A very structured tea! June 2020 harvest.
There’s a lot of fruitiness between apricot-orange and savory osmanthus as the main show. Infused in that fruitiness is the classic summer, bug-bitten crystallized and honeyed muscatel flavor with a soft, sweet cinnamon-allspice overtone and a strong eucalyptus-lemongrass-mineral undertone. While there is a gardenia florality that diffuses over the main attraction, the bottom, low-toned notes hold a lot influence. Autumn leaf, sap, wood and malt give a stable, prominent base to the fruit, flowers, cinnamon-honey-muscatel, eucalyptus and lemongrass. Sometimes, in those bottom notes, I get some umami.
This tea has strength in many facets. The aroma is beautiful, a little pushy, as I’d expect it to be, with honey, vanilla, osmanthus and wood. With each exhalation, the fragrance returns. Like the aroma, it is also forceful. With each breath, I feel like I’m taking another sip from the cup and my body simultaneously cools and warms. The texture ranges from juicy to creamy to tingly to tannic. The tea responds best to longer infusions and has great longevity. It seems to transition smoothly out of its initial ba-BOOM character and ends on woody and lemongrass notes.
One other thing is the way this tea makes me feel – it’s summer late afternoon in a cup.
Flavors: Allspice, Apricot, Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Citrusy, Creamy, Drying, Eucalyptus, Floral, Fruit Tree Flowers, Fruity, Gardenias, Hay, Honey, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Malt, Mineral, Muscatel, Orange, Osmanthus, Peach, Sap, Savory, Smooth, Straw, Sweet, Tangy, Tannin, Umami, Vanilla, Wood
Everything about this tea sounds beautiful!