Thank you for the Sample Paru Tea Bar!

I honestly wanted to try this one and the Yuzu Chai, but held off to spend my money on the other blends that are still pricey. This one surprised because:
1. I was not bored by this coconut chai blend and
2. it’s a rooibos blend that recommends to steep it ONLY FOR ONE MINUTE.

That is rare for a non gongfu, and usually, rooibos are steeped between 3-5 minutes, with 5 minutes being the more common recommendation.

What I got was a spicy chai that balanced its spices nicely. Pepper was the most prominent spice, followed by the cardamom as it cooled down. The coconut smoothened out the profile, but somehow, the rooibos pepper and clove combo struck my palette as woodsy and citrusy. Like really heavy citrus wood orange glow in hints. Weird. I rebrewed it again, 2 min, then 3, and it was still good. I got more coconut in the later steeps.

I was surprised how much I liked this tea straight. I think it would be better with raw sugar and condensed milk or coconut milk, but minimal sugar because this is not a heavy tea. The only heavy thing is the spice and cardamom, but I like heavy cardamom anyway. Definitely recommend this one is not a typical coconut chai.

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Citrus, Citrus Zest, Clove, Coconut, Creamy, Dark Wood, Pepper, Rooibos, Spicy

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First Off, Current Targets:

Whispering Pines Alice
Good Luxurious Work Teas
Wang Family’s Jasmine Shanlinxi
Spring, Winter Taiwan High Mountain Oolongs

Dislikes: Heavy Tannin, Astringency, Bitterness, or Fake Flavor, Overly herby herbal or aged teas

Picky with: Higher Oxidation Oolongs, Red Oolongs (Some I love, others give me headaches or are almost too sweet), Mint Teas

Currently, my stash is overflowing. Among my favorites are What-Cha’s Lishan Black, Amber Gaba Oolong, Lishan Oolong, Qilan Oolong, White Rhino, Kenya Silver Needle, Tong Mu Lapsang Black (Unsmoked); Whispering Pines Alice, Taiwanese Assam, Wang’s Shanlinxi, Cuifeng, Dayuling, Jasmine Shan Lin Xi; Beautiful Taiwan Tea Co.“Old Style” Dong Ding, Mandala Milk Oolong; Paru’s Milk Oolong


I am an MSU graduate, and current alternative ed. high school social studies and history teacher. I formerly minored in anthropology, and I love Egyptian and classical history. I love to read, write, draw, paint, sculpt, fence(with a sword), practice calisthenics on rings, lift weights, workout, relax, and drink a cuppa tea…or twenty.

I’ve been drinking green and black teas ever since I was little living in Hawaii. Eastern Asian influence was prominent with my friends and where I grew up, so I’ve been exposed to some tea culture at a young age. I’ve come a long way since I began on steepster and now drink most teas gong fu, especially oolong. Any tea that is naturally creamy, fruity, or sweet without a lot of added flavoring ranks as a must have for me. I also love black teas and dark oolongs with the elusive “cocoa” note. My favorites are lighter Earl Greys, some white teas like What-Cha’s Kenyan offerings, most Hong-Cha’s, darker Darjeelings, almost anything from Nepal, Green Shan Lin Xi’s, and Greener Dong Dings. I’m in the process of trying Alishan’s. I also tend to really enjoy Yunnan Black or Red teas and white teas. I’m pickier with other teas like chamomile, green teas, and Masalas among several.

I used to give ratings, but now I only rate teas that have a strong impression on me. If I really like it, I’ll write it down.

I’ll enjoy a tea almost no matter what, even if the purpose is more medicinal, for it is my truest vice and addiction.


Michigan, USA

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