mrmopar 3 years ago

Good and hope you are as well.

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derk 3 years ago

I’m willing to pay for a cake if anybody has one sitting around. This applies to people reading this in the distant future.

mrmopar 3 years ago

Wish I still had mine.

derk 3 years ago

I wish you did, too – for your enjoyment of course ;) Hope you’re doing well, friend!

mrmopar 3 years ago

Good and hope you are as well.

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This place, like the rest of the internet, is dead and overrun with bots. Yet I persist.

Eventual tea farmer. If you are a tea grower, want to grow your own plants or are simply curious, please follow me so we can chat.

I most enjoy loose-leaf, unflavored teas and tisanes. Teabags have their place. Some of my favorite teas have a profound effect on mind and body rather than having a specific flavor profile.

Favorite teas generally come from China (all provinces), Taiwan, India (Nilgiri and Manipur). Frequently enjoyed though less sipped are teas from Georgia, Japan, and Nepal. While I’m not actively on the hunt, a goal of mine is to try tea from every country that makes it available to the North American market. This is to gain a vague understanding of how Camellia sinensis performs in different climates. I realize that borders are arbitrary and some countries are huge with many climates and tea-growing regions.

I’m convinced European countries make the best herbal teas.

Personal Rating Scale:

100-90: A tea I can lose myself into. Something about it makes me slow down and appreciate not only the tea but all of life or a moment in time. If it’s a bagged or herbal tea, it’s of standout quality in comparison to similar items.

89-80: Fits my profile well enough to buy again.

79-70: Not a preferred tea. I might buy more or try a different harvest. Would gladly have a cup if offered.

69-60: Not necessarily a bad tea but one that I won’t buy again. Would have a cup if offered.

59-1: Lacking several elements, strangely clunky, possesses off flavor/aroma/texture or something about it makes me not want to finish.

Unrated: Haven’t made up my mind or some other reason. If it’s puerh, I likely think it needs more age.

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Sonoma County, California, USA

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