Summer of 2018 Harvest
Quick log: I’ve been deeply satisfied with this tea, and again, I am so glad I pre-ordered it. The notes are all top notch, especially the immense blackberry ones I get in the tea. The minerals are also thickly sprinkled in like caramelized sugar crystals. I also get a little bit of a spicy sage or blackberry leaf note in the accents amidst its malty fruitiness, though the tea does have a savory quality bordering on a refined desert. Brenden’s description of funnel cake and pastries is also apt, especially the fig descriptor. My mom was close to stealing my cup of this one because it was so sweet and satisfying.
Easteaguy’s notes does this one the most justice, so I’ll leave this note here as a quick experience and recommendation. It is a little pricey, but it’s not too far off from similar teas I’ve had that were more expensive, very few of which were cheaper. I’ve only had this tea western so far and can vouch its durability for five cups straight. I’ve yet to do it gong fu. I’ll write a more detailed note in the future. Other teas await, after all.
Flavors: Blackberry, Brown Sugar, Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Malt, Pastries, Pleasantly Sour, Sage, Sweet, Toast